Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Z-Bo >>> TT if they are giving up Love, Shump and others to get Melo

So Z-BO/Melo vs. Love/ Shump?


But man, what is Z-Bo going to do in the finals?

Sell weed in Oakland


Guarantee that text started with

'Whatchu need..'
:lol: Anyone getting bought out is a candidate to go to the Warriors for that ring. Except for members of Team Banana Boat of course.
when a player gets a buyout isnt it first dibs to trash teams or is a buyout different from being waived?
So a question. What does Milwaukee do going forward with Jabari? Would you see if he can give you a full season and then shop him for pieces like an extra shooter, playmaker off the bench or try and resign him on a short deal like Steph after all those ankle injuries?

I see Drose is taking a meeting with them but hopefully it's two years. I think Milwaukee has so much more chance to grow now after all these dudes are heading west and could land a FA ala Warriors with the drafted core and trades.
Cavs still trying to stabalize the backup PG spot. Calderon isnt the answer.

What was the reason with Delly's deal last year (4yr/38m, looking like a bargain now)?

The Cavs couldnt match due to cap space?
The Cavs could match just didnt want to?
GM Bron said no?
After winning the chip they thought vets would take the minimum to play in Cleveland and front office hoping one would be a PG so they let Delly go???
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Nah. They still have to go through the waiver wire.

No. Monta Ellis will get bought out from the Pacers which means they will be responsible for whatever money they agree to within the buyout. Once he's bought out then he will have no contract to get picked up off waivers with. They are unrestricted free agents free to sign with whoever they want after a buyout.
What contract exactly is a team picking a player up with after a buyout?

If a team has cap space to pick him up, the pacers would be off the hook for the buyout amount. The team that claims him is responsible for the remaining contract.
66. What is a contract buyout?

Sometimes players and teams decide to divorce each other. They do this by mutually agreeing that:

  • The team will waive the player
  • If the player clears waivers, the player's guaranteed salary will be reduced or eliminated (see question number 63)
  • Optionally the team's set-off rights (see question number 65) may be waived

After the player clears waivers, he and his former team are free to go their separate ways. There is a quid-pro-quo between the player and team regarding contractual obligation and salary -- in exchange for gaining his freedom, the player agrees to give the team a break on the remaining salary he is owed.
This is the buyout provision in the CBA. Buyouts work like this: (i) a team will request waivers as they would in the general waiver procedure, (ii) once the player clears waivers, all compensation protection on the contract will either be reduced or eliminated, and (iii) the team’s right to set-off is modified or eliminated.
Then I don't even understand what the hell is the difference between a buyout and being waived :lol: in that case Melo and Monta could be scooped up by the Nets
Money saved by the owners.

Last year a couple of teams claimed players off the waiver wire to get to the salary cap floor.

The nets could claim Melo but it would eat into their salary cap space the next 2 years.
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