Obama sending troops to africa to serve at miltary advisors, 100 of them. Vol. Cliffs4lazy

Jan 26, 2009
i personally believe its a good thing. 

how about you guys?


The Obama administration announced plans on Friday to send about 100 U.S. combat forces to Uganda to act as military advisers to Ugandan and African Union forces fighting the Lords' Resistance Army (LRA).

He explained that the rest of the roughly 100 military advisers would be deployed over the next month to Uganda--as well as to the neighboring countries of South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Central African Republic.

He also said that while U.S. troops would be authorized to use force for self defense they are not operating under an explicit combat mission.

Obama wrote, adding that their role will be to "provide information, advice, and assistance" to troops from partner nations in the region.

The Lords' Resistance Army has been accused of killings and committing widespread atrocities against civilians, and the abduction of an estimated 3,000 children, in its two decades of warfare against the Ugandan government.
It's a great idea because Joseph Kony, the guy they're trying to get (& his army- The LRA) has killed thousands of people. He's also kidnapped young children as young as 5 years old & forced them to join his army. The problem is logistically, it's a nightmare. Kony has been at it since the mid 80s & no one has been able to get him. Also the US has no money for the "war on terrorism" let alone trying to chase Kony. I don't think people understand how bad the money situation for the US government is.
 Hmmmm Covert missions with Green Beret forces and the WH are calling them "advisers".  

In June, the Pentagon moved to send nearly $45 million in military equipment to Uganda and Burundi. The aid included four small drones, body armor and night-vision and communications gear and is being used in the fight against al-Shabab, an al-Qaida-linked group that U.S. officials see as an increasing threat and that African peacekeeping troops in Somalia have been battling to suppress.
I'm behind this move. I was also behind it when we sent "military advisors" to Vietnam.
Too bad we have to worry about our troops in the middle east because this seams like a worthy cause. Those rebels over there are ridiculous
Africa has always cried for help. iraq didn't, let alone afghanistan. The US and other super powers are ALWAYS hesitant to send troops, let alone aid, and usually turn a blind eye to atrocities in africa. But if a resource rich country "doesn't follow our political system" (read: doesn't meet our economic interests) we are quick to use the military and bully them around
its disgusting.

then you have the ignorant people who challenge sending help to africa with lines like "not our war" or "can't afford to waste money on sending troops there". it is countries like us that made africa the way it is today (poor, robbed, corrupt), yet when the innocent cry for help, we hit them with the kanye shrug and keep it moving.

Unlike Iraq, sending troops to Africa is reasonable. There are too many legitimate atrocities occurring on that continent to give the cold shoulder. And stop with this bs about Obama being a war mongerer. He hasn't done anything wrong like the past administration. Sure he hasn't pulled out of the Middle East right away but you can't do that kinda thing overnight and we'll be out of there in due time. Too much time is being sent aiding and strengthening the local governments to bring troops home to a country where jobs are nonexistent.
We are going to "liberate" them, place a puppet in the head seat, and then kill the puppet off just like we've been doing %!%% isn't going to change.

Next we will be going to war with Uganda just like Afghanistan, Pakistan,Cuba, Etc.
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