Official Confessions Thread. vol: Aint had one of these in a while.

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by 23islegendary

When I was very young, I was about to put my penis in a cats mouth

meh pu55y is pu55y

1.) I'm too selfish to be completely emotionally all in a relationship right now.
2.) In my early college days there was a time when I only dated and hooked up with Kappas now I stay away from all greeks.
3.) I just stopped seeing this guy where his extra activities of him doing him outweighed him spoiling me. He had to go.
4.) My professional life only has one place to go and that's up but it does scare me sometimes that I maybe wouldn't be able to maintain the high level that is now always expected.
1.) I'm too selfish to be completely emotionally all in a relationship right now.
2.) In my early college days there was a time when I only dated and hooked up with Kappas now I stay away from all greeks.
3.) I just stopped seeing this guy where his extra activities of him doing him outweighed him spoiling me. He had to go.
4.) My professional life only has one place to go and that's up but it does scare me sometimes that I maybe wouldn't be able to maintain the high level that is now always expected.
Man this thread is wild.

 @ dude who wifed the girl him and his brother ran a train on.
Man this thread is wild.

 @ dude who wifed the girl him and his brother ran a train on.
*I have never touched an alcoholic drink in my life
*I sometimes regret getting with my fiance, because I would be almost done with college and be more financially secure without her. (but I love her, these thoughts are rare, mostly after arguments)
*I still sometimes wish Pokemon were real
*My ex was a freak, I would hit literally 3 or more times per visit, and I miss the frequency

Now an embarrassing story, but I offer it up for the sake of entertainment. Please be gentle

Spoiler [+]
I ate out my first girlfriend while she was on her period
(It was my first vagina and there wasn't any blood or bad taste) I had no idea til she told me.
*I have never touched an alcoholic drink in my life
*I sometimes regret getting with my fiance, because I would be almost done with college and be more financially secure without her. (but I love her, these thoughts are rare, mostly after arguments)
*I still sometimes wish Pokemon were real
*My ex was a freak, I would hit literally 3 or more times per visit, and I miss the frequency

Now an embarrassing story, but I offer it up for the sake of entertainment. Please be gentle

Spoiler [+]
I ate out my first girlfriend while she was on her period
(It was my first vagina and there wasn't any blood or bad taste) I had no idea til she told me.
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

*I have never touched an alcoholic drink in my life
*I sometimes regret getting with my fiance, because I would be almost done with college and be more financially secure without her. (but I love her, these thoughts are rare, mostly after arguments)
*I still sometimes wish Pokemon were real
*My ex was a freak, I would hit literally 3 or more times per visit, and I miss the frequency

Now an embarrassing story, but I offer it up for the sake of entertainment. Please be gentle

Spoiler [+]
I ate out my first girlfriend while she was on her period
(It was my first vagina and there wasn't any blood or bad taste) I had no idea til she told me.

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

*I have never touched an alcoholic drink in my life
*I sometimes regret getting with my fiance, because I would be almost done with college and be more financially secure without her. (but I love her, these thoughts are rare, mostly after arguments)
*I still sometimes wish Pokemon were real
*My ex was a freak, I would hit literally 3 or more times per visit, and I miss the frequency

Now an embarrassing story, but I offer it up for the sake of entertainment. Please be gentle

Spoiler [+]
I ate out my first girlfriend while she was on her period
(It was my first vagina and there wasn't any blood or bad taste) I had no idea til she told me.

