I definitely agree but it would be like applying for benefits which require children when you have no kids.

if they cared about kids, they wouldn’t cut educational spending and student loans wouldn’t be a high. Or they’d send stimulus checks again. They don’t care. When the start caring, so will I. Until then, get yours. Tax payers should get everything we deserve
if they cared about kids, they wouldn’t cut educational spending and student loans wouldn’t be a high. Or they’d send stimulus checks again. They don’t care. When the start caring, so will I. Until then, get yours. Tax payers should get everything we deserve
So do what I did and say you got 10 employee get 10 bands instead of only 1
There's bigger fish like this dude so I doubt they waste resources auditing 1k, same time never doubt a bored, bitter hateful Karen grasping for power.

They’ll freeze your bank account over $500 don’t doubt the irs
There's bigger fish like this dude so I doubt they waste resources auditing 1k, same time never doubt a bored, bitter hateful Karen grasping for power.

straight DONKEY :lol: :lol: :lol:

I swear the government is allowing check fraud or creating schemes to nab these idiots. Scamming and fraud is so rampant right now. S**** is soooooo easy for the government to set up these idiots.

I don’t respect scammers at ALL
lmaooo why ya'll playing soo much lol i literally left for 45 minutes in hopes we had some valid answers.. and this is what i find lmaooooo :lol: :lol:

c.mon guys.. i need some solid advice lmaoo
The answer is no.
But if you want a free band then do it, but there is a low probability you’re playing yourself. Now if you sell on eBay or some other sort of business then you should be good money. But if you literally have nothing that resembles a business I say no
If you’re uncertain, please speak with your accountant. They’re loopholes around it with your taxes.
There’s loopholes around it with your taxes - I advise you to speak with your accountant.
I can’t speak on the loopholes part of it but logic would lead me to believe if you apply for federal aid for a small business and you have nothing which resembles a business that’s probably a no no
I can’t speak on the loopholes part of it but logic would lead me to believe if you apply for federal aid for a small business and you have nothing which resembles a business that’s probably a no no

It’s technical not a “loophole” because you’re allowed to claim as an independent contractor for three years without having a taxid and receipts. I’ve done it before.
For y’all that got the loan in video on last page an fine print it says u have to spend the loan on the business. So if u put down sneaker sells. U gotta buy more sneakers to sell. Lol shouldn’t be hard for y’all lol.
Could i apply if i'm a barber off the books.. but currently working to make ends meet ?

.. wouldn't wanna go ahead with the process and it comes up that i also am currently employed. So i get denied or penalized.

when in doubt apply anyway ??

koudie from brooklyn koudie from brooklyn if I was in your spot I'd feel more than comfortable with it. Aint nobody getting audited over $1K in grant money.

This money is from the SBA. They call up the IRS talking about "let's coordinate over this lil $1K in grant money we may or may not have given out erroneously," an agent would laugh in their face.

If one of you heathens fleece the SBA for the $2 million EIDL loan maximum, yea the IRS might listen on that one.

If you want to cover you *** completely, just report a portion of your barber income on your 2020 taxes next year. Done.
For y’all that got the loan in video on last page an fine print it says u have to spend the loan on the business. So if u put down sneaker sells. U gotta buy more sneakers to sell. Lol shouldn’t be hard for y’all lol.

Yah you Got to pay back the loan there’s no loan forgiveness on this loan apr is 3.75
Damn I told bro about this. He has a landscaping company and one of the questions was how many employees did you have on January 31 2020, but they weren’t working since it was the winter. He asked his payroll person has whatever and they said they won’t count as employees. Sucks .. he went from like 5-7k to 1

I feel like they should count but what do I know :lol:
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