Official Bitcoin Thread

that mini crash is like a splash of cold water to the face lol. looked at my portfolio when i woke up like :wow::lol:

**** is a little different now that the money is getting bigger. still don’t have fiat on hand but i did transfer a little ETH into my wallet to swap if i need to. funny how i felt like a king just two days ago. still feeling like a champ though and not selling anything.
If you're staking AMP in Metamask or wherever, move it to the Lightning network asap. 197% APY right now. This is the network being used in ES if I'm not mistaken.

Oh. Just for clarity, you're still able to stake on the Lightning network in Metamask. It's just in addition to Gemini or SPEDN. New network that popped up today.

You are correct
that mini crash is like a splash of cold water to the face lol. looked at my portfolio when i woke up like :wow::lol:

**** is a little different now that the money is getting bigger. still don’t have fiat on hand but i did transfer a little ETH into my wallet to swap if i need to. funny how i felt like a king just two days ago. still feeling like a champ though and not selling anything.
Wait for the day you see a 10-15k swing and don’t care about the losses and think about buying more
Wait for the day you see a 10-15k swing and don’t care about the losses and think about buying more
yeah not worried about the portfolio drop even though it was significant. pissed about a few things though. i don’t have a stash of money to spend. solana dipped to $130 and quant dipped to $279 and i didn’t buy any because it happened when i was asleep. i need to keep more ETH in my wallet and some USDC so that i can set limit orders via 1inch or somewhere like that.
Where do you guys conduct all/majority of your "transactions"


The purchases made during the last bear has thankfully ballooned my bags substantially... I now want to be more secure with my holdings.

Any tips/suggestions.??

And I'm with thunderchunk69 thunderchunk69
Where can I step up from noob status and get more informed overall..
Preferably, without starting at PG.1 and reading up on all 1300pgs :lol:
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Bought $500 of eth at 2am this morning, just because I had a bonus from work I wanted to get rid of. Hit purchase, didn’t look at my account until about 6am. ………

Joint SUPER DIPPED like right after I bought! BUT, my portfolio says I have less money than before my deposit? I thought maybe it was taking forever to add funds? Click on settings and there’s an alert saying my bank account became unlinked and I needed to do some steps to re-link.

long story short, the transaction never went through, so I didn’t really get screwed on the timing of the purchase :lol:
i forget who it was that gave some pretty good advice. they use a separate chromebook just to do crypto with important bookmarks and plug-ins ready to go. when they grab that comp, they find a good spot to conduct their work with no distractions.

i use my phone and work comp for everything. the work comp has a vpn and chrome with the important plug-ins. unfortunately, i do swaps when i’m driving, i transfer coins with my son and daughter climbing all over me - pretty foolish way of doing things but no mistakes yet. yet.

now that the portfolio has grown, i have enough in there that if i lost all of it, i would actually be pretty pissed. i’m looking into buying a ledger nano or something like that to help with security.

i also use the everwallet to store most of my ID tokens and will move more erc20s when they get out of alpha and have it more polished.
Wish I had some $ to buy the dip..! We’ll be back. Been so long since we had a good dip, need to have something on hand next time.

I got most exchanges phone apps with Touch ID and can pretty quickly trade if I need to. I prefer on laptop, but timing doesn’t always work out like that
Should I Move My AMP Over To Metamask If I've Got No Plans Of Doing Anything With It For The Foreseeable Future?

Interested In That APY Mentioned Earlier :nerd:

Any Fee's Associated With Moving From Coinbase To Metamask To Do This?
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Just had to de-stake my amp from Gemini and it says it’ll be available the 15th or sooner. Hope it’s soon and I don’t miss out on the inflated APY
It’s already down to the 70s now
Should I Move My AMP Over To Metamask If I've Got No Plans Of Doing Anything With It For The Foreseeable Future?

Interested In That APY Mentioned Earlier :nerd:

Any Fee's Associated With Moving From Coinbase To Metamask To Do This?
Theres fees for moving but it's not bad. I think it cost me a few dollars in AMP to move from wallet to wallet. The APY wil continue dropping the more capacity gets staked, so get in asap.
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