Broke, grandma give me cash to do things with, car may get repo, lonely as hell, them people have made me loose my mind, will never get a female, 24 and wonder when will Jesus relieve the burden. I have super love for people, I realize that super nice guy dude routine will get taken advantaged of. I seriously have given up in life, I just put up a front for my grandmas so I won't hurt them severe. Friends I have are really incomprehensible weed addicted guys who really exhibit some form of ackward thought, I can not really have a really thought provoking convo with them. I'm not looking for Einstein convos but let's stop with the convo about the oz you don't sell, fancy drug methods that are laughable to one who use logic to shift through the bull. I'm no better than them, I once possessed that mind frame and still show signs of it. I'm just suggesting expansion of thought. I've been fapping to sexy women redneck mature porn. Depression can mess your mind up. I've reduced fapping tremendously,I've just accepted the harsh reality of not sexing anymore. Also I have remorse upon finishing. My argument about masterbation is, God speaks against self gratification (to the extinct it replaces his moral values) and laciviousness in the bible. we develop excuses for our poor willpower to exercise self discipline by citing reasons that its essential for health reasons. We watch porn and fap with every ill intent. Let's just stop with silly discourse about God and masterbation. Really want to be a hardcore Christian. I believe God is real, its just to hard to explain for those who don't want to understand. Well, I actually lack the descriptive means. I have not a single shred of self confidence. Believe people have a subconscious hatred towards me based on the words of others, talk to me then conclude. Sometimes get overwhelmed in negative thought that I have moments of dementia. I think everyone is out to get me. They know who they are though, and you know you wrong for the bull you doing/did. I want a good job but im blacklisted. Only one who realizes that there are very few real people. Feels like I'm the dumbest dude ever. Phone never rings. I'm lame as hell, the more I try to repair it, the lamer i get. I need to leave and go away but i have no money. Afraid niketalk may get to mainstream for people like me. Where nothing but celebrities will take it over one day. If I'm alone I can think well, in front of others my brain freezes. When I pee I use no hands. I know its crazy, but when i see someone, I always wonder when was the last time they had sex. When alone,I rap like from I'm from new York but use down south lyrics when I'm by myself, one negates the other. Just humour to me. I cry all the time, I know I'm a %+***. When my family is sleep, I position items in their room so they cant find it. When they wake up and ask me where they at, I tell them somewhere it really is not. Oops sorry for the boredoom.
Broke, grandma give me cash to do things with, car may get repo, lonely as hell, them people have made me loose my mind, will never get a female, 24 and wonder when will Jesus relieve the burden. I have super love for people, I realize that super nice guy dude routine will get taken advantaged of. I seriously have given up in life, I just put up a front for my grandmas so I won't hurt them severe. Friends I have are really incomprehensible weed addicted guys who really exhibit some form of ackward thought, I can not really have a really thought provoking convo with them. I'm not looking for Einstein convos but let's stop with the convo about the oz you don't sell, fancy drug methods that are laughable to one who use logic to shift through the bull. I'm no better than them, I once possessed that mind frame and still show signs of it. I'm just suggesting expansion of thought. I've been fapping to sexy women redneck mature porn. Depression can mess your mind up. I've reduced fapping tremendously,I've just accepted the harsh reality of not sexing anymore. Also I have remorse upon finishing. My argument about masterbation is, God speaks against self gratification (to the extinct it replaces his moral values) and laciviousness in the bible. we develop excuses for our poor willpower to exercise self discipline by citing reasons that its essential for health reasons. We watch porn and fap with every ill intent. Let's just stop with silly discourse about God and masterbation. Really want to be a hardcore Christian. I believe God is real, its just to hard to explain for those who don't want to understand. Well, I actually lack the descriptive means. I have not a single shred of self confidence. Believe people have a subconscious hatred towards me based on the words of others, talk to me then conclude. Sometimes get overwhelmed in negative thought that I have moments of dementia. I think everyone is out to get me. They know who they are though, and you know you wrong for the bull you doing/did. I want a good job but im blacklisted. Only one who realizes that there are very few real people. Feels like I'm the dumbest dude ever. Phone never rings. I'm lame as hell, the more I try to repair it, the lamer i get. I need to leave and go away but i have no money. Afraid niketalk may get to mainstream for people like me. Where nothing but celebrities will take it over one day. If I'm alone I can think well, in front of others my brain freezes. When I pee I use no hands. I know its crazy, but when i see someone, I always wonder when was the last time they had sex. When alone,I rap like from I'm from new York but use down south lyrics when I'm by myself, one negates the other. Just humour to me. I cry all the time, I know I'm a %+***. When my family is sleep, I position items in their room so they cant find it. When they wake up and ask me where they at, I tell them somewhere it really is not. Oops sorry for the boredoom.
People who jump from relationship to relationship make me sick. Like really? You aren't able to be on your own?

This emo kid I work with just got dumped by his gf of 4 years, dude was posting the most emo facebook status'. "I just want to die."

Now 3 weeks later he's with some new girl and "I never thought I'd be this happy again."

Really? You have to be with someone to be happy?

I see it with girls the most, will be dating someone for like 8 months, then a month later is with someone else. It's a never ending cycle.

Maybe I'm bitter becuase I've only ever had one serious relationship in my life. But even now 7 months later I don't have the urge to just start dating someone else. It wouldn't be fair to the new girl, I'd always be comparing them. And I'm enjoying just being on my own.
People who jump from relationship to relationship make me sick. Like really? You aren't able to be on your own?

This emo kid I work with just got dumped by his gf of 4 years, dude was posting the most emo facebook status'. "I just want to die."

Now 3 weeks later he's with some new girl and "I never thought I'd be this happy again."

Really? You have to be with someone to be happy?

I see it with girls the most, will be dating someone for like 8 months, then a month later is with someone else. It's a never ending cycle.

Maybe I'm bitter becuase I've only ever had one serious relationship in my life. But even now 7 months later I don't have the urge to just start dating someone else. It wouldn't be fair to the new girl, I'd always be comparing them. And I'm enjoying just being on my own.
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