I read an article on FaceBook on how Mike Miller purposely trolled Heat fans with a picture of him shooting three's in his house with a LeBron Cavs jersey in the background before Bron made his decision. I guess he was implying that he new LeBron was leaving Miami to go back to Cleveland.

Also he said he and LeBron activity recruited James Jones and how he's keeping in touch with Ray Allen to get him up in Cleveland. He even said on ESPN radio that "We're moving Miami to northeast Ohio"... :wow:

I thought we and plenty of of not all Heat fans loved Mike and wished he could've remain a Heat player..?

Very odd of Mike to be A-hole to a fan base that loved him and was sad when we amnestied him. We even gave him a standing "O" when he got his ring this year.
The amnesty thing still has him in his feelings it the ESPn radio thing is the truth. We'll see how much he loves Ohio in the dead of winter :lol:
All of those guys had more of an allegiance to LeBron than they did to Miami. It's a shame and it sucks to hear them speak that way. Mike Miller was one of my favorite Heat players of all time too :smh:
That letter was all a hoax, I mean bron clearly states "it will take time and he has to be patient to win a championship" so you tell management you want to get love now? Bring the rest of the those ex heat players that used to be over there? He's thinking win now, clearly the opposite of what he said. Sounds more like he just didn't like the situation here and didn't like it that pat didn't let him have his way. **** that
All of those guys had more of an allegiance to LeBron than they did to Miami. It's a shame and it sucks to hear them speak that way. Mike Miller was one of my favorite Heat players of all time too
That letter was all a hoax, I mean bron clearly states "it will take time and he has to be patient to win a championship" so you tell management you want to get Kevin Love now? Bring the rest of the those ex heat players that used to be over there? He's thinking win now, clearly the opposite of what he said. Sounds more like he just didn't like the situation here and didn't like it that Pat didn't let him have his way. **** that

Yeah it's weird. LeBron was my guy for the years he was here but with that rehearsed letter and him knowing damn well he was going to leave Miami probably the day after the finals really made me look at him sideways. Basically the Cavs are copying the Heats formula and hoping what we did would work for them (doubt it's going to work, they don't have Wade and Bosh to complete the plan).

I think what worked from the '11-'12 and '12-'13 season was very hard and the league caught up to our game plan and the elite teams knew how to beat us. I actually really like our team (I'd like it more if we resign Beasley) and I think we'll surprise all the lame haters laughing at us because LeBron left.
Miami HEAT ‏@MiamiHEAT 1m
The #HEATSummerLeague team will wrap up the summer tomorrow night at 10pm vs the Cavs.

Yeah, I said I'd root for lebron wherever he went before all this went down. I just can't support him anymore after the way he handled this. I'd rather see KD win the chip.
Hopefully beas is still down, He didn't seem to mind being benched on lebrons miami, most likely cause we were championship bound, don't know if he can deal with this situation and with spo, if they do have legit problems.

I have got no complaints bout' this roster, lets worry about who is currently with this organization and not waste time on who is irrelevant now... let everybody talk
Yeah it's weird. LeBron was my guy for the years he was here but with that rehearsed letter and him knowing damn well he was going to leave Miami probably the day after the finals really made me look at him sideways. Basically the Cavs are copying the Heats formula and hoping what we did would work for them (doubt it's going to work, they don't have Wade and Bosh to complete the plan).

I think what worked from the '11-'12 and '12-'13 season was very hard and the league caught up to our game plan and the elite teams knew how to beat us. I actually really like our team (I'd like it more if we resign Beasley) and I think we'll surprise all the lame haters laughing at us because LeBron left.

The Cavs defense is going to be piss poor. LeBron might have thoroughly over thought this one while underestimating Bosh & Wade's value.
It seems the farther removed we are from LeBron's decision the less I like how he left. For instance, why did Sports Illustrated know about LeBron's decision before Miami. That's kinda questionable considering how much he "valued" the relationships he built in Miami.

Why make Pat and the organization fly all the way to Las Vegas only to lie about your intentions. As a matter of fact, why did Pat Riley have to basically go through hoops just to meet face to face. If you've made the decision to go to Cleveland be a man and let them know so they can move without you.

Then you get Mike Miller posting LeBron's jersey before the decision was made. Proof he was recruiting players before anyone on the Heat knew he was leaving.

I was always good with LeBron leaving and "going home", but when you're not honest about your intentions and are doing shady stuff to help yourself just has me :smh:

As a basketful fan I'll always be a fan of his game, but off the court his character leaves a lot to be desired. This decision seems more about his boys and power than about going back home. In Miami LeBron actually had people tell him "NO", he didn't get any special considerations, and his boys were small fish in a big pond. In Cleveland we already see LeBron has that whole organization in the palm of his hands.

This situation has the potential to be volatile considering there is no leadership in the Cleveland organization. You have a lame duck coach, lame duck GM, and a roster full of players with no playoff experience. Talent alone doesn't win championships, the heat losing in 2011 and 2014 prove that. It takes pain, experience, sacrifice, GUTS, and a little luck to win.

Let the games begin... LETS GO HEAT!! :smokin
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One of the most UNDERRATED signings this whole off-season is Danny Granger.

