I'm proud of y'all

Still riding hard without Lebron

Heres to y'all flourishing this upcoming season

I might even root for y'all again sometimes

Um ok.


So it looks like Beas won't be returning to the Heat (he really wants to come back to). More then likely he's going to be a Laker. Watch him flourish for them :smh:
We lost Jones and battier and virtually ray, if spo still couldn't dignify beas with time off the bench that would be a straight up troll, don't know if they have problems but it looks like we will see soon
I'm going back to Cleveland later next month......I'm wearing ALL my championship gear while I'm up their.

I'm gonna randomly yeah "THE CHAMP IS HERE"!!! LOL
Riles wants rio to back up wade? BAD IDEA. rio's 3 isnt even that consistent, and he surely is undersized. We need beas back. What the hell is wrong with spoelstra.
Riles wants rio to back up wade? BAD IDEA. rio's 3 isnt even that consistent, and he surely is undersized. We need beas back. What the hell is wrong with spoelstra.

Beasley isn't a shooting guard and at this point they clear value James Ennis more than him. And with Loul & Granger signed, Beasley would be at the bottom of the SF totem pole

Get that weak stuff out of here. That’s what two local newspapers told a Miami sports radio talker about his attempts to place derisive ads targeting hometown hero LeBron James. The Akron Beacon Journal on Wednesday rejected a proposed full-page color ad from the South Florida radio program hosted by Dan Le Batard. The ad was proposed to run in Sunday’s edition of the newspaper. The ad shows the two Miami Heat championship rings James won during his four seasons in South Beach and includes the words “You’re Welcome, LeBron.” The ad is signed “Sincerely, Miami Heat Fans.” Mark Cohen, publisher of the Beacon Journal, said the newspaper was first contacted Tuesday by a representative of The Dan Le Batard Show. After some consideration, the publisher declined to run the ad. “I just don’t think it was appropriate for our community,” Cohen said. “We’re proud that LeBron is back. This is his hometown, and that [ad] is not something we want to be a part of or want to take money for.” A similar ad was rejected this week by the Plain Dealer in Cleveland. Akron Beacon Journal

Got to love LeBatard :lol:
Beasley isn't a shooting guard and at this point they clear value James Ennis more than him. And with Loul & Granger signed, Beasley would be at the bottom of the SF totem pole
Got to love LeBatard
 chalmers isnt a SG either tho. i hate how we just dont use players. we shouldnt even be contemplating if we keep beasley. spo brought beasley back last season for what? to have him warm up seats? then we NEVER use james jones and he abandons ship.... i tell ya man....
 chalmers isnt a SG either tho. i hate how we just dont use players. we shouldnt even be contemplating if we keep beasley. spo brought beasley back last season for what? to have him warm up seats? then we NEVER use james jones and he abandons ship.... i tell ya man....

I can see their logic in saying Chalmers will get more time at the 2 because that's how he's been playing for the most part. LeBron was the de facto PG and Rio played off the ball. When we went with our 2 PG sets Norris Cole was our PG and Rio played off the ball. It isn't that outrageous of a thing, all they did was officially label it for what it was.

Beasley's defensive liability wasn't worth his offensive upside in the eyes of Spo. James Jones also doesn't play any defense or do anything else. Mike Miller crashed the boards in addition to hitting threes.
Riley speaks out, insists Heat will be competitive

Thursday - 7/31/2014, 10:42am ET

AP Basketball Writer

MIAMI (AP) -- One of the last things Miami Heat President Pat Riley told LeBron James before free agency began this summer was that he would be selling potential players on the notion of playing alongside a four-time NBA MVP.

And James never made him think otherwise, Riley said -- until roughly the same moment that the entire world was made aware of his plan to go home.

Riley made that revelation Wednesday, shortly after the Heat completed the signing of Chris Bosh to a $118 million, five-year contract and essentially wrapped up their roster-rebuilding project for next season, the first of the post-LeBron era in Miami.

The Heat have 12 players locked in for next season, Bosh and Dwyane Wade foremost among them, and Riley expects the four-time defending Eastern Conference champions to compete once again this coming year. But much of his first session offering in-depth remarks about free agency revolved, predictably, about James -- the MVP who got away.

"I went into it with the thought and the notion that he was coming back and I was selling that to players," Riley said. "I believed that firmly so I was selling that to players. And that's the only way I went into it. I let him know that. . He never said to me, 'No, don't do that.'"

Riley, however, noted that he did not feel misled by James during free agency.

