Official: Detroit Pistons vs Philadelphia 76ers - Game 1 Post

Nice win Philly

Don't let the 76ers record fool you....they had a horrible start but they were money after all star break...they beat a gang of good teams to, Boston,Detroit, San Antonio, Phoenix, Denver,
Wow....Pistons played so damn sloppy today, Billups missed FTs and lots of missed layups by everybody, they just gave the game away to the very VERY aggressiveSixers.

I did give Philly 1 win though, 2 max.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Unfortunately for the Sixers, it takes 4 games to win. They get props for this one though.

This won't be like the 2001 Finals.

I didn't think the Sixers would win this series, but now that they got this game, I'm feeling it.

Sixers in 6.

Fire it up.
Honestly, this is just how it goes with us.

Teams that "aren't supposed to have a chance" with us usually come out and beat is...same thing every year.

I don't believe that we are going to lose this series, but I also didn't believe that we would sweep them either (my guess was a game 2 or 3 loss)

Props to the Sixers and
@ the Pistons haters like S4L coming out of nowhere.
Nice. Let them cats know this ain't no *%*+%% cake walk. Sixers are gonna be a problem for a while with all them young talented players.

Oh yeah those Jerseys
Good win Sixers.

Miller come through for us and Iggy should practice on his free throws. It nearly cost us tonight.
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