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Fins had the best offense in the league Weeks 1-8, it was actually going to be a disappointment if they didn’t make it if Tua’s able to play.
I'll never forgive Michigan for dropping the ball and forcing us all to watch this excuse for a title game. Now we have to sit and listen to the SEC **** riders for another 12 months.
I can see the problem with 12 teams

But also

Definitely watching the playoff games when it expands

And that about sums up why it’s happening. Too much $$$ being missed out on w/ only 4 teams. They know we’ll watch. :lol:
Y’all need to stop with the Bama ****.

They were a 2 loss team that should have had 4 but for the worst non safety call and the worst 4th down call ever.

Bama would have gotten clapped in the sugar bowl.
Saban on the halftime show, how hard is it for him not to say, yall laughed at me when I put on my Salmon color jacket and went on every show saying my team should be in. Now y'all see why. You know he wants to say it.
Start the bus.
Lemme make sure my girl not out there in these streets cause bulldogs gon be out there
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