OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

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  • Warriors

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  • I Can't Decide

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I say "we" when referring to my teams and see no problem in doing so. I'm not on the floor or in the gym with them, but my money and support contribute something to that orginization and they in return fill hours of my day with enjoyment watching them play. Its we as far as I'm concerned.
no problem with that . i say we as well
Try being a Knicks fan. If you're a fan of that trash organization, you're definitely a part of that bum *** trash organization. Say we all the time, I think it is kind of funny.
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It's them guys that say "we" when talking about the team they're fans of like they're in the gym working out with them :lol:

oh man
those types are hilarious

forgive me
i just dont see it
sports just arent that serious to me

and i watch all types of sports
but the 'we' stuff?

how hard is it to keep it moving?

ok dude said something you didnt like.
but oh no
someone repped him??!!!
lets have a cow
Being mad at people using "we" when referring to teams is probably worse than being mad at reps. The things that offend people :lol: :lol:
I remember there was a guy in S&T a couple years ago repping himself with like 4 accounts.

I can't imagine the amount of effort that took to pull off.
I remember that. I was the one who called him out on it. Then Meth showed up and confirmed my suspicions. Dudes name was Rockstar.

Me calling him out on it and him then denying it:

Meth shows up:
Who cares if people say we. Y'all anti-fans are just as bad as the extreme y'all constantly feel the need to nag about.

Let people watch how they want or support how they want. You don't say we? No problem. You say we? No problem.
yes you got dudes making accounts to rep themselves . its ridiculous how immature dudes are. if anything thing take away those dudes ability to rep or make em worth like 1 point .   i never  even think twice bout a posters rep count.

if you dont think twice about it
why does it matter
Being mad at people using "we" when referring to teams is probably worse than being mad at reps. The things that offend people :lol: :lol:

Lol who's "mad" about it? I don't care. It's just odd. Being mad at people being mad at people saying we is worse than........ :lol:
I gotta use the desktop site more. I didn't know you could see reps given out or when a post is repped. I thought it was all anonymous. I throw reps out randomly all the time. Didn't think people cared or took stock in it.
I remember that. I was the one who called him out on it. Then Meth showed up and confirmed my suspicions. Dudes name was Rockstar.

Me calling him out on it and him then denying it:

Meth shows up:
antidope antidope with the confrontational call out of dude self repping. That's my style. Confrontation and uncomfortable post provide the best and funniest conversation on NT. Repped sir
if you dont think twice about it
why does it matter
when i say i dont think twice about it i mean i dont look at a rep count and if its high assume a quality poster . making alt accounts to rep urself is lame .....

peoples excuses when you call them out for being bandwagoners or other dumb ish they do  "why do you care or what does it matter to u " 
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Just another thing to point and laugh at

Rep, meh, but people making fake names to attempt to look cool on a message board, comedy gold and the pinnacle of insecure behavior.
@Antidope with the confrontational call out of dude self repping. That's my style. Confrontation and uncomfortable post provide the best and funniest conversation on NT. Repped sir
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when i say i dont think twice about it i mean i dont look at a rep count and if its high assume a quality poster . making alt accounts to rep urself is lame .....

peoples excuses when you call them out for being bandwagoners or other dumb ish they do  "why do you care or what does it matter to u " 

cause obviously im arguing FOR the self-reppers

your words contradict

on one hand you claim reps hold NO VALUE to you
then propose a system to make those same reps even LESS VALUE

listen to yourself
typical lj fans doing some lame as ish. Imaginary internet points is serious business for some people I guess.

Typical Kobe stans bringing lebron into a convo.

Aren't u the dude who steals family member's money so waiters don't get tips?

Stop it famb. Internet lames who rep themselves> thieves who steal from their loved ones
cause obviously im arguing FOR the self-reppers

your words contradict

on one hand you claim reps hold NO VALUE to you
then propose a system to make those same reps even LESS VALUE

listen to yourself
they dont ... what do they do for me ? shows someone agrees with me .whoopty doo 

obviously for other people its  really important to them .  ive seen ppl bragging about rep counts  .

for those who abuse it , punish them for abusing it ..... 
Typical Kobe stans bringing lebron into a convo.

Aren't u the dude who steals family member's money so waiters don't get tips?

Stop it famb. Internet lames who rep themselves> thieves who steal from their loved ones

Here we go ...... *sets up pop up folding chiar*
Typical Kobe stans bringing lebron into a convo.

Aren't u the dude who steals family member's money so waiters don't get tips?

Stop it famb. Internet lames who rep themselves> thieves who steal from their loved ones
i have a few times when waiters dont deserve a tip but ill tell my friends or family .... i dont hide things , not a lier , or a storyteller. im straight out. 

im a very good tipper thou when its deserved . its not stealing from my love ones,  get ur story straight. 
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