Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Jon really about to sneak up to Auntie like this next week.

No they don't. This isn't your or the fans work. The fans didn't spend countless days, weeks, months, etc. putting together a story to tell. We just sit on our couches and watched.

What's more hilarious is the "fans" continue to watch even tho they are not getting enjoyment. they're watching just so they have something to tweet. That's like yelp reviewers who've been to a restaurant numerous times and state they've tried everything on the menu but give a 1 star review because all the food sucks. Then why'd you go back 5-10 times? You thought it;d be different everytime you went in?

If a show becomes unenjoyable then why continue to watch?

You're a fan of something that you chose to watch. If that doesn't live up to "your expectation" then leave it. But why continue to watch? That's the baffling point. I've never completed a movie if i'm bored 20-25 minutes in. I've dropped a show after X amount of seasons when it just became droll.

There's no better counterpoint than saying do it better do it yourself if it sucks in your eyes Like I said, is it perfect? No but it's still an entertaining watch and some of the best TV in the last 10 years.
I don’t disagree with a lot of your points, but none of them apply to me and how I’ve dealt with the show. Perhaps there are people only watching for something to tweet, but that has a lot more to do with the show seeming to explode in popularity and people wanted to get in for the final season than anything else. I’m sure there are tons of people doing that, but I’m not sure how that applies here.

I continue to watch the show because I still enjoy the show. The visuals are unmatched on Television today, but I’m not going to overlook how rushed and illogical a lot of the decisions they made to close the show out are.

If we’re going down the ‘do it better’ road, I'm not even sure what the point of watching the show is. People get invested in things like TV and Sports. This has always been the case.

I’ve sat through lulls in movies and TV shows and stuck through it because of the potential I think shows and movies have. With a show like The Leftovers it payed off tenfold. You have every right to approach things differently, but that doesn’t mean that the way you consume and cut off entertainment is the right way. When you write a TV show that is meant to get people to watch and sign up for subscriptions, you’ve accepted that people will have their own opinions. Some are valid, some are knee jerk, some are shortsighted, some are people just trying to get their takes off and be part of the discussion.

You’re entitled to yours just as viewers are entitled to theirs. Whether or not they’re informed and coming from an honest place is a completely different discussion.

I suppose we can agree to disagree on fans having a right to voice an opinion on a product.
Sorry if posted but I didn't catch this

"Varys’ interaction with the young kitchen girl Martha is actually more sinister than it may appear at first. When Martha tells him “She won’t eat,” and Varys replies, “We’ll try again at supper,” he’s not saying that because he’s concerned about his queen’s health and worried that she’s not eating enough. The scene implies that he’s hired the kitchen girl on in a plot to poison Daenerys. He sends Martha back to the kitchens with this reminder: “The greater the risk the greater the reward.”
Sorry if posted but I didn't catch this

"Varys’ interaction with the young kitchen girl Martha is actually more sinister than it may appear at first. When Martha tells him “She won’t eat,” and Varys replies, “We’ll try again at supper,” he’s not saying that because he’s concerned about his queen’s health and worried that she’s not eating enough. The scene implies that he’s hired the kitchen girl on in a plot to poison Daenerys. He sends Martha back to the kitchens with this reminder: “The greater the risk the greater the reward.”

I caught this too. He was also trying to send ravens out from Dragonstone proclaiming Jon as the true heir and rightful king. This was all right before he asked Jon to betray her. Keep in mind that Varys and Jon had zero relationship or rapport prior to this conversation.

GRRM's Varys was cunning and calculated. D&D's Varys is hasty and sloppy.
The point isn't that "fanboys" will beesh and moan about it all when things don't go how they think it should. Like their vision should be met more than the creators.

No it's not perfect, no movie or television show is but it's entertaining.

and I don't agree with Dany's turn being rushed. She's been loathsome for 3 seasons now and the cracks have been evident. Whats the phrase, "Pride comes before the Fall" and the wild part is this applies to both Cersei and Dany. Dany's "fall" is not her loss at the kingdom but her fall from grace and becoming that which she didn't want to be, a mad Targaryen.

