Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I didn't complain about lack of character deaths. My only complaint really is that the episode was in a way anticlimactic because they built just plot points that didn't pay them off. Like they openly said they chose not to make Jon be the one that ends the war. I am generally fine with the episode

There are two bigs battles this season. I realize that they have to save characters for the next war for their to be added impact to that one. You can claim this show is about the human drama over the fantasy elements but the character the viewing audience people care most about is Jon. They cared about his war more Dany's. Besides the Battle of the Bastards the most memorable events from the last few season has to do with war with the dead. But the story ends with who wins the Game of Thrones, so they had to make a decision.

I am not mad at the decision. My issue is that the show has seen a decline in the slow burn human drama aspect and turned to big battles and paying things off for the audience. So for that I just think it is kinda weird is the plot point they decided to pay off in the end was a short convo Arya had in the Forrest and not the damn near the entire character arc of your most beloved character.

But I guess acting like any everyone is against you and ranting like your Uncle would if Mayor Pete beats Trump, is the new "just look at his +/-" :lol:

it's tough maybe im giving them too much slack, but i just think GRRM dealt them such a bad hand, that near as I can tell they are doing the best they can given the situation.

I would bet anything they went to that last meeting with george and asked him,

"yo how does the azhor ahai theory pay off?"
"what is brans role in the battle against the dead?"
who kills the night king"

and GRRM responded with his thoughts on the Mets 7-8-9 hitters, and what he thinks about John Mayers replacing gerry Garcia in the Grateful Dead. :rofl:
Never watched before but watched this episode at my friends house yesterday

About to start the series this week. I don’t really mind the spoilers :lol:

If last night was the first episode you watched, I dont know how much enjoyable watching the actual build up would be...
it's tough maybe im giving them too much slack, but i just think GRRM dealt them such a bad hand, that near as I can tell they are doing the best they can given the situation.

I would bet anything they went to that last meeting with george and asked him,

"yo how does the azhor ahai theory pay off?"
"what is brans role in the battle against the dead?"
who kills the night king"

and GRRM responded with his thoughts on the Mets 7-8-9 hitters, and what he thinks about John Mayers replacing gerry Garcia in the Grateful Dead. :rofl:

Or how the Giants suck now...lmfao
or his TS% last two playoffs, or pretty much any on court advanced metric in any playoff series he's been healthy...

don't get me started man, you guys are laughably wrong, i mostly entertain the arguments because it amuses, how much it trolls some people. :lol:
I know you are just trolling :lol:

Once you have an opinion on something you will claim it is fact when repeat that **** to the ends of time no matter what. And then drags dudes jimmies into the abyss to enjoy a long winter.

I agree with most of your points though

PS, Kyle still ain't it. They should have shipped him too
People really in here downplaying the Long Night mythos. >D

So you mean to tell me after finding out the Boogeyman that old Nan would tell tales about was in fact real & has been plotting his revenge for thousands of years with an army that has nothing to lose because they’re already dead, that the real big bad is a bunch of southern fairies?

once GRRM wrote himself into a corner and didn't finish the books the die was cast.

Once that happened, there was no way they were going to be able to generate intricate super detailed fantasy story lines on a TV show production schedule.

So they had to make a choice, what is the show ULTIMATELY about, the fantasy elements or the character based drama?

It's the drama.
They chose wisely.

They didn't just choose drama, they went full Hollywood.

From another forum I post on:

It's not a matter of needing characters to be killed off for the sake of them being killed off, it's that these last few seasons have been taking a central theme of the whole series in a very different direction. I don't think you can be angry about D&D not being able to weave a story like GRRM can, but coming into these final seasons (and in the books) there was always a feeling that you never knew the day or the hour of a character's demise. Part of the allure of the early seasons/books was that characters didn't get a pass just because they were with the good guys. Emotionally, it sucked, but we also loved the emotional rollercoaster of Ned's beheading and the red wedding. Those types of unheroic and gruesome plot twists are very uncommon in these types of shows. Now, everyone gets a hero's ending or an improbable 'out' when they are in a tough spot. Like Jorah dying defending his queen, tiny Lady Mormont slaying a giant, Theon being forgiven by a Stark before charging the NK, or Jon getting timely saved moments from death by Dany beyond the wall, the Knights of the Vale, and Arya's assassination of the NK.

You can say that the deaths of any key characters wouldn't have added to the plot, but it's the writers job to make sure that they do so they stay true to a central theme of the story. We've basically gone from an uncommon storyline to a story that we've seen a thousand times before, just on a much grander scale now. It's unfortunate because this is probably the only ending we're going to get unless GRRM gets on his pony.
I think some people should have lowered expectations back when we ran out of book material.

We saw how much the writing took a dip when that happened. Not sure why people are so shocked that there's so much fan service.

