OFFICIAL 2011 DODGERS SEASON THREAD [ 79-77 ] : MLB asks for sale of Dodgers

that's cuz he knows there's only 5 days left til September
Damn I found it weird that he didn't PH when we had the bases loaded. It sucks but he can leave if he wants I'll keep Kemp and Kershaw instead.
Nothin bro, I'm kinda over it already haha
Ethier , I don't get his reasoning for these moments. He wants out. Sit his %!% and make him get surgery NOW

Call ups in a few days and see how that goes.
Honestly I'm surprised we haven't had more from the players about management.

I still read that article with Dave Stewart's quotes about Ned sometimes for the lulz
Ah Andre.  Let him go play with his buddy Pedroia 

They actually had a closed meeting after that L.A. times story?  Why couldn't they address the issue beforehand?

Who's the "head huncho" calling he shots in upper management these days?  He's doing a terrible job. 
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Sorry Dre but Kemp is my priority

Give dude $160 Mil already, and lock him up for 7 yrs.  (Deferred)  

No but seriously, if the core of Kemp, Kershaw, Ethier and co. can't stay because of money issues, what else would we have to look forward to? 
Honestly I'm surprised we haven't had more from the players about management.
In all honesty, even if they say the truth, they will get vilified by the fans.

Colletti is a terrible GM, and there is some frustration on Ethier's part the lid just finally blew open.

It's a *@%%#! up situation, but players got to play the PR card because even though it's a terrible place to be they have to suck it up.

Sorry Dre but Kemp is my priority
, One man offense, k bro!

I'm surprised at that too, but I think there;s a certain way to go about it, Ethier went after the staff
You never talked !#%+ about your bosses.  Management sucks right now, top to bottom, bad place to be.
Ethier , I don't get his reasoning for these moments. He wants out. Sit his %!% and make him get surgery NOW
Aren't you mad as a fan with what is going on?  With the product that is being put on the field?  Why can't they be upset, most of these athletes are competitors, and upper management is not doing a good job of putting a good product on the field.
It sucks but he can leave if he wants I'll keep Kemp and Kershaw instead.
Let the championship drought continue.  What happens when Kemp and Kershaw voice their displeasure if this !#%+ continues?  Ship Kemp out to the Yankees and Kershaw to the highest bidder? 

Everyone wanted Kemp gone last year,

Ah Andre.  Let him go play with his buddy Pedroia
I'm just looking at it under the circumstances were in right now, obviously not in a "best case" scenario

My bosses aren't his staff. What does a trainer or manager have to do with a broke owner, much less an inept GM?

As a fan I'm pissed, but what can I do ? As someone under contract what can he do ? He and I both be good choirboys and ride it out, except hell have a choice just over a year from now, while I'm stuck with em.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

My bosses aren't his staff. What does a trainer or manager have to do with a broke owner, much less an inept GM?

The head trainer works as close, if not closer, to the GM as he does with the Manager.

The only one I think got railroaded was Don Mattingly, and he defended himself immediately.  Especially when he mentioned the weight room conversation.
no point in arguing about a $+@+ team. ethier is just extra sensitive and likes to voice his opinion. if he wants to go, he should sack up and say so.
If you told me back in May or before the season or even ten days ago that Loney would have more HR's than Ethier........
it's becoming a reality

Let's get this Cy Young!
Originally Posted by MOE FAB UAFA

Anyone read the SI article about the Stow beating?

Not to be insensitive, but I'm sick and tired of hearing about Stow

It's the first thing every non-baseball fan brings up when the name "Dodgers" is mentioned. You wouldn't believe how many times I've heard it
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