Obvious grey market space jams is obvious?

Don't we sorta already have a Grey Market discussion thread on the JB forum?
Anyone have pics of the blue tinted soles?

Does the grey market have a clear sole version just like the one released in '09?
:lol: NOO

they still yellow just not as quickly or deep as the yellow on ice clear soles

Tint blue soles turn green.
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Can anyone message me a site where i can get a GM pair with the legit carbon fiber. The ones i seen the carbon fiber is off. And for $200 or less.
I personally bought myself a GM pair of Jams for the sole reason I dont wanna Un DS my footlocker pair. The shoes are obviously made from the exact same materials but without authorization from Nike. I actually like the blue tint on the Space Jams, I dont think people should sell them for outrageous prices though, thats wrong.
I personally bought myself a GM pair of Jams for the sole reason I dont wanna Un DS my footlocker pair. The shoes are obviously made from the exact same materials but without authorization from Nike. I actually like the blue tint on the Space Jams, I dont think people should sell them for outrageous prices though, thats wrong.
Please stop commenting on old threads. You cause other ppl to start chiming in thinking it's a new thread yet it's recycled old material that doesn't need to be brought back up. Plus everyone from the thread months ago are getting notifications on their account over an old thread...
Please stop commenting on old threads. You cause other ppl to start chiming in thinking it's a new thread yet it's recycled old material that doesn't need to be brought back up. Plus everyone from the thread months ago are getting notifications on their account over an old thread...

Word. And I personally have a 2nd pair of authentic SJ's from FTL that I use to keep my other authentic SJ's DS for a while. But that's just me. And plenty of replicas out there use the same materials as the authentics and all replicas are unauthorized if you wanna go there. Because there should be no one other than Nike that is authorized to make and sell counterfeit shoes whether they're obvious fakes or spot on GM's. And I personally don't like the blue tint on the fake SJ's because that wouldn't make them SJ's in the first place and would make them 100% fake. That's just me though.. And probably most of the genuine sneaker heads.
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