Obama outraged at former pastors comments...

I'm been waiting for this thread. I'll wait for some more intelligent comments to be made before I chime in.

I'll just say this.

I'm deeply sad end by the Reverend and his propaganda. Where was he before the election? He was just a pastor in Chicago and his only national recognitionwas on a national political level. He wasn't known to the masses as he is now.

In saying that he is selfishly using these time to capatailze on his own agenda and push his own views to the surface regardless in how it may affect Obama. Heknows that once this election is said and done the coverage on him will stop and that he has to use this time to voice himself.

I agree with SOME of what he says however not the context.

I commend Obama for distancing himself and PLAYING THE GAME. Nobody will know his true beliefs (Obama) execpt him and his God we can speculate all we want, butonly he KNOWS that.

I'll be back later depending on how this thread plays out.
How is Obama a fraud? Unlike any other politician he didn't just disown Wright at first notice. He gave this man the benefit of the doubt and didn'tsuccumb to the media's character blitz against he and his former pastor. He even gave a great speech in the process, trying to get America to rise abovethe divisive fray. Then what does the retired pastor do? He plunges himself into the jaws of the media, makes a fool of himself, and with no consideration forthe man who defended him he delivers him a direct blow.

Now whether you see truth in what Wright says or not is a different story. But to come out and say not only extreme, but unfounded things such as the govtcreated HIV to cull the African-American population and to equate our govt with terrorists while your former Church's member is in the middle of apolitical battle is extremely arrogant and frankly stupid. It's clear Wright was high off himself. I hoped he would intelligently defend himself and showthe world that he wasn't the monster the media machine made him out to be. Unfortunately he only embarrassed himself further.

Obama should have disowned this guy months ago although I respected the fact that he didn't. But Wright left Obama no choice. Staying affiliated with thisguy is like being a politician who is friends with one of those 9/11 conspiracy theorists or seeking the endorsement of a guy who says that NO deserved to gethit by Katrina.

For someone who preaches uplifting African-Americans he sure is doing a good job of trying to tear one down.

Hopefully this guy doesn't keep this back and forth going and learns to stay quiet.
Originally Posted by TrueBlack88

Originally Posted by blco02

That's my point chief. Obama is actually trying to distance himself from the comments, but lots of people here on NT have been defending and agreeing with the statements. So that creates problems for their support of Obama, right?

No it doesn't. Obama is a politician and he has to distance himself for the sake of his nomination and avoiding more critical attention. If you can't see that, you better wake up and read "Politics: 101". Second, most people 'defending ' Wright were only saying that his comments weren't 'racist' or as "anti-American' as the media and Obama's political opponents have been claiming. If a person had actually seen the comments in the context of their entirety, they would realize this. But, for most simple people, its easier to be brain-washed and accept what is thrown at them as opposed to having to actually use their brain and formulate an independent, intelligent opinion. And before anyone ask "Well what was the context then?", you need to go and do your own research, because if you haven't, you don't have the necessary knowledge on the topic to speak...

Correct! It's ridiculous to state that agreeing with Wright's statements creates a dilemma as far as supporting Obama. Obama may or may not agreewith Wright but please believe no other candidate agrees with Wright or will pursue that kind of agenda. So peoplethat agree with Wright's perspective should vote for no one since none of the candidates agree with him? That's silly fam.

Wright is an idiot for doing what he's doing because he has to know that Obama can't publicly support these positions at this point whether or nothe agrees with them. But by bringing up these issues now as opposed to once (if) Obama gets the presidency, he is shooting himself and his cause in the footbecause Obama can't speak on them now but he could if he was already elected. Also, it's not like Clinton or McCain are going to hear Wright'scomments and say, "Yeah, those are some good points... I agree with that and I'm going to tackle those issues." He should have waited til Obamagot elected and then brought this stuff up but the way he went about it is a catastrophe.
Originally Posted by NYVictory45

How is Obama a fraud? Unlike any other politician he didn't just disown Wright at first notice. He gave this man the benefit of the doubt and didn't succumb to the media's character blitz against he and his former pastor. He even gave a great speech in the process, trying to get America to rise above the divisive fray. Then what does the retired pastor do? He plunges himself into the jaws of the media, makes a fool of himself, and with no consideration for the man who defended him he delivers him a direct blow.

