Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Source: Jazz meeting w/ Gordon Hayward in San Diego, 3.5 hours, with Ricky Rubio flying from Spain to pitch partnership. Decision looms.
Pretty Ricky ain't eem been there a week and already trying to recruit GH back 

rubio actually made big improvement last year and hes only 26. and he shoots so much better than rondo.
Klay just got mo shoe money too
If he likes winning, he'll need to sacrifice or else be shipped to Brooklyn
He got 2 rings and might as well get paid in full now and let them old boys ring chase. Its all about KB and Stephanie now. No more splash bros...
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plus rubio is a 11+ 9 guy, i can see him get to 15+10. steve nash first MVP season was 15 + 11, so thats not bad at all
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