NYC ballers Sept Laguardia community College, Come Ball with Niketalks finest, Date soon to be postd

I'll prolly play during the day tomorrow, def not going all the way out to queens but I'll prolly either be in Battery Park or Canal street on the westside highway if anyone is down to ball. Hope it doesn't rain till later in the day
where yall ballin @ todaY.......

I feel like playin some different comp, might take a lil trip to ball long as its not too far....

Def not ELMONT........LMAO...
^^ Cant even run right now & thinkin about playing...

You wild, just rest up for next week.....Go shoot around or something .LOL!!!
Ran for a bit today, chest is still killin' me.

I'm def gonna try for this Sat, rib is all **$$%% up.
Ayo what brand of short was Henz wearing ? Them orange short is
. Butwhy does it look like size xxxl
That's exactly what happened MJ, I have a fractured rib since last Sunday.

Imma try to gut it out though, you know how I do.
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