Jul 9, 2016
Was puzzled why NT Never had this before but here it is

1) Rate Albums Ex. 1/5 or 1/10

2) Give a critique if you want

3) Albums/EP's/Mixtapes of any genre And any decade.


Operation Doomsday 8/10
4th DOOM album that I listened Too ...... Its a DOOM album.


Pretty girls Like Trap Music 8.5/10
First Chainz album that I put to my ears.. Listened to it last night and it was dope I suggest y'all go take a listen

Side note: you dont have to post album covers if you dont want too.
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Interesting thought. Most people just review the album in the album or artist thread. I don't think the music section is poppin enough to do this but I'll do a small review when the next album drops that I give a chance.
Ahat are you Tory fan bro?

Nah i dont take him in.

Funny thing is few yrs ago mans in the hood were asking me if i fw Tory Lanez and i was like "the pronstar?"

I thought man was talking about Tory Lane.
cause we usually rate the albums in their respective threads
no reason to have a separate one
Wale - Shine: 7/10

I personally enjoyed the album a lot, there was a bit too much harmonizing, but it's a feel good album IMO. Some of the songs seemed cliché almost expected...but a pretty good entry for Wale's discography
Wale - Shine 2/10

I'm being generous. Album was trash. Tried too hard to get a single and went the commercial route. Very unoriginal.
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