
Everyone in this thread know how much of a joke this country is when it come to the safety of women, **** won’t matter 2 months from now.
If our PRESIDENT ELECT DONALD JOHN TRUMP can make the statements he's made about women and still get elected by a majority of white women really shows that this country doesn't care about violence against women or kids for that fact. Urban is a deplorable but given his wife was on the #MAGA rant with Kaep and the flag I wouldn't be surprised if she just wanted everything to go away. Never thought anyone would surpass Dabo but I was wrong.
The whole thing is pretty sad.

But whether we all like it or not Ohio State is a corporation and none of this should surprise us.

We all want "justice" to happen. In the corporate world it rarely does. The school only cares about the brand, they want it to continue to be powerful, and nothing else matters but the power and money.

This story has a shelf life of about another few days or so and we'll be moved on from it to the next scandal. Urban will then eventually come back, have a few more uncomfortable press conferences that the media will jump on, then we all will move on like always, Ohio State will get to the CFP, take in another top 5 recruiting class, build another new facility, and reload again next year. This is American college football, and they aren't letting any woman take it down.
Ah, whataboutism at it's finest. Colorado has nothing to do with OSU's handling of this situation. Period. Of course one of the biggest public schools in the country and most prominent football programs gets more attention than Colorado. Calling people keyboard social justice warriors for being upset about the school you cheer for completing botching this situation makes you look like a clown. Embrace how you really feel about this ****, no need to tiptoe around like you actually care anymore. :lol:

Urban hit the factory reset. I'm crying. :lol:

Nah I said from the start to get rid of him because I saw my mom get beat as a kid so I have zero tolerance for that. But like I said the outrage is a dislike for Urban/Ohio State more than anything, as lowlifemac said (who I was responding to) people won't give a damn in two months.

But yeah keep acting like you know my thoughts, clown :lol:
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Nah I said from the start to get rid of him because I saw my mom get beat as a kid so I have zero tolerance for that. But like I said the outrage is a dislike for Urban/Ohio State more than anything, as lowlifemac said (who I was responding to) people won't give a damn in two months.

But yeah keep acting like you know my thoughts, clown :lol:

Ehh the dislike for Urban/OSU is warranted but to pin majority of the outrage solely on that in the #metoo era is a stretch...

People won't give a damn in 2 months because **** happens everyday and the media will direct their focus on some other fear mongering cash cow. Not because it's fake outrage in the moment.
Nah I said from the start to get rid of him because I saw my mom get beat as a kid so I have zero tolerance for that. But like I said the outrage is a dislike for Urban/Ohio State more than anything, as lowlifemac said (who I was responding to) people won't give a damn in two months.

But yeah keep acting like you know my thoughts, clown :lol:
You're calling out "social justice warriors" for "fake outrage", though. Domestic violence has nothing to do with social justice warriors. Dude beat his wife. That has nothing to do with social justice. :lol:

It's big business at the end of the day, and OSU is one of the biggest cash cows for the state.
I agree that college football is big business and OSU is a huge player. I will also be the first to admit that money seems to trump (pun intended) morality and decency in our society. I really respect the views of everyone that post in here and I enjoy the content. My biggest issue outside of enabling a known domestic violence perpetrator is the hypocrisy of it all. Urban like most college coaches is a scumbag that is looking out for #1 while getting paid millions. I don't have a problem with this. What I wish is that guys like Urban and Dabo Luther King would just embrace the scumbag. Stop talking about family, religion, respecting women, caring about social justice when you obviously don't. Nick out here talking about respecting the process when he left the NFL under the cover of darkness. Urban talking about respecting women while enabling domestic violence. Dabo out there talking about how much he cares about the issues his players go through while saying players are too entitled and America can't be that bad because Obama was president. No problem with these guys, just be who you are.
The one good thing about all of this is his relationship with the president and others is toast so I'd be shocked if he finishes his contract out

Starts at 7:00.

Mac was giving walkons scholarships and then taking them away without telling guys, and leaving them to finding out about it when they got their award letters.

Bobby Layne Bobby Layne is that scholarship stuff legal? So they essentially found out they have to pay for schooling after getting their awards?

I'd assume so.

Before the rule change schools were offering recruits scholarships that were only good for one academic year. P5 schools now have to offer HS recruits 4 year offers, but I doubt walkons and probably even transfers are afforded those same protections.
I'd assume so.

Before the rule change schools were offering recruits scholarships that were only good for one academic year. P5 schools now have to offer HS recruits 4 year offers, but I doubt walkons and probably even transfers are afforded those same protections.

Damn. At least have the decency to tell them you’re pulling it
Agreeing wth what Bobby Layne Bobby Layne said, some schools award 4 year scholarships. So once you're awarded a scholarship, you get to keep it unless you breach the student code of conduct or are deemed ineligible, academically or otherwise. I think most schools though offer 1-year scholarships for walk-on and "non-recruited" players, so they have to renew it yearly and the players understand that because the rules on their scholarship are clear.

It's one thing to give kids schollies they have to earn year-to-year and that is clear to them. It's another to tell a kid he has a scholarship and then pull it out from under him without warning because he didn't read the fine print or think to check. The latter is intentionally deceptive and doesn't afford the kid the chance to weigh all his options.

Believe it was Zach, Herman, and a high coach(es). They went in 2014

Texas needs to fire him

For going to a strip club?

If I had to guess assistants attending these kind of establishments on recruiting trips are a lot more common than most would like to believe. As theregothatman theregothatman said there's nothing wrong with this as long as it didn't come out of the recruiting budget.

Do they need to fire him for being a swinger too?
For going to a strip club?

If I had to guess assistants attending these kind of establishments on recruiting trips are a lot more common than most would like to believe. As theregothatman theregothatman said there's nothing wrong with this as long as it didn't come out of the recruiting budget.

Do they need to fire him for being a swinger too?

I was jk. Things like this I don't care about except as they pertain to the argument that there's no money left over to pay kids.

They all def used the recruiting budget though. No way Zach was dipping and Herman was spending his own bread and ok with it.
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