The final 75 minutes will be somber. I hope the leaks aren't true however seems more than likely.

You do understand, Danny DIDNT start off with everyone she’s lost by her side from the jump, she literally only had Jorah and her dragons, and Jorah was a spy for a couple of seasons before he came clean....everyone that up until this season rode for her, did so on their own terms or sought her out, because although always power hungry for the throne, she didnt show signs of being the genocidal tyrant that was put on display last night, she made Ramsey, Joffrey and Cersei all look like child’s play villainy in the span of 1 episode....if somehow you consider that proper character developement, then perhaps you are much more easily pleased than those of us that were actually emotionally invested in a lot of these plot lines and character arcs that were BUTCHERED for the sake of wrapping up the show...
Look i'll stop with the trolling as it relates this season. :lol:

my bottom line on this seasons, is I believe all the outcomes make total sense,

the clegane bowl outcome,
arya killing the night king,
danny going mad queen,
Jamie and cersei dying together. ect ect,

but the fact that it all happened in 6 episodes means we are basically getting the series plot point summary version of it, when game of thrones has always been about excruciatingly exact detail. So naturally it's going to be unsatisfying for fans of the series.

I made my peace with it the minute I saw the last two seasons were going to be 7 and 6 episodes long, just doing the story math in my head I prepared myself for this, so im able to compartmentalize and enjoy the season for what it is.

But i totally get if you're mad.
You do understand, Danny DIDNT start off with everyone she’s lost by her side from the jump, she literally only had Jorah and her dragons, and Jorah was a spy for a couple of seasons before he came clean....everyone that up until this season rode for her, did so on their own terms or sought her out, because although always power hungry for the throne, she didnt show signs of being the genocidal tyrant that was put on display last night, she made Ramsey, Joffrey and Cersei all look like child’s play villainy in the span of 1 episode....if somehow you consider that proper character developement, then perhaps you are much more easily pleased than those of us that were actually emotionally invested in a lot of these plot lines and character arcs that were BUTCHERED for the sake of wrapping up the show...

Dany has been loathsome since her stint in Mereen. People say she's never shown signs of cracking, but ain't she the one that CRUCIFIED and put a hella lot of slavers on display in Mereen. yes there was a point to make, but no fair amount of reasoning will make this action be any different than Joffrey putting Ned's head on a spike.

Targ is gonna Targ. Y'all wanted one more droll episode of Dany' losing her ish to justify she's gone mad cuz it took a bit longer? She's a child with almost godlike powers in a dragon who's had her best friend executed in front of her.
Look i'll stop with the trolling as it relates this season. :lol:

my bottom line on this seasons, is I believe all the outcomes make total sense,

the clegane bowl outcome,
arya killing the night king,
danny going mad queen,
Jamie and cersei dying together. ect ect,

but the fact that it all happened in 6 episodes means we are basically getting the series plot point summary version of it, when game of thrones has always been about excruciatingly exact detail. So naturally it's going to be unsatisfying for fans of the series.

I made my peace with it the minute I saw the last two seasons were going to be 7 and 6 episodes long, just doing the story math in my head I prepared myself for this, so im able to compartmentalize and enjoy the season for what it is.

But i totally get if you're mad.

no disrespect to your opinion but you lost me at arya killing night king. that made zero sense and i stand by that. i get they did it for shock. i get the whole training as a master ninja for 18 years. but she had zero history with the dude they could have had anyone else kill him besides her and it might have made more sense than arya

and then to top it off they made her kill him instead of cersei lol
Oh man, I made the mistake of watching the Extras.

Besides the circle jerk they're having of the production crew building the city inna parking lot and it being really clear D&D are style no substance guys boy was it crushing hearing them trying to explain this ****.

Their whole thought process just gets me mad.

