...Official BLACKBERRY Thread v.updated...

The storm only sucks if you don't know how to modify it properly. I have .83 os on after I did a JL_Cmder. My storm is 100x better than people with thestock .65 OS. If your not a tech person I don't recommend it yet for the average person. But, if you make modifications like changing the os. Removingthings you don't need or use. I removed im programs, vz nav, visual voice mail. I have 50 megs of free app space and everything works great. Is it perfect.No. But it's only been out for like a month. I can still access rss, satelite radio, orb to access my pc, ton of other stuff not nt appropriate. I wouldsuggest doing some research on crackberry if your considering the phone. I'm happy with it. I'd give it an 8 out of 10 after having it for a month.
So I'm getting a Blackberry for TMobile for my gf for Xmas & I wanted to know which one would be the best to get.

I just got a curve and I love it, I was thinking about getting her the same but I can't find any online without the contract for under 400, so I don'tknow what I should do.

Another problem I ran into is the fact that everyone is selling AT&T phones saying that they are unlocked and you should be able to use any sim card in itbut that sounds somewhat tacky/questionable
do you guys think the most recent update for the Curve 8320 (T-Mobile) is worth downloading? I was about to update it but my friends telling me not to, thatthere are a lot of glitches and over all its just not worth it.
Originally Posted by PoloRSport

The storm only sucks if you don't know how to modify it properly. I have .83 os on after I did a JL_Cmder. My storm is 100x better than people with the stock .65 OS. If your not a tech person I don't recommend it yet for the average person. But, if you make modifications like changing the os. Removing things you don't need or use. I removed im programs, vz nav, visual voice mail. I have 50 megs of free app space and everything works great. Is it perfect. No. But it's only been out for like a month. I can still access rss, satelite radio, orb to access my pc, ton of other stuff not nt appropriate. I would suggest doing some research on crackberry if your considering the phone. I'm happy with it. I'd give it an 8 out of 10 after having it for a month.

Im gonna have my bro look into it.

I want to remove all the programs I dont use.

If he cant do it, would the verizon store take care of it for me?
Originally Posted by PoloRSport

The storm only sucks if you don't know how to modify it properly. I have .83 os on after I did a JL_Cmder. My storm is 100x better than people with the stock .65 OS. If your not a tech person I don't recommend it yet for the average person. But, if you make modifications like changing the os. Removing things you don't need or use. I removed im programs, vz nav, visual voice mail. I have 50 megs of free app space and everything works great. Is it perfect. No. But it's only been out for like a month. I can still access rss, satelite radio, orb to access my pc, ton of other stuff not nt appropriate. I would suggest doing some research on crackberry if your considering the phone. I'm happy with it. I'd give it an 8 out of 10 after having it for a month.
how does one go about doin this?
To whyte1der05five. No verizon stores won't do it. They don'thave the software readily available and most don't know jack *#@@ about phones. The intricacies of adjusting settings. Trust me I use to work at twodifferent Verizon stores and I had a manager ask me to setup his treo for him and do the alarm.
Does anybody know... If i open up a couple of new lines of service on my account can Tmobile do something like give you free _________? Like... free BB dataplans on all the phones for 6 months for example.
To NikeKid6. First thing you want to do is back up your apps. It also backs up your contacts. Then you want to download the New OS. .83 is the latest but itmay be a beta. .76 is the latest that is official it was designed by telus for the 9530. If you want the most stable OS with the least hassel go with that one.I wanted the best speed and performance so I went with .83. In either case don't forget to delete the vendor file located in. C:\Program Files\Research InMotion\BlackBerry (this is after you download the new os)

How to back up 3rd party applicaitons

Download OS for the BlackBerry Storm9530 >>



What I did after I installed the new Os, and restored my apps. If you don't use vz nav or visual voice mail delete them. Goto options on your phone thesecurity options, then memory cleaning. Change status to Enabled. Clean when holstered Yes, Clean when Idle Yes, Idle Timeout (your choice) I put 2 min. ShowIcon on Homescreen No. Hit the blackberry menu button. (The one with the dots). Clean now.

Another key thing to optomize performace is to close any unused applications. Hitting the red button does not close them. To find out what running applicationyou have running. From the main icons screen hold down the blackberry menu button for like 2 seconds and you should see a row of icons. You really don'tneed any more than 5 apps running. These are running because they are constantly checking for updates. Mine are application center, browser, home screen,messages, phone.

