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Should the Heisman even be close at this point? Trask got 15 more TDs than Mac Jones.
Big turnover and are about to get zero points

Edit: got 3 at least
These announcers saying that stanford should go for it on 4th down with 15 seconds, up 5 are imbeciles. "Even if you don't get it, there's only 15 seconds left." Yeah... so kick the ****ing FG and squib it. You go up 8 and force UW to at best convert twice.
These announcers saying that stanford should go for it on 4th down with 15 seconds, up 5 are imbeciles. "Even if you don't get it, there's only 15 seconds left." Yeah... so kick the ****ing FG and squib it. You go up 8 and force UW to at best convert twice.

Nah, you go for it. 15 seconds especially, but not sure where you got that...its still a good decision with :38 left.
Nah, you go for it. 15 seconds especially, but not sure where you got that...its still a good decision with :38 left.
The clock had initially run below a minute so there would have been a 10 sec runoff plus the playclock, but they reset the clock to 1:03.
The clock had initially run below a minute so there would have been a 10 sec runoff plus the playclock, but they reset the clock to 1:03.

With the 10 second runoff it would've been 30 something seconds. The final play reflected :38...they changed it again..regardless, it was the right decision even if they didn't get it.

And smfh at @'ing that guy too.
With the 10 second runoff it would've been 30 something seconds. The final play reflected :38...they changed it again..regardless, it was the right decision even if they didn't get it.

And smfh at @'ing that guy too.
Yeah no, I know. lol.

I'm saying originally before it was stopped for a review, the refs let the clock run down to like :58 seconds. So the announcers and TV reffing expert were speculating that with a 10 second runoff, and then letting the playclock run all the way down that UW would have had about :15 secs left after Stanford ran whatever play they ran.

It's unimportant because correctly, or not, Pac12 refs reset the clock to 1:03 so there was no runoff because it wasn't under a minute.
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