And in fairness, I still think that was a great episode of television. It just didn't go the way I and a lot of others wanted or expected. Part of me thinks a lot of the disappointment is due to expectations that the story set us up for, but this stopped being the same story when Weiss and Benioff had to take over and tell the story themselves.

I'm holding out hope for the books to release to get the actual story, and enjoying this as what it is; an adaptation without text to adapt from anymore.
I know you are just trolling

Once you have an opinion on something you will claim it is fact when repeat that **** to the ends of time no matter what.

Plus l don't take your internet ******* persona seriously. :lol:

PS, Kyle still ain't it. They should have shipped him too

I watch 82 games of Raptor basketball a year, and what? 5 years of Lowry, watching and rewatching and agonizing over every playoff possession.

and guys who drop in after watching a couple halfs of basketball tell me "Kyle aint it"

and you expect me to what, abandon my opinion on that? :lol:
I only needed a few more details and scenes:

Knight King motivations and background
Knight King vs SnowGod
Knight King fighting anybody 1v1
White Walkers doing ANYTHING other than watch their king get washed
it's tough maybe im giving them too much slack, but i just think GRRM dealt them such a bad hand, that near as I can tell they are doing the best they can given the situation.

I would bet anything they went to that last meeting with george and asked him,

"yo how does the azhor ahai theory pay off?"
"what is brans role in the battle against the dead?"
who kills the night king"

and GRRM responded with his thoughts on the Mets 7-8-9 hitters, and what he thinks about John Mayers replacing gerry Garcia in the Grateful Dead. :rofl:
I really think you are right about GRRM. Dude painted himself in a corner, knows he can't pay those plots points off so he just told them:

NK dies, this person sits the thrown at the end, you fill in the rest. Then just looked at them mute until they bounced.

I don't think he has writer's block too. They is probably just writing nonsense and his editors are like "this ain't it brah"
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I still think you can't make a true assessment of the decisions they made with characters living and dying before we see the final arc of the series over the next three episodes.
I watch 82 games of Raptor basketball a year, and what? 5 years of Lowry, watching and rewatching and agonizing over every playoff possession.

and guys who drop in after watching a couple halfs of basketball tell me "Kyle aint it"

and you expect me to what, abandon my opinion on that? :lol:
Damn, it is almost like we are just trolling you :D
They didn't just choose drama, they went full Hollywood.

"there was always a feeling that you never knew the day or the hour of a character's demise."

I would argue, that fact hold, you thought people were going to die last night and they didn't, and going forward we still don't know when or how our favs might die.

can you say for sure who makes it to then end?

, is ANYONE off limits?
I really think you are right about GRRM. Dude painted himself in a corner, knows he can't pay those plots points off so he just told them:

NK dies, this person sits the thrown at the end, you fill in the rest. Then just looked at them mute until they bounced.

I don't he has writer's block too. They is probably just writing nonsense and his editors are like "this ain't it brah"

If you factor that in, I have a lot of respect for the story they're still managing to tell off bullet points if that is indeed the case.
If last night was the first episode you watched, I dont know how much enjoyable watching the actual build up would be...

What do you mean? Because I already know how the NK dies?

Tbh tho I was like “that’s it?” When he died, but then my boy told me she had some kind of sword and hit him in a special spot
I think they are saving the major deaths for the battle at King's Landing.

If too many died at Winterfell, King's Landing would feel like too much like an epilogue to the story, and not the conclusion to it.
Was just thinking... no main character has really randomly died in a battle the entire series.

The Wildling chick that we had just met at Hardhome.
Stannis did but it wasn’t really part of the Battle.
Anyone else?

The death toll had been high but each death was really a plot point outside of a major battle. So this episode isn’t really a major change in tone. Certainly had an opportunity to be though. Really the number of bodies getting dropped has decreased for a few seasons. We all just expected the show to end with most major characters dead and figured this would be a good opportunity to drop a few. But that might not be the case. I personally feel like it would have added weight to the carnage if more known faces bit it, but they may still have payoff left for these characters, or them being alive may play a role in the ending.
Aegon got saved by Stannis, Knights of the Vale, Danny twice, and his battle plans are awful. Other than being honorable, I'm not sure why I like the dude. :lol:
Was just thinking... no main character has really randomly died in a battle the entire series.

The Wildling chick that we had just met at Hardhome.
Stannis did but it wasn’t really part of the Battle.
Anyone else?

The death toll had been high but each death was really a plot point outside of a major battle. So this episode isn’t really a major change in tone. Certainly had an opportunity to be though. Really the number of bodies getting dropped has decreased for a few seasons. We all just expected the show to end with most major characters dead and figured this would be a good opportunity to drop a few. But that might not be the case. I personally feel like it would have added weight to the carnage if more known faces bit it, but they may still have payoff left for these characters, or them being alive may play a role in the ending.

there hasn't really been any shocking deaths since I guess Jon right?

and even then we knew he was coming back.
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