Obama Couldn't Even Qualify for A Secret Service Agent Position...

Aug 4, 2006
How the hell is this man gonna be the leader of our nation when he wouldn't even get accepted into any abbreviated department in the government (FBI, CIA,

He has openly admitted to smoking marijuana, a notion that would immediately disqualify ANYONE from a position with the government. It is even down to the
point that a person cannot become a city police officer if openly admitting to drug use, at least in my city (Coral Springs, FL). Yea it might be the cool
thing to do, and yea he might be a great speaker/ have great morals (which he obviously doesn't, but with the NT crowd I'm preaching to, who

seemingly all the time, ya'll can tell me im wrong... )/ have a great stance on many an issue, but hen it comes down to it ladies and gentleman this man
committed a crime. My father worked for the FBI and US Customs for 27 years, so I am familiar with what one has to go through in order to become a member of
our country's governmental staff.

Thats just the first part. He is a known associate of a domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. Now in America, that would get some normal citizen into Gitmo. But
nooooo, not our "Chosen One". He can be a pot smokin, terrorist (former or not, he's still a terrorist) lovin person, and LEAD THIS DAMN
NATION!?!?!? Cmon now, we need to stop heralding this guy as a godsend and bring it down to a more personal level. Call me ignorant, call me stupid, tell me to
gtfooh, but when its all said and done how the heck are we gonna elect this guy to hold the highest position in America when he cannot even qualify to work
under himself. Just a little food for thought.
Maybe we will finally have a President with a sensible drug policy.

I'm not understanding the point of this thread....you think he's the first Presidential nominee to use drugs....or are you knocking him for beinghonest?

Just start preparing yourself to have a black President and get over your fears and bitterness.

as if no president previously tried drugs.

Bush openly admits to using cocaine....


you salty dudes are trying WAAAAAAAY too hard....



president from our generation probably is smokin some medical @+%* or playin with some white as we speak...
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Didnt Clinton smoke weed too? Wait he didnt inhale though right???

if I had been aware of politics and LAWS at that time, I would argue that he shouldn't be allowed to be in office either.
I'd rather have a Pres that did drugs at one point and change then a war happy one with a mega ego.
Originally Posted by JBug88

and Bush was a coke head....


and did I say anything about bush....dude shouldnt be president either. Personally I cannot stand either candidate, or their VP's...but to allow this dudein to the highest office is ridiculous....i mean is there even a backround check for the damn presidency?
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