Official Bonnaroo 2012 Thead "June 7-10, 2012, Manchester, Tennessee.

May 14, 2002
With the line up releasing tomorrow I thought I'd make this thread. Assuming there is a good line up I am more than likely going to go. Any other NTers planning to go?

Line up is better by a tad than last years IMO. I really want to go. Here's to hoping my group from last year will go too.
Not sure if it's as good as last year's yet. Def bout to hit up youtube to research these undercards.

But seriously the lineup is only half the story. Won't know until it's over if the experience touches last year's.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Not sure if it's as good as last year's yet. Def bout to hit up youtube to research these undercards.

But seriously the lineup is only half the story. Won't know until it's over if the experience touches last year's.

Very well said. I don't know if last years can ever be topped for me. The way that festival came together was crazy.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Not sure if it's as good as last year's yet. Def bout to hit up youtube to research these undercards.

But seriously the lineup is only half the story. Won't know until it's over if the experience touches last year's.

Very well said. I don't know if last years can ever be topped for me. The way that festival came together was crazy.

Coming from someone whos going to jealous.
Speaking of experiences... Balloonboy you remember last year on Friday night before Arcade Fire when they dropped those flashing blue lights from the sky?!?! Nobody had ANY clue what was going on. It was a pretty cool thing to be a part of....
Son...I was waiting in line for the pit for Arcade Fire and I was like what in the hell? It was a very dope way to start a magical set. Their energy never waned once - the entire two hours.

But yo, I just finished my perfunctory run through of all the undercards and I can literally count on my fingers how many bands I have no desire to see. Talk about conflicts out the wahzoo.

I'm confident this year will not disappoint. I was nearing the end of the list HOPING to come across a bad band, but it just kept getting better.

I am so ready to Roo. Four months. Leh go.
i'm ready to flip my Coachella tix if i see a nice festival lineup somewhere, but after this lineup dropping looks like I won't be at the Roo this year.
Crag, how did you battle the brutal heat last year? I heard it was relentless, but damn was that an understatement. I have never experienced heat like that.

Some of the things I did last year were drape my head with a wet towel, drink tons of water - that well water was the worst, but it was better than nothing - and stayed inside the tent acts as much as possible. If I was lucky, security would hand out ice cold bottles of water or some kind and thoughtful soul would spray the crowd with their mister. It always seem to come at the right time as well. Stocking up on a few bags of granola trail mix came in handy as well. Especially with the ridiculous prices and the sometimes back-to-back-to-back sets in the tents.

This year I'm definitely taking a handheld fan, a camelbak, and a few filtered water bottles.

And is it me or did they have the fountains in some of the worst locations. No one ever used the sinks by the Silent Disco either.
10-a-ki??? that's not far at all... i might could assemble a crew and come through with drugs... tickets?

Oh man... you are not joking. That heat was BRUTAL.

I almost passed out from dehydration... freaked me out. It was on Friday, and me and 2 dudes from my group went to "This Tent" to see Matt and Kim and then Atmosphere. We were pretty close to the stage, so we stayed and waited between sets. It was SOOO damn crowded in there I could barely move to get to my bag to grab a water bottle, but I didn't really think much of it. Like 5 mins before Atmosphere was about to start I started getting super lightheaded, turned around and had my friend give me his water, and then I started losing my vision and I got the F outta there. You really cannot drink enough water while you are there. This year I'm definitely not staying that close to the stage in the middle of the day for more than one show.

Then before the Eminem show started

So me and the only kid I really knew in my group coming in went to the What Stage at 6PM on Saturday and stayed there through Wiz, The Black Keys, And Eminem so we could be pretty close. We got all the way to the rail, center stage... so it was a great spot. Anyway, we met up with 3 other kids from our group, and after the Black Keys show we had about 5 ounces of water between the 5 of us. We knew if we left to get water there was no way we'd get back up there, but 2 of the guys volunteered. We knew we would never see them again and wouldn't have any water
. So theres about 30 mins til Eminem even starts, and we are all kind of feeling a little out of it, and we all are like, this is a terrible idea... we need water. So we start rationalizing that if one of us passed out, we were close enough to security to carry the one passed out there. Then about 5 mins before the show started I found a full water bottle at the very bottom of my bag
. Never in my life have I been so happy to find a bottle of water.