If he can get back to ANYWHERE near what he was before his patellar tendinosis issue, he can be a very very good player

He was the man in Indy before the injury. I'm hoping he wins MIP and becomes the STEAL of the off-season
h3at23 h3at23

I agree, the Heat were recruiting Granger hard last year for a reason. They finally got their man and in this environment he could flourish. It was quite obvious the Pacers gave up on him when Paul George emerged as their "go to" guy.

He has a lot to prove and we seem to do great with those type of players. He's motivated to succeed and appreciates the process of winning in the NBA.

The Heat actually have many players like that. Wade is in the same boat.

The whole world is doubting the Heat and we could end up shocking a lot of people if things work out for us. We'll just have to wait and see... I'm very excited about this upcoming season.
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It seems the farther removed we are from LeBron's decision the less I like how he left. For instance, why did Sports Illustrated know about LeBron's decision before Miami. That's kinda questionable considering how much he "valued" the relationships he built in Miami.

Why make Pat and the organization fly all the way to Las Vegas only to lie about your intentions. As a matter of fact, why did Pat Riley have to basically go through hoops just to meet face to face. If you've made the decision to go to Cleveland be a man and let them know so they can move without you.

Then you get Mike Miller posting LeBron's jersey before the decision was made. Proof he was recruiting players before anyone on the Heat knew he was leaving.

I was always good with LeBron leaving and "going home", but when you're not honest about your intentions and are doing shady stuff to help yourself just has me

As a basketful fan I'll always be a fan of his game, but off the court his character leaves a lot to be desired. This decision seems more about his boys and power than about going back home. In Miami LeBron actually had people tell him "NO", he didn't get any special considerations, and his boys were small fish in a big pond. In Cleveland we already see LeBron has that whole organization in the palm of his hands.

This situation has the potential to be volatile considering there is no leadership in the Cleveland organization. You have a lame duck coach, lame duck GM, and a roster full of players with no playoff experience. Talent alone doesn't win championships, the heat losing in 2011 and 2014 prove that. It takes pain, experience, sacrifice, GUTS, and a little luck to win.

Let the games begin... LETS GO HEAT!!
this is exactly what i was saying before. i honestly think lebron is dismantling the heat on purpose. hes KNOWN he wanted to be back in cleveland. he talked about struggling with a decision while being all smiles on vacation and in his basketball camp. that says to me he wasnt even thinking about the situation. i know when im hooping.... nothing else matters. when im on vacation with the family... nothing else matters. im supposed to believe between goals in the world cup he started thinking about cleveland vs miami? please. and like i said.... can you really say that if we won this year again he wouldve went back? cuz i cant say it, its not even believable to me.

so lebron imo knew he was leaving. but instead of telling us early on, he fed into the media circus. he waited and waited even letting wade opt out and lose money. he waited until dust in the FA had settled then said his intentions. but by that time, we were ALREADY out of the running for all the big name free agents. if lebron told us from the jump he wanted out, BELIEVE miami woulda went after melo, or maybe even love. but by the time hed told us it was way too late to jump into the fray. THEN to throw salt in our wound, he recruits ALL of our 3pt shooters? like come on what type of dude does that? You left our team to join the hometeam you love SO much, just so you can fill them with OUR players? foh. all that says to me is he doesnt even trust the members of cleveland right now so he has to bring in ex teammates to make them better.

Like i said...alot of people wanna be fake humble and "thankful for 4 years" but lebron just did us dirty. im glad he was here and it was amazing to watch. but he didnt do us any favors...and in the end, he screwed us
I think Lebron knew he was leaving for a long time and he played this charade to built his brand and dismantle the Heat from fielding a top notch contender

There was so many STRONG rumours that he was coming back to the Cavaliers
Man I can't wait to hear the real story behind this. It's very weird how Riley and Wade are acting. If you notice, they talk about being Miami Heat lifers, and "forever men". Riley in his exit interview said he basically has no relationship with LeBron. Texting, hi and bye in the hallways, that's it. He also said that he got hugs and kisses after the championships, but handshakes after the defeats from "some guys". Obviously he was talking about LeBron. Wade is over here posting the most instagram pics I've ever seen in the span of 5 days. Literally posted like 20 since LeBron left, as if he's a jilted girlfriend trying to prove that he's alright. Using the La Familia hashtag, instead of LOL using "haaaaaa" as if he's mocking LeBron. For guys that are "brothers" he sure seems salty that he left. That tells me that he was led on.

It's gonna be very interesting when we play them for the first time. Pay attention to the way LeBron is acting, cause when the game gets tight-- true emotions will show.
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Yup, I'll take a wade throwback.
I made a bet back in 2011 with one of my boys if we beat the bulls in the ECF he had to take a pic with a heat hat and my wade Jersey on and put it on Facebook as his default he was a well known heat hater. Well I gave him the Jersey to take the pic he went to the marines and I haven't seen him since Smh :lol: so now I have no wade Jersey
I made a bet back in 2011 with one of my boys if we beat the bulls in the ECF he had to take a pic with a heat hat and my wade Jersey on and put it on Facebook as his default he was a well known heat hater. Well I gave him the Jersey to take the pic he went to the marines and I haven't seen him since Smh :lol: so now I have no wade Jersey

One of the most UNDERRATED signings this whole off-season is Danny Granger.

If he can get back to ANYWHERE near what he was before his patellar tendinosis issue, he can be a very very good player

He was the man in Indy before the injury. I'm hoping he wins MIP and becomes the STEAL of the off-season
That's high hopes. Im grateful for 25 good defensive minutes per game from him this year.
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