Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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i think lebronji knows his time is almost up so i think he might want young guys to carry him and not get tired

philly or lakers is my guess

so funny being only 32 and seeing the writing on the wall.


Kobe still considered himself the best in the world til that video with the purple snake came out.
That is a good look for the Cavs if it happens. Dude is perfect for any team as a 6th man. If he takes that role in stride can be 6th man of the year.
On a championship team he's a 6th man, on others he's still a starter.
we LIVE lil baby. Rich Paul knows what it is. Miley wassss good


Yoooo, this really needs to happen. The psychological effects on Laker fans will be unprecedented.
Laker fans really would be that upset if Lebron came? Because they wouldn't want him to get any credit for saving the franchise, I assume? The hate is that real?
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Laker fans really would be that upset if Lebron came back? Because they wouldn't want him to get any credit for saving the franchise, I assume? The hate is that real?

Save the franchise from what? He ain't coming here to win obviously, it's an ego stroke and to start his post career ambitions if he does.
Save the franchise from what? He ain't coming here to win obviously, it's an ego stroke and to start his post career ambitions if he does.
what? You don't think they would win immediately? You know he wouldn't be coming himself. Probably with PG. In 2 years, I'm paying Whiplash his $500 if he was to come.
what? You don't think they would win immediately? You know he wouldn't be coming himself. Probably with PG. In 2 years, I'm paying Whiplash his $500 if he was to come.

Win chips which will be the expectation the moment he gets here should it happen.
Hell yeah thats the expectation. Top 2-3 team within 2-3 years. A faster road to climbing back towards the top than without him.

Not really, he's got 3 years left tops at this level and again to not really compete with GS and again the possibility that he tries to influence the roster to faux compete and end up screwing us for the long term. I'd rather get two other, younger stars that can grow with the young guys we have.
wow, i;m on the other side. Even if he's not at his usual level, he's better than 97.2% of the league. And he won't have to carry the team as much.

I really don't think he's going to have anywhere near the level of influence he's had at Cleveland. Different organizations.

Sounds like you want to build back to prominence the old fashion way. I can respect that
Laker fans really would be that upset if Lebron came? Because they wouldn't want him to get any credit for saving the franchise, I assume? The hate is that real?

And it makes no sense. Lebron never been in our division or conference. Dudes cheer for a real rival of ours to beat Lebron. **** is weird.
And it makes no sense. Lebron never been in our division or conference. Dudes cheer for a real rival of ours to beat Lebron. **** is weird.
massively weird. But when you have Mamba, i can sort of understand hating him at the time they both were competing. But now? I don't get it.
Well when you come off a regime who's tried to shortcut the process in certain respects, I'd rather not go all in for Bron's twilight years like they tried to do with Bean.

And it makes no sense. Lebron never been in our division or conference. Dudes cheer for a real rival of ours to beat Lebron. **** is weird.

Who? Golden State isn't a rival. Lakers have one true rival and that's the Celtics. Maybe the Spurs too.
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