Official Baby Mama Drama Thread

Just wanted to drop in to remind you fellas wrap it up or get yourself snipped. I just got my CS order, I'm $1604 in arrears & owed 2 months payment while the court order wasn't even in effect yet. Mind you I've been writing my BM checks the ENTIRE time my Son has been alive & I wasn't even on CS at the time. Also paid for half of her prenatal care out of my pocket to save her from debt which actually got refunded to her when she went & filed for Medicare for pregnant women. At this point all shorty does is pay half of daycare, while I basically subsidize her standard of living & she gets a free ride. All good though, more money to be earned. Finna cop this vasectomy too. Fool me once...
It's must be nice to be able to be a bum and live off someone based on having a child with that person.
Just wanted to drop in to remind you fellas wrap it up or get yourself snipped. I just got my CS order, I'm $1604 in arrears & owed 2 months payment while the court order wasn't even in effect yet. Mind you I've been writing my BM checks the ENTIRE time my Son has been alive & I wasn't even on CS at the time. Also paid for half of her prenatal care out of my pocket to save her from debt which actually got refunded to her when she went & filed for Medicare for pregnant women. At this point all shorty does is pay half of daycare, while I basically subsidize her standard of living & she gets a free ride. All good though, more money to be earned. Finna cop this vasectomy too. Fool me once...
Me and mine haven't officially gone to court, I just give her money every now and then (use FB messenger, it's instant and no fee) and pay her car note. She live with her mom an dis on Medicaid, food stamps, etc. I know at some point I need to just go get put on papers though and they're going to screw me. We've been getting along great though. She randomly moves back in and out and we don't have a custody agreement on paper and she's being difficult with that lately tombout she don't like the daycare, but she really just wants to use the baby for an excuse why she won't work or do anything for herself. Can't really get into a new relationship because of my "it's complicated" relationship status which is, my B.M and I aren't together or ****ing but I still have to take care of her and do everything she wants because she has be by the balls being we have a baby. Sometimes she has to run business in town (we live over an hour apart, well she lives in her mom's) and comes back and sleeps here. Not that it matters because so far none of the chics were wifey types anyways, but its going to continue to be a problem.

How much them snips running anyways? #pulloutgameweak
How much them snips running anyways? #pulloutgameweak

Bro lmao I keep telling you get your biz together before she does. If she getting all that assistance the government def about to come for theirs. But I read the snips are less than an abortion. I'm on it. Probably cop one before cuffing season this year :lol: My fam trying to talk me out of it but I'm like pshhh none of them about to pay my CS.
Just wanted to drop in to remind you fellas wrap it up or get yourself snipped.

How much them snips running anyways? #pulloutgameweak

With my insurance cost me a lil over $500 out of pocket but ended up getting reimbursed through my flex card BUT just opened a letter from the doctor's office giving me $480 back from over payment. So in total I paid like $20 with my insurance.

Y'all better call ya providers. May only cost you a large box of condoms to get it done
Just wanted to drop in to remind you fellas wrap it up or get yourself snipped. I just got my CS order, I'm $1604 in arrears & owed 2 months payment while the court order wasn't even in effect yet. Mind you I've been writing my BM checks the ENTIRE time my Son has been alive & I wasn't even on CS at the time. Also paid for half of her prenatal care out of my pocket to save her from debt which actually got refunded to her when she went & filed for Medicare for pregnant women. At this point all shorty does is pay half of daycare, while I basically subsidize her standard of living & she gets a free ride. All good though, more money to be earned. Finna cop this vasectomy too. Fool me once...

sorry what happened to you but thankyou for taking time out to talk about the baby hustle women run. When I was younger I thought men were complaining and not wanting to do their job. Then when I started doing the math I seen how dudes is getting hustled.
The blame goes both ways. Y'all need to make better choices in women. If a girl doesn't have a career or working towards one and is broke, why are you messing with her? I love the P too but you gotta look at the bigger picture.

you're not wrong, but above all else...its called a condom fellas :lol:
**** happens man. It's hard for me to look down on dudes in this situations because we've ALL def been there.

I could be a father 4-5 times over if **** went different ways. I'm lucky tho 1 daughter and another on the way with the only female I could ever deal with
Got a friend in the wildest situation. Divorced, got majority custody but his ex-wife has legit mental issues. Courts refused to get her diagnosed, she's falsely accused him of things to get custody back so he's been to court like 100 times in the 5 years past, but when she has the kids she abuses them, he's got pictures of scars and ****. Her sole purpose is make his life miserable and get the kids, but when she has them she doesn't treat them right, and they don't want to be with her. I mean cops have randomly showed up at his door for contempt, assault etc, all types of made up **** because he's not anywhere near her. No matter how many times he's tried to get the system to pay attention they fail him. What recourse does he have left? who can he reach out to with a willing ear? Feel like dude will lose it at some point.
The blame goes both ways. Y'all need to make better choices in women. If a girl doesn't have a career or working towards one and is broke, why are you messing with her? I love the P too but you gotta look at the bigger picture.
It's never that black and white, ya'll are adults, you should know that. Like my mans chick developed mental issues in her 30s, she was good before that.
The blame goes both ways. Y'all need to make better choices in women. If a girl doesn't have a career or working towards one and is broke, why are you messing with her? I love the P too but you gotta look at the bigger picture.

Just like Mark said, it don't work out that way always.

Some of the most unstable women work 40hr weeks and have stable jobs. Often times women will play sane.
Just like crazy dudes often have good jobs and are normal till ish hit the fans and end up stalkin' chicks and shootin' up they cars in the middle of the night.
They get crazier and lazier after they have the baby. Instead of blue + signs those test should have $ signs shows up or that ugly dude with the messed up teeth pop out and say "GOT"EEEMM!" Still getting jerked around in 2018. Contacted a lawyer a few times, every time just like nah too expensive. Back in the market though

Laptop is meh too, of course I paid barely a bill for it so can't beat that, I just downloaded a bunch of movies on it using an approved, legal website and use to watch movies with the baby. Not a powerhorse by any stretch of the imagination but throw an hdmi cable and wireless mouse/keyboard set on it to make your non smart tvs smart is great value
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