Who will win the inaugural COVID Invitational Jamboree?

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To me what’s happening in the ECF isn’t about there being something wrong with the Celtics, but that the Heat are good and have really hit a groove in the bubble playoffs.

They have a 2004 Pistons vibe to them. No 1st tier superstars, but two all-stars and a bunch of other good players. Defense is the calling card and role definition is close to perfect.

Not that this is surprising by any means... but this is why i wouldn't have been mad if the players called this all off

Like you said, this is no surprise. Rich white men are preserving their own interests here. Black athletes can't hope that all of the white people they interact with will align politically or socially with them. What black athletes can do is use their platform to address change and extract as much money and resources from these rich white men to help black communities. Play hard, use your platform, get paid as much as possible and use that money to help others. Trying to change the hearts and minds of billionaire white men is a fool's errand imo.
That kinda implies that what they're doing is a fluke. It's not like nobody in the world might've thought the heat could be better than the celtics


Lightning in a bottle = unlikely

+6000 isn't unlikely?

We probably have different definitions.

The Heat would be the unlikeliest of champions in the past 20+ years if they won.
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Like you said, this is no surprise. Rich white men are preserving their own interests here. Black athletes can't hope that all of the white people they interact with will align politically or socially with them. What black athletes can do is use their platform to address change and extract as much money and resources from these rich white men to help black communities. Play hard, use your platform, get paid as much as possible and use that money to help others. Trying to change the hearts and minds of billionaire white men is a fool's errand imo.

I agree with all of this, these owners didn't become billionaires by looking out for the interest of the people, my only issue is that the players didn't use their leverage to fully get the most from these owners. At this point **** the moral & "we stand with ya'll" theatrics. Get them to give up the cash
Lightning in a bottle = unlikely

+6000 isn't unlikely?

We probably have different definitions.
Yea I don't think this is some accident or a result of the circumstances. They're kinda like okc where they should've never been ranked that low in the first place, they should've been pegged as contenders since day one. Odds are meaningless
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