Now whether you see truth in what Wright says or not is a different story. But to come out and say not only extreme, but unfounded things such as the govt created HIV to cull the African-American population and to equate our govt with terrorists while your former Church's member is in the middle of a political battle is extremely arrogant and frankly stupid. It's clear Wright was high off himself. I hoped he would intelligently defend himself and show the world that he wasn't the monster the media machine made him out to be. Unfortunately he only embarrassed himself further.

Obama should have disowned this guy months ago although I respected the fact that he didn't. But Wright left Obama no choice. Staying affiliated with this guy is like being a politician who is friends with one of those 9/11 conspiracy theorists or seeking the endorsement of a guy who says that NO deserved to get hit by Katrina.

For someone who preaches uplifting African-Americans he sure is doing a good job of trying to tear one down.

Hopefully this guy doesn't keep this back and forth going and learns to stay quiet.
real talk.................
For someone who preaches uplifting African-Americans he sure is doing a good job of trying to tear one down.

please explain how he is tearing down barack odrama?
They are REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY twistin' Wright's words---that's all I'mma say.

As for Obama disownin' him, I am not surprised. Don't take this the wrong way but people are makin' him to be "too black" than he reallyis. He never came out on the Jesse "Free the People" type steeze, so I don't get why people are makin' such a big fuss about him distancinghimself from Wright. He is a politician and he wants to win. He has to meet other standards that the other candidates don't (you lyin' if you don'tthink so). People who want Obama to win (and are intelligent human beings) know that what ANOTHER man is saying who is not DIRECTLY tied to Obama isn'tgoing to change how they feel about Obama. I mean dam, it's not like its Obama's wife or something. It's his EX pastor.
I love how gas is over 4$ a gallon, Iraq casualties have reached over 4,000, the $ and economy are at the lowest point they've been in a while (ever?),more and more jobs are being lost to outsourcing so much so even McDonald's is doing it, the polar ice caps are melting, all our goods are made abroad,health care is unaffordable, 75% of homeless people are ex war veterans, the real estate market is down, etc. etc. and the overwhelming majority of electioncoverage and focus is spend on scandalizing not even one of the candidates, but an associate of one of the candidates.

Even the last debate, very little focus was on policy and what they plan to do when in office.

Furthermore, google Rod Parsley and Pastor Hagee, and then answer to me why the media isn't following them around 24/7 and sensationalizing their quotes.Pastor Hagee said the Government is trying to kill African Americans through planned parenthood and has aborted 25% of them since 73.

I think the whole thing is stupid, the whole he associates with him so he must share his views, but if that's the standard we're going by, let'ssee it applied equally.

And don't even get me started on Sean Hannity and his pastor.
I think a lot of the following of Rev. Wright has to do with everyone throwing out misconceptions about Obama's religious affiliation. And for people thatdon't realize this is being used as campaign strategy to weaken Obama's chances of getting elected. Every election there is something that is broughtin to help a candidate. In the last presidential election Bush was a very un-elecatable candidate. So the main topic in many swing states was the vote onhomosexual marriage, to draw in the right wing conservatives. How will Wirght's comments affect the outcome is still not certain imo. However, I do believethat Wright should pick another avenue to relay his message as a man of god.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I love how gas is over 4$ a gallon, Iraq casualties have reached over 4,000, the $ and economy are at the lowest point they've been in a while (ever?), more and more jobs are being lost to outsourcing so much so even McDonald's is doing it, the polar ice caps are melting, all our goods are made abroad, health care is unaffordable, 75% of homeless people are ex war veterans, the real estate market is down, etc. etc. and the overwhelming majority of election coverage and focus is spend on scandalizing not even one of the candidates, but an associate of one of the candidates.

Even the last debate, very little focus was on policy and what they plan to do when in office.

Furthermore, google Rod Parsley and Pastor Hagee, and then answer to me why the media isn't following them around 24/7 and sensationalizing their quotes. Pastor Hagee said the Government is trying to kill African Americans through planned parenthood and has aborted 25% of them since 73.

I think the whole thing is stupid, the whole he associates with him so he must share his views, but if that's the standard we're going by, let's see it applied equally.

And don't even get me started on Sean Hannity and his pastor.

