OFFICIAL FOOTY THREAD ⚽️: Spain wins 2024 Euro Cup and Argentina wins the Copa America

Who wins the Euros?

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Are half the tweets posted not showing up for you guys? I know there’s been embed issues but this is ridiculous
I'm wondering if it's a Twitter thing cuz Tweets aren't loading on my browser.

Anyway... so weird to see Chelsea without a shirt sponsor.
pool have the most boring home jersey year in and year out

chelsea moving the ball around well
who from the academy?
anywho, who is from your academy that plays now?
I actually don't know because the highest rated guys went out on loan already.

There's a bunch of guys from the academy in the team but not direct paths, and Carlo hasn't promoted anybody.
I didn’t realize this Chelsea kit has white on it 🤢

Pool kit is class though
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