I definitely need to be more prepared this year. I hate to say this, but on Saturday we didn't even leave our canopy until 5:30 pm to avoid the heat
. There was nothing during the day I HAD to see. But now that I've discovered some of the bands that I missed, I really regret that choice. We didn't even stay for Sunday. We woke up and packed, we were all so exhausted. Did you stay all 4 days?
Pusha C, tickets go on sale Saturday at Noon. You can pay the full price or pay in installments with the payment plan. Check out for further details.

Crag, you are not joking about it being so damn crowded in the tents to even reach for your +%*@ or forfeiting water to keep your spot. I had to start rationing out my water for fear of losing my spot.

I stayed the whole four days. I had to see the Superjam and our group wasn't leaving until then anyways.

But yea man I think you should definitely try the granola. It gives you a second wind, especially when you're in Centeroo all day and you don't want to run to the water fountain so frequently or pay the exhorbitant prices. I had the bear naked kind:


I really wish I had paced myself better(going to be nearly impossible with all the incredible acts). I missed Gogol Bordello's and Pretty Lights epic all night sets because I was dead tired; most days I entered Centeroo at noon and left at like 9. And that dust. It gets to be too much after awhile. And my feet. I definitely had the wrong shoes last year. Getting back to my tent felt like heaven. I was always stone cold out within minutes. But that damn sun in the morning...
Best time ever. That's why I bought my ticket last year before the lineup was even announced. Looking to make it a tradition.

The feeling is indescribable. What was your favorite act or moment?

Seeing Eminem live goes without saying, but the stage curated by Eugene Hutz was pretty amazing - Forro in the Dark, DeVotchka, Hanggai, and Jovanotti, with Gogol's impromptu set in between. That sand makes standing for long hours so bearable.
I was kinda disappointed with the Eminem set to be honest. But that's because I saw him at Comerica park 9 Months earlier, and it was the same EXACT set, but at Comerica we had cameos from B.O.B., Drake, 50 Cent, Dre, D12. I was hoping it'd be a different set.

I personally loved the Black Keys show. It was really cool too, just me and my friend were at the What Stage, then all of a sudden a girl is standing next to me looking down at her phone, and it was a girl from our group. Then 10 mins later, 3 others from our group magically found their way through the huge crowd and met up with us.

The J. Cole show was amazing for me as well. I went to Roo expecting nobody to know Cole, and half my group wanted to see him, it was the only show our 9 person group was all together for. I'm a pretty big Cole fan, saw him at a very small venue in November 2010, not even 200 people showed up. Too see that many people their waiting for Cole, who knew the songs, it was pretty cool to me.
Oh and forgot to put this in here.. it's kinda funny that no other NTers have really shown an interest at all, they don't know what they are missing out on

But anyway, my best friend had gone in 2010, and ALWAYS talked about it. He told me I should buy a ticket, and I was kinda like, "Man, I'm not about that camping life, I don't think I would enjoy it." he texts me back..

"Dude, I HATE everything about camping, I hate bugs, I hate portipotties, (Which were the worst part of Roo btw
) I hate being outside, and I felt the same way last year, but I said screw it and went anyway and it was the best time I've ever had, it's a complete escape from life for 4 days, it's enough partying for the whole year, it's a true feeling of freedom."

So I caved and bought a ticket, and I fell in love with it.
The Black Keys set was pretty amazing though pretty short because of setup for Eminem.

Yea, they don't know what they're missing out on, but it's already overcrowded as it is, so I have no complaints.

Something like 120,000 people attended last year. Insane. I expect that number to go up this year.
To me this is one big hip-hop act away from being worth it. Like if they'd signed up Nas I'd do it in a heartbeat. Even now I might go but it's just not calling my name like Coachella.
Artist additions just announced. Santigold

DANZIG LEGACY – featuring music by Danzig, Samhain and Danzig/Doyle performing The Misfits
The Temper Trap
The Cave Singers
Balloonboy, how many people you going with? I may need to meet up with you, my group is kinda lame. Any other NTers going?
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