They're facing Cersi and one of these buffoons say it was really important that the good guys become the bad guys in this episode. As if we aint just come off an ep of the actual bad guys killing a dragon and beheading a woman :smh:
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Oh man, I made the mistake of watching the Extras.

Besides the circle jerk theyre having of the production crew building tue city inna parking lot and it being really clear D&D are style no substance guys boy was it crushing hearing them trying to explain this ****.

Their whome thought process just gets me mad.

Yeah when you start to hear their “reasoning” behind things you’re like

Dany has been loathsome since her stint in Mereen. People say she's never shown signs of cracking, but ain't she the one that CRUCIFIED and put a hella lot of slavers on display in Mereen. yes there was a point to make, but no fair amount of reasoning will make this action be any different than Joffrey putting Ned's head on a spike.

Targ is gonna Targ. Y'all wanted one more droll episode of Dany' losing her ish to justify she's gone mad cuz it took a bit longer? She's a child with almost godlike powers in a dragon who's had her best friend executed in front of her.
It’s like some of you guys really don’t watch the show.

Do you not remember those slavers crucified 163 CHILDREN and put them up at every mile marker on the way to Mereen as a warning to Dany? Is it still not justifiable for Dany to have done what she did as retribution?

If you put something out into the world as art, it is open to criticism. Whether it be fair or not. Plenty of us criticizing the show now have been on the other end of the spectrum defending the show in seasons past against the likes of Tiberius and his book elitist yuppies. You guys keep saying we’re hating just to hate when we’ve clearly laid out what our issues with what the show has become in it’s final season.

“If you don’t like it, stop watching.” No, if I’ve invested my time in something to this extent, I’ll finish it ‘til the bitter end. If the show had strayed the course this bad say in S5, then sure, maybe I would have stopped then but not now, in the home stretch.
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Dany has been loathsome since her stint in Mereen. People say she's never shown signs of cracking, but ain't she the one that CRUCIFIED and put a hella lot of slavers on display in Mereen. yes there was a point to make, but no fair amount of reasoning will make this action be any different than Joffrey putting Ned's head on a spike.

Targ is gonna Targ. Y'all wanted one more droll episode of Dany' losing her ish to justify she's gone mad cuz it took a bit longer? She's a child with almost godlike powers in a dragon who's had her best friend executed in front of her.

Those were slavers! And I believe she always have people a choice, everyone she’s executed was given a choice, but they all under estimated....she’s never EVER, shown signs of being capable of genocide on fleeing and screaming women and children without the slight of chance at accepting her as their queen.
Look i'll stop with the trolling as it relates this season. :lol:

my bottom line on this seasons, is I believe all the outcomes make total sense,

the clegane bowl outcome,
arya killing the night king,
danny going mad queen,
Jamie and cersei dying together. ect ect,

but the fact that it all happened in 6 episodes means we are basically getting the series plot point summary version of it, when game of thrones has always been about excruciatingly exact detail. So naturally it's going to be unsatisfying for fans of the series.

I made my peace with it the minute I saw the last two seasons were going to be 7 and 6 episodes long, just doing the story math in my head I prepared myself for this, so im able to compartmentalize and enjoy the season for what it is.

But i totally get if you're mad.

I'm right there with you, once I saw all the teleporting last season I knew they were bout to sacrifice the writing just to sprint to the finish this final season. It is what it is, I'm still entertained but I will not be following anything D&D do after this show. They revealed their true incompetence this season with some of these explanations in the post episode behind the scenes clips
It’s like some of you guys really don’t watch the show.

Do you not remember those slavers crucified 163 CHILDREN and put them up at every mile marker on the way to Mereen as a warning to Dany? Is it still not justifiable for Dany to have done what she did as retribution?

Yeah I’m not sure what show some of these dudes been watching, where somehow power hunger and entitlement to a throne due to lineage she’s entitled to equates turning into a genocidal maniac in literally 1 episode....nah...Sansa is as power hungry as Dany, she’s been through similar struggles, I guess if next week she blows up WF with all its commonners, then we should have seen it coming too...
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