Obama vol Skinny, Ghetto Crackhead smh

Feb 10, 2011
How do you guys feel about this. I mean it's nothing new, and it's not the worst people have said about him. Even with the first amendment right to do so, is this necessary?? Thoughts..
Once I noticed Fox News on the bottom left, I understood. Cant believe this station gets away with this repeatedly
Fox good for slipping in the slander like spiking the punch
Sicko's hating a man over skin got me losing my lunch

im surprised no1 has gone on air on fox news and called him the n word..they've done everything up to that word so blatantly. i wish for them to be destroyed
thank god for stewart/colbert.
@Get1302 Quote him correctly. He said "Which, by the way, you might want to say that Barack Obama does does." It's a hypothetical used to make a point. He was referring to the absurdity of saying "Person X looks like a bad guy" based on prejudice stereotypes. He chose a common stereotype of crack addicts (skinny black people) because the stereotype does broadly fit Obama's physique. He does not imply that the prejudice is fair. Rather, he referenced it as a counter example to Chris Matthews,
JesusChristsDick 1 hour ago

Rather quote the above, since clearly none of you understood the point that was being made.  
Originally Posted by H8MENOW

@Get1302 Quote him correctly. He said "Which, by the way, you might want to say that Barack Obama does does." It's a hypothetical used to make a point. He was referring to the absurdity of saying "Person X looks like a bad guy" based on prejudice stereotypes. He chose a common stereotype of crack addicts (skinny black people) because the stereotype does broadly fit Obama's physique. He does not imply that the prejudice is fair. Rather, he referenced it as a counter example to Chris Matthews,
JesusChristsDick 1 hour ago

Rather quote the above, since clearly none of you understood the point that was being made.  


Yea stoneface, because you're too stupid to correctly comprehend a video.  Let's take a quote out of context and play the race card instead. 
Originally Posted by H8MENOW

Yea stoneface, because you're too stupid to correctly comprehend a video.  Let's take a quote out of context and play the race card instead. 

Saying the president, who IS black, is a skinny, GHETTO crackhead is racist in my book.. 
It's not like he's friends with him and joking around if that's what you're getting at 
Are you stupid?  What part of
He was referring to the absurdity of saying "Person X looks like a bad guy" based on prejudice stereotypes

don't you understand?  Go watch the video 100 more times until you understand the point he was making if you don't.
Originally Posted by H8MENOW

Are you stupid?  What part of
He was referring to the absurdity of saying "Person X looks like a bad guy" based on prejudice stereotypes

don't you understand?  Go watch the video 100 more times until you understand the point he was making if you don't.

Car bomber > Skinny, GHETTO CRACKHEAD..
I get the fact that somebody said something about Newt Gingrich (Not person X), but I wouldn't call it "prejudice," that actually sounded like a funny JOKE, and of course I'm bias against fox news, but c'mon, that's a blatant racist comment.

But this is what I was looking for I guess, I was seeing how different people felt about it, now I know where you stand, cool.

ps. you've called 2 people in this thread stupid, it's not that serious 
Originally Posted by H8MENOW

@Get1302 Quote him correctly. He said "Which, by the way, you might want to say that Barack Obama does does." It's a hypothetical used to make a point. He was referring to the absurdity of saying "Person X looks like a bad guy" based on prejudice stereotypes. He chose a common stereotype of crack addicts (skinny black people) because the stereotype does broadly fit Obama's physique. He does not imply that the prejudice is fair. Rather, he referenced it as a counter example to Chris Matthews,
JesusChristsDick 1 hour ago

Rather quote the above, since clearly none of you understood the point that was being made.  

This dude is right. The guy didn't say Obama was a skinny ghetto crackhead. He was being hypothetical saying that if someone DID call him that, then there would be a problem. Dudes are just watching the video waiting to hear "skinny ghetto crackhead" and not listening to what the guy is actually saying.
Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

Originally Posted by H8MENOW

Rather quote the above, since clearly none of you understood the point that was being made.  
This dude is right. The guy didn't say Obama was a skinny ghetto crackhead. He was being hypothetical saying that if someone DID call him that, then there would be a problem. Dudes are just watching the video waiting to hear "skinny ghetto crackhead" and not listening to what the guy is actually saying.

Son, you all want to shoot people down for saying we're not listening, how about you listen..
He clearly says, 

"How long do you think Sean Hannedy(sp?) show would last if he said four times in 1 sentence that the president of the United States looked like a SKINNY, GHETTO, CRACKHEAD, (now pay attention), Which you might want to say Barrack Obama does."

I paraphrased a little but you can listen, that's what he says. 

Anyway, whether it was hypothetical or not, how can "ghetto crackhead" be thought of any other way than racist given their history..

but as I said before, I wanted to know how different people felt about it, and this confirmed everything for me, thanks.
He was making a example on the type of stupid things that man has said to get ratings. The man said it was insulting and how people would react to you. You taking it out of context.
Yeah, everyone on Fox would be fired if they called Obama a skinny, ghetto crackhead... Or just imagine if Obama and his wife made something as banal as a fist bump, and some idiot on Fox analyzed it and decided to call it a "terrorist fist jab". Imagine the consequences. Luckily, nothing like this could take place.
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