Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Makes perfect sense. I think we could all tell this is what was happening by watching.

Like I said, I'm still holding out hope for the books and appreciating the rest of this season for what it is, expensive fan fiction.

I didn’t think he was ever going to finish the books but the show is going out so poorly that I’m hoping it motivates him to finish his story.

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so what was the reasoning in cersi offing ol girl?

was she just a POW after the ambush or did they come for her?

being vague not to spoil anything.
so what was the reasoning in cersi offing ol girl?

was she just a POW after the ambush or did they come for her?

being vague not to spoil anything.

To elicit an emotional response from Dany. She's basically working with a skeleton crew right now, and Jon and the rest of the northern fighters are 2 weeks out. If Dany were to make her move now, she'd no doubt lose and be killed in the process. Cersei was trying to end the war before it began.

I think we see Ghost at least one more time. Way too many people have been complaining about the lack of Ghost for years now.

I got a feeling D&D are trying to throw us off again this season with all the curveballs ie no goodbye with Ghost, Dany turning into the mad queen, etc. They did it last season with the Sansa/Arya beef. It felt so forced, so contrived. An artificial setup for an ostensibly "organic" payoff later. I think they're doing it again.
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To elicit an emotional response from Dany. She's basically working with a skeleton crew right now, and Jon and the rest of the northern fighters are 2 weeks out. If Dany were to make her move now, she'd no doubt lose and be killed in the process. Cersei was trying to end the war before it began.

cool was just seeing if i was missing the point.

because i cant understand the rules of engagement at the end when cersi just ambushed them and kidnapped her and lets not count all the other ruthless mess cersi done did and she had dany and them in a very vulnerable situation and could of ended everything right there but instead did not. I know its just a show but damn cersi could of wacked them all right then and there.
because i cant understand the rules of engagement at the end when cersi just ambushed them and kidnapped her

They obviously agreed to parley, the writers just decided to skip right over that, but you're still right. If that were taking place in the real world, Cersei probably just wipes them out right then and there, parley or not. It's not like she's some honorable person where by breaking that agreement would cause her any kind of internal conflict.

I guess the real answer is because it's TV and it would kind of ruin the story..
Plus Missandei is pretty chill. Don’t really expect her to grab someone and have them jump to their death.
They obviously agreed to parley, the writers just decided to skip right over that, but you're still right. If that were taking place in the real world, Cersei probably just wipes them out right then and there, parley or not. It's not like she's some honorable person where by breaking that agreement would cause her any kind of internal conflict.

I guess the real answer is because it's TV and it would kind of ruin the story..
Have they explicitly mentioned parley's any other time? Stannis and Renly, Jon and Ramsey?
I just figured killing anyone on the other side of a parley was just the rules. Like not killing the messenger. If Ramsey obeyed that I have no problem with Cersie.
grrm and d&d have to be on same page far as the ending goes right? i get that they may have different ideas on build up ie arya maybe doest kill NK in books but the ending has to be on same page......grrm mentions that fans guessed end correctly back in 1999 due to the clues??? if true no way he would allow a different ending.....the ending is the one true ending!!

it has to be jon snow or he dies to have someone "good" become king/queen
although i'm not getting why her advisers are starting to think shes not meant to be a good ruler.....she has not shown anything to me that shes "mad? killing Tarlys? please......seems to me all the rulers have been ruthless men....guys like ned stark and jon snow dont want it, don't want to play the game, can be considered weak when playing the GAME......if ned stark was ruthless you know who is on the iron throne right now? gendry! why? because a ruthless ned stark kills all the lannisters including their kids and then hands it over to gendry in time.......thats what King Robert would have done......scratch robert would have killed all the bastards and kept the throne for himself

will sansia and bran not make it to kings landing? hard to make impact if you're in winterfell.....they have to have some kind of impact

another thing i think jon has going for me it seems he doesnt listen to what people tell him he should do.....seems to me his history is doing what his gut tells him to do......listening to people was ned starks downfall
he probably wants the show to have a different ending. I’d rather read what the ending is then see it on this show 15 years earlier. His fault though for taking so damn long with book releases.

If that ain't the stupidest **** ever. So real people can't interact with cgi now? Da fudge? Did this clown not see the millions of movies where it's been done seamlessly. Wtf. He'll, even who framed Roger rabbit had Detective Valiant accidentally bumping his head into Jessica rabbit *******. Just say you didn't think of it til after the fact, don't lie and make it out like it's not doable.
maybe he is trying go throw us off the ending.....direwolf, lone one doesnt appear in last ep? doubtful....and we shouldnt assume last scenes are at kings landing.....the show could end at winterfell
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