Official: GTA VI Thread: Trailer 1 Out Now: PS5 Series X & Series Confirmed: Tentative Release Window Fall 2025

Will you buy GTA V For PS4 OR XBOX ONE

  • Yes: I waited out and skipped GTA V For PS3 & XBOX 360

    Votes: 24 16.3%
  • Yes: I love the game and will be gladly double dip on the game

    Votes: 105 71.4%
  • No: I'm waiting for the PC version of the game to come out

    Votes: 9 6.1%
  • No: I hated GTA Online and will never trust R* again

    Votes: 7 4.8%
  • No: GTA games aren't my type of games and I'll stick to other games like COD: AW, Assassins Creed Un

    Votes: 4 2.7%

  • Total voters
Oh that. The one for 75k I saw it last night didn't know what it did.
Had too much fun tonight laughing HARD at attempts to have a cargo bob pick up a big bus with 10 cats in it and landing on Mt Chilead. BXPA dudes are hilarious. Wish we could get that many NT heads in at one time.
Had too much fun tonight laughing HARD at attempts to have a cargo bob pick up a big bus with 10 cats in it and landing on Mt Chilead. BXPA dudes are hilarious. Wish we could get that many NT heads in at one time.
:lol: that was me trying to air lift them up the mountain then I got disconnected. I was giving them the blues with the Buzzard when I finally got back in the game ...up until you sniped me when I landed :smh:
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Hahahaha I was like why is my man blowing us all up. I had to kill you when I had the chance (lucky shot, I was just aiming under your name). You were blowing us up left and right lol.
Hahahaha I was like why is my man blowing us all up. I had to kill you when I had the chance (lucky shot, I was just aiming under your name). You were blowing us up left and right lol.
at first I was trying to catch the guy that stole the plane but then I accidentally killed a bunch of those BXP guys :lol: that was my bad... that was a mighty fine shot though, you hit me from the airport and I was almost back to the downtown area.
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glad im at my rents for a cpl days, this ish was unplayable

had all day to myself past cpl days n couldnt eem join enjoyable lobbies, hate the new COD alrdy, man next gen in general has been a disappointment

they need to drop some gems or actually jus complete games... NHL :smh
the snow really adds a different feel to the game. usually id never be in the mountains.

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Yeah that 6 wheel truck is my favorite vehicle in the game. Flies up mountainsides when fully upgraded. :lol:
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