at least give me those 6pts and take away from green bay defense, SMH man. wth
my opponent is only killing me right now because of green bay defense but damn.
You HAVE to be the most negative and depressng fantasy player ive ever heard.

Its annoying especially when you draft decent and your team performs like the worst team ever to start the season

anyways, id take an asiata TD here :smile:
screw McKinnon

put Asiata back in 
Made out like a mother ******* bandit last week when I traded Asiata and Harry Douglas for Lacy AND Keenan Allen lmao.

Keenan Allen goes for 135 and Lacy has put 2 good weeks together for me with Allen still to play this week. Totally makes up for not having Peterson the rest of the season. Or maybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Nah i dont think hes playing again this year lol. But hes sitting on the bottom of my roster just incase.
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please get a TD, i dont even care who it is. just take some points away from green bay def
im mad as a fat girl at a salad bar.
this ************ dropped every pass thrown to him all night.
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I dont see why they go for a FG here. Before was to save face. Now would just be because their coach has Walsh on his fantasy team 
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Im so mad at AP son for misbehaving.

im sorry but :rofl:

good night. just fleeced a dude that has a fascination with andre ellington. trade ellington for Jordan Cameron and Lamar miller.

didnt even have a TE on my roster has i traded ertz and FA pool is horrid.
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I have Luck, Hopkins, and Dwayne Allen filling in for Jimmy next week on TNF...hopefully it's a close game :smh:
What sucks is now Asiata's trade value is gonna be down and people are going to think he's a bum now just because he got 5 points, but he actually ran the ball really well. 15 rushes for 72 yards. Usually he would have a few catches and atleast one TD too. I still feel good about him moving forward if Teddy plays well.
Teddy's absence essentially killed any chance of Asiata and McKinnon racking up major points.
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