Official Common Sense Thread "The Dreamer, The Believer" From movies to classic albums!! Dec. 20th

My dude Com' bringing back that classic hip-hop vibe with this album. Will definitely support and cop this great album. 
Com is that dude. 
Acquiring now. I can't wait to listen to this tonight. Every song has been beyond expectation. 
This album is fantastic. Definitely a top 5 candidate for album of the year. Only one weak track in "Windows". "Pops Belief" is what it is but the rest of the tracks are fresh. Can't wait to cop this Tuesday. 
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Electric Circus was not a classic. A classic is inherently not limited to a person's perception.

....stop it, you're embarrasing yourself.
- dont believe me? see *****esBrew.

ALBUM OF THE YEAR!! And i've havnt seen anyone talk about "cloth"..that song might be the best on the album, @%%# sounds so soulful 
this is already out??!!

edit: Dec 20...well first day cop but I wont listen to anything 'til then
Singing all around me man, la la la
You aint 
Frank Sinatra


Held out on Sweet, but man this track is
Hearing Common go in like that

Gold is my
right now
Very dope album. Nice addition to his catalog. Can't call it his best work but expected quality music from Com, much better than UMC

Favs are Windows, Ghetto Dreams, Lovin I Lost, Cloth, and Blue Sky.
I'm on "Cloth" right now. I like how he placed the usual Common tracks in between the aggressive joints, feelin it so far.
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