Hunger 1
Superior Spider-Man Team Up 1
What If? AvX 3
New Avengers 8
Superior Spidey 14
Uncanny Avengers 10
Young Avengers 8
Scarlet Spidey 19
Journey Into Mystery 654
It's not really part of the cosmic MU. Last creative team followed Kid Loki and this one follows Sif. It's basically a spinoff book from Mighty Thor back in the 60s and have continued on since. It is about to be canceled now though. JiM is a very good read though. It'll be like 10 issues of Sif and the Kid Loki stuff is out in trade and hardcover spanning the time of the end of the Siege event to last year.
If you want to read cosmic and get it on the ground floor, read Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, and soon some of New Avengers and Avengers.