James is now back with the Cleveland Cavaliers, the team that he left for Miami in 2010, four trips to the NBA Finals and two championships ago. The Heat scrambled quickly to move on to Plan B, locking up Bosh (whose signing was agreed to weeks ago) and Wade before long and avoiding what could have been an absolute disaster otherwise.

Riley said he's become energized by the task of building a champion again.

"We are up to the challenge," Riley said. "We're going to be as competitive as anybody, I think, in the Eastern Conference. I feel great, right now, today, making sure that we got Chris signed, got him under contract, and got D-Wade back and Udonis (Haslem) and the core of our foundation and we'll go from here."

Before he announced his decision, James and his inner circle summoned Riley and Heat general manager Andy Elisburg to Las Vegas for a meeting.

Riley and Elisburg left believing they had done well.

A day later, James was meeting with Sports Illustrated, collaborating on the first-person essay that would come out and announce his decision to return to Cleveland. The Heat were told of the contents of that essay moments before it was released publicly.

"I don't get hurt," Riley said. "This is business. This is all business. As soon as something happens in this business, I had to react, we had to react as an organization, and we did."

Riley said Wednesday that once the Heat learned that James was leaving, it was too late to get involved in the pursuit of Carmelo Anthony, who wound up re-signing with the New York Knicks.

Still, it was more than a salvage project. Wade and Bosh are both likely Hall of Fame players. The Heat wound up with some of their top free-agent targets in players like Luol Deng and Josh McRoberts, both of whom Riley raved about about.

Perhaps most importantly, the Heat not only figure to be good enough to compete now, but have the flexibility financially for Riley to go out in the already-anticipated free-agent summer of 2016 and try to build what he did when he got James, Wade and Bosh to team up.

And instead of blasting James -- as Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert did when he left Cleveland in 2010 -- the Heat have taken the high road, with managing general partner Micky Arison writing an open letter to fans this week reminding them that even without James, the franchise's goal of winning more titles hasn't changed.

"We're going to try to make it another generational team," Riley said.
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There it is, the story from the man himself... again the only thing that I didn't like in this whole situation was LeBron led the man on. Pat Riley was upfront and honest about his approach and LeBron wasn't.

Luckily Pat Riley and the Heat organization were smart enough to have a plan B. I would have loved if we were able to get Carmelo Anthony, but as the article stated... there was not enough time to recruit him.

What's y'all take?
I've been saying melo from the jump.. (If they all took pay cuts :lol: )... But you can't pitch to melo as a plan b.. Hey if we can't keep lebron, we'll go for you type of thing..
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I can see their logic in saying Chalmers will get more time at the 2 because that's how he's been playing for the most part. LeBron was the de facto PG and Rio played off the ball. When we went with our 2 PG sets Norris Cole was our PG and Rio played off the ball. It isn't that outrageous of a thing, all they did was officially label it for what it was.

Beasley's defensive liability wasn't worth his offensive upside in the eyes of Spo. James Jones also doesn't play any defense or do anything else. Mike Miller crashed the boards in addition to hitting threes.
agree with everything. however i raise this point, in the series against the spurs... who was playing defense for real? wade surely wasnt. wade wasnt even running up and down the court past game 3. lebron got tore up by kawhi and played NO defense on him. bosh did his thing. but who else was really locking up on d?

in my eyes...our problem wasnt just that we couldnt stop them...its that when we managed to stop them (or they stopped themselves with TOs) we couldnt convert on offense. our offense was stagnant and NOBODY was hitting 3s. we couldnt keep up. thats where i say "yea...james jones wont help out much on D... but our D is atrocious right now anyways. at least let him cash out for us since nobody else is scoring." that wouldve been my thinking. i rather a player with 0 defense and high shooting capability come in, than keep in the others with 0 defense and 0 shooting.
Dwyane Wade has been eating his veggies and shedding pounds, in his words "ready to handle a bigger load on offense," using the doubt as motivation

Shawme Williams just got signed, so it's looking less likely for a Super Cool Beas return

The long and winding road of Shawne Williams

From what I know he is a shooter. Can defend some and is a decent rebounder.

Good looks b, hope he's a worthy pick-up since beas is likely on his way

How much space do we have left, Im interested to see if Douglas and GO returns, and an out of the blue Question... watever happen to terel harris? was he let go after the first ring

We definitely have room for a Beasley with this lineup. The Shawne Williams signing is weird to me considering Beas is a better overall player then him and for the same price.
the real question should be, why did we pick up another sf? unless we are planning on running deng, granger, or ennis to back up wade or at the 2 if wade decides he can play the point again....
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