Another tip is to hide applications you don't really plan on using often but that you don't want to delete. To do this simply go into the app folder ordownload folder hit the blackberry menu and choose hide. Do the same thing to restore them. Delete anything you don't use. I don't im so I deleted allmy im programs. I don't buy music so vcast store was deleted to.

You want to also get an application like soft reset or quick pull. I use quick pull cause its the first one I looked into and works. What these apps due isreset the phone. Which your going to want to do at least once a week if not more. I do it about every 3 or 4 days. The reason is when you turn off your phoneit goes into an idle or stand by mode. These programs are the same as taking out the battery waiting a few seconds and rebooting them.

You can get them and a ton of other apps here. I would just bookmark them on your phone since these are OTA apps. (Over the air).

OTA Apps Thread

There are plenty of other tips and tricks for the screen any everything else. My suggestion is to read and ask questions on Crackberry. Thats how I learnedmost of what I know. Check out the NSFW thread if you wanna some
wallpapers already made.
Why the hell isn't T-Mobile giving a date for the freaking Curve 8900. It's like quickstrikes with BlackBerry(s) these days.
Ok so I was reallllly considering transferring over to sprint for the Blackberry Storm , but after reading all these responses on how NON-user friendly thephone truely is , I am reconsidering that move ..

1. So the phone lags on internet speed ?
2. Is not as user friendly as the I-phone ??
3. You need to be a software techie in order to all the necessary revisions in order to make the phone more user friendly ??

.. Sweet jesus

Someone tell me if the phone is worth getting please , and how does it compare to the G3 I-phone ...
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by soulize dp

Curve is nice but its too small...like a womens phone...and no 3G smh...Bold FTW, it's the man's BB.


not a girl phone. *Sits back and plays with his new curve* I finally getto look through this thread. I feel like a new man
I just got another 8830 through insurance from Sprint. Im ready for them to send me a curve or something. I love by 8830, but Im kind of over it.
^^ LOL. Just got my 8830WE from Sprint too. Insurance is where it's at.

Also got my dad the curve... and it's a very nice phone. Sprint TV FTW.
Question for you guys that have the blackberry bold and that are on AT&T. How much are you guys paying every month? What's the cheapest plan you canget?
Originally Posted by PoloRSport

The storm only sucks if you don't know how to modify it properly. I have .83 os on after I did a JL_Cmder. My storm is 100x better than people with the stock .65 OS. If your not a tech person I don't recommend it yet for the average person. But, if you make modifications like changing the os. Removing things you don't need or use. I removed im programs, vz nav, visual voice mail. I have 50 megs of free app space and everything works great. Is it perfect. No. But it's only been out for like a month. I can still access rss, satelite radio, orb to access my pc, ton of other stuff not nt appropriate. I would suggest doing some research on crackberry if your considering the phone. I'm happy with it. I'd give it an 8 out of 10 after having it for a month.
yeah pretty much, so far so good. Im staying with .75 for now for the stability until i get more familiar with blackberry world. Only problems ireally have are lag/freezing with media playback and camera, which sounds like it gets better with the next update. But im coming from winmo touchscreenphones so im good.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by PoloRSport

The storm only sucks if you don't know how to modify it properly. I have .83 os on after I did a JL_Cmder. My storm is 100x better than people with the stock .65 OS. If your not a tech person I don't recommend it yet for the average person. But, if you make modifications like changing the os. Removing things you don't need or use. I removed im programs, vz nav, visual voice mail. I have 50 megs of free app space and everything works great. Is it perfect. No. But it's only been out for like a month. I can still access rss, satelite radio, orb to access my pc, ton of other stuff not nt appropriate. I would suggest doing some research on crackberry if your considering the phone. I'm happy with it. I'd give it an 8 out of 10 after having it for a month.
yeah pretty much, so far so good. Im staying with .75 for now for the stability until i get more familiar with blackberry world. Only problems i really have are lag/freezing with media playback and camera, which sounds like it gets better with the next update. But im coming from winmo touchscreen phones so im good.
But thats what im talking about ... Spaceman , tell me the truth lol , how much does it lag in comparison with the 3G in your opinion .. and isthe media player that awful ??? My brother is strongly convincing be into purchasing the storm on the family plan and insist that he knows all the bestupdates and how to remove certain apps that I wouldnt likely use .. Will the phone much work better than , media wise ??
The camera does lag a bit, i can deal with that, and it seems updates will rectify that. My issue is the media playback and controls, its buggy as hell. Maybeim not doing it right, but im willing to wait on the the next stable update before i do anything, and even then im not likely to return it. Im still enjoyingthe phone overall.
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