Ok let's see, Hillary and Obama are very similar in regards to their stances on many issues. You've got to find a way to make them look different,so stuff like character comes into play. I'd say its probably a good thing the debates did not focus on what the candidates would do when elected, becauseI doubt Obama has any idea. Maybe he would say "we'll bring change" or some other worthless rhetoric.

Parsley and Hagee are not McCain's pastors. McCain did not sit in their churches for 20 years listening to them preach.

Hannity is not a candidate for President.

Barack Obama is nothing more than a hype machine at this point. Backing Obama is either "the cool thing to do" or "the right thing to dobecause we can make history". Our country deserves better, and can do much better than electing a candidate who stands for nothing and can be summed up inthree words "change. hope. repeat".

Obama's a great public speaker and that's about it.
Ok let's see, Hillary and Obama are very similar in regards to their stances on many issues. You've got to find a way to make them look different, sostuff like character comes into play. I'd say its probably a good thing the debates did not focus on what the candidates would do when elected, because Idoubt Obama has any idea. Maybe he would say "we'll bring change" or some other worthless rhetoric.

Parsley and Hagee are not McCain's pastors. McCain did not sit in their churches for 20 years listening to them preach.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hagee#John_McCain_2008_presidential_endorsementHe's a heavy endorser to his campaign and has appeared at a few of his rallies. McCain even ran into the similar situation as Obama where he said he shoulddistance himself from dude and his viewpoints, but that tree fell in a forest where nobody was around to hear it, or chose not to hear it anyways. McCainhimself refers to Parsley as his "spiritual mentor" or guide. It is all silly and irrelevant in my eyes, but a little consistency here.
Hannity is not a candidate for President.

Nor is Jeremiah Wright, yet he has gotten more television time than McCain and even right now as I flip through the news stations, is the leadoff story oneach. He's probably the or one of the biggest campaign factors. It's not, no I disagree with this policy and don't think that will be in my, ourthe country's, best interest. It's about Jeremiah Wright.
Barack Obama is nothing more than a hype machine at this point. Backing Obama is either "the cool thing to do" or "the right thing to do because we can make history". Our country deserves better, and can do much better than electing a candidate who stands for nothing and can be summed up in three words "change. hope. repeat".

What does McCain stand for? Dude came flat out and said he doesn't know anything about the economy. We deserve better than a President who wants to go towar with everybody, and start building bases in Iraq, and is talking about the possibility of staying for 100yrs. At this point, it's the lesser of 3evils. And FWIW, a vote for McCain would be making history too because at 71, he'd be the oldest president.

Obama was able to stick to his guns about being a different kind of candidate and not a ruthless do/say everything to get elected type, until this whole Wrightthing and now he's proving he's the same as all the other ones have ever been, in his recent comments trying to totally throw dude under the bus tosave some measure of electability. Some say they respect that even though Hillary is a total vindictive, calculated, #%%%+ who hasn't made one move thatwasn't preplanned, at least she owns up to it, the fact she'll do whatever it takes to get the nomination. Some even raised the possibility of if thatwhole Chelsea Clinton being pimped out thing was planned. Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if they are paying Wright to go on his latest media rounds to clearhis image and in the process, further bring down Obama's chances because "mainstream America," seems to be easy manipulatable.

I just think the country is dumb as hell and gullible at this point and whatever we end up with, people have no right to complain because they're the onesthat let periphery issues like race, religion, people who you associate with, gender, media spin and fear/hate mongering, and everything else coerce you intomaking decisions.
Come on now, Obama sat in that church for 20+ years listening to Wright's words, Wright married the Obamas, and he also baptized his children. Sure,Hagee's comments might be bad, but you're ignoring reality or really stretching things by attempting to make McCain's relationship to Hagee asclose and as lengthy as Obama's relationship to Wright.

Wright is the close and controversial pastor to a candidate running for President. Hannity's pastor has nothing to do with any of the three candidatesrunning for President, hence the reason I mentioned that.

I'm not a McCain supporter so it's not my place to talk about what he would do for this country. As a Democrat, I plan on voting for the Democraticnominee, well, except for Obama. If Obama is the nominee and he choses a decent VP, as in Sam Nunn or someone of that caliber, then I'll vote for Nunn. IfObama chooses an out of touch liberal similiar to himself, well, I'll make a decision when that time comes.
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