OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

  • Cavs

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  • Warriors

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  • I Can't Decide

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I remember when Jimmy used to never get invited to hood functions in High school. He's making up for it now :lol:
i agree.

and no MJ was no where near like that

sure there were times MJ or other players would argue with refs but nothing like today

i cant stand seeing it in todays game
all the damn crying and complaining
especially from Lebrons crybaby ***

ive always not liked the Spurs
but i always respected them
you dont see all that complaing to the refs with them
prolly because Pop aint having it

i dont think ive ever seen Kwaii say one word to a ref....ever.
i like that

IMO a player has no business, Lebron, star, or otherwise, saying anything to a ref
thats the coaches job

what really pisses me off is seeing a player throw his hands up to complain while tge ball has gone upcourt
Lebron is notirious for that
thing is, even if you are 100% right and the ref admits it
he cant take the call back

a thinking man knows that
the best thing you can do i hustle up court on defense
the ref knows if he blew a call from the coaches and crowd noises
if the player shuts up and plays ball he mat get a makeup call
AI was the biggest cry baby on the court man...

Remember that SAS interview when he broke down? 

I pointed out several times when Duncan, Pop, and Parker threw fits after a foul was called/not called. For some reason some teams get a pass for those things while others don't. I hope Bron cries his way to another ring and the refs hand him the trophy on the podium.
There's a difference between arguing over a perceived missed call and completely abandoning your team on a crucial game defining play because you'd rather sit on the ground and give mean looks to refs
Nah stop giving that piece of crap lil b attention 

Harden hasn't won a game since Steph Curry decided to prove why he was the real MVP
There's a difference between arguing over a perceived missed call and completely abandoning your team on a crucial game defining play because you'd rather sit on the ground and give mean looks to refs

Worked out for him though.. Refs swallowed those whistles when he ran threw demarre at the end there
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Difficult to imagine Lebby even making the finals competitive...  He'll get his #s, but the Warriors will have the trophy.  Dubs truly do have it all.  They're a complete team armed w/ a fantastic coach, the MVP, a stacked bench, oh and they just so happen to all play defense.  Bran's still the best player in the world though.  Couldn't imagine another guy dragging this injured Cavs squad all the way to the finals even in the Leastern Conference.  WTBS the 2015 Golden State Warriors are a historically great team that also appears to have luck on their side.  Most champions tend to have a few things break their way on their quest to for the title and the dubs are no different.  Still doesn't take anything away from their accomplishments.  Similarly, LBJ losing in the finals again shouldn't do much to tarnish his legacy although his detractors will have a field day.
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