What's up guys? Been too busy watching hockey.

Lets get started:

Neal should have at least got 3 like Asham. I think Shanahan was thinking that he is losing all the star NHL players due to suspension. Then again, Asham is a repeat offender. Either way, I don't think Neal deserved only one.

Kick out Torres from the game. He leaped into Hossa and that was dirty.

To the Bruins:

Good to see Backstrom gone for at least a game. We can take a commanding lead with him gone for a game.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Torres should just be out of the NHL after this incident 

Suspension, sure. 
Kicked out of the NHL???  C'mon now. 
Luckily I have a game tonight so I don't have to see any more of this debacle. I just hope it doesn't get ugly and the team can start getting ready for next year. My guess is game 3 was the desperate game, hence the guys going nuts. Now it's too far out of reach so they will be cool. A few interesting notes, MAF had given up the most goals in the first 3 games of a playoff series (congrats). Paul Martin may not play which is great news as well
I just can't fathom 20 goals in 3 games. Especially as a rangers fan because the opponent doesn't do that to us and we can't do it either. Huge game 4 tonight. Need control of the series. Not to look ahead but you would think with Pitt out, we got no excuse to not get outa the east. But yeah first things first, is alfredson playing.
Loved the way Erat was playing last night... I could NOT believe how poorly the decision making was defensively on the Klein "empty netter"

How are you gonna have 3 guys track a player all the way over to the boards when hes got 2 guys trailing? And THEN the Goalie is roaming way the hell out of the net as well...

Easiest goal Klein is ever going to get when the tender isn't pulled.
"First off, I hope he's all right," Torres said after the game. "But as far as the hit goes, I felt like it was a hockey play. I was just trying to finish my hit out there, and, as I said, I hope he's all right."

  He didn't address the fact that he leaped towards Hossa. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Torres should just be out of the NHL after this incident�

Suspension, sure.�
Kicked out of the NHL???� C'mon�now.�
Why not? What does Torres contribute to the game? Literally every one of his hits is either a charge or a head shot. Let's revisit some of his greatest hits in the last two years:

And his most recent:

I feel the same about Torres as I did Cooke last year. Throw the book at him.
TB...not all the hits you posted of Torres were dirty (Brunette, Skrastins, Prosser). As a matter of fact, some were even quesitonable (Hejda/Murray).

He plays the game with an edge. He also straddles the line between clean and dirty. I'll admit that. However, to even suggest kicking him out of the league is ridiculous. A suspension for what he did last night, I have no problem with. Torres has a history but we can't always say that just because a hit is violent, it's dirty.

He's caught a lot of guys with their heads down. As a matter of fact, I saw from the vids posted, MANY instances where those hits would make Scott Stevens proud.
Yea but he's leaping off the ice in most of those hits.

There's a difference in the game now, those hits that Stevens produced were just as bad. But the NHL didn't care about protecting the health/head of the players. They ignored head shots. Now they don't.

To add to that, the players have no semblance of respect for each other. Plus, you have the old guard of refs retiring the last few years and all these new refs who have no idea how to control the game. These crazy games in the playoffs and all these factors are gonna be huge with the NHLPA and the CBA negotiations.
I'll agree to disagree....there were three VERY clean hits, IMO...Prosser, Skrastins, and Brunette. He's catching guys with their heads down. The problem with today's NHL is that refs will call ANYTHING if the hit looks to be too violent. This is the league that Gary Bettman has now created. It's a physical sport and that aspect is slowly being taken away due to the sensitivity involving head injuries.
That too. I feel like the whistles have been swallowed a bit this postseason. Or at least in the first game or two. They have to call tonight's game that way. That's the only way you cut down on the shenanigans in that series right now.

I think it's just with the face getting injured, he needed to make the move.
Many people seem to be entertained by this goonery, I have long since grown out of it and I think it's blight on game. I watch to see great plays made by great players, not watch them roll around on the ice clutching each others jerseys like grioux and crosby.

But the NHL seems not care at all and I hope they g et sued into bolivia for it.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Many people seem to be entertained by this goonery, I have long since grown out of it and I think it's blight on game. I watch to see great plays made by great players, not watch them roll around on the ice clutching each others jerseys like grioux and crosby.

But the NHL seems not care at all and I hope they g et sued into bolivia for it.

Sued for what? 

And as a matter of fact, I LOVED the fact that you had two of the best players in the league in Giroux and Crosby squaring up (somewhat
Originally Posted by True Blues

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Torres should just be out of the NHL after this incident�

Suspension, sure.�
Kicked out of the NHL???� C'mon�now.�
Why not? What does Torres contribute to the game? Literally every one of his hits is either a charge or a head shot. Let's revisit some of his greatest hits in the last two years:

And his most recent:

I feel the same about Torres as I did Cooke last year. Throw the book at him.
couldn't have said it better myself; it is also one year since the incident last year...he NEVER learns and is a journeyman first round bust; the NHL would be okay if he never suited up for another game
Yea, if only they had thrown down
when was the last time we saw two dudes like that drop the gloves in the playoffs? Vinny and Iginla?
you still get great plays made by great players. no one is entertained by what aaron asham did or what neal was trying to do. but big hits and post whistle scrums and the emotions are fine. you can't take that out of the game and maintain that level of intensity.

and let's not act like crosby is some choir boy that got grabbed and forced to fight. HE chose to. HE was the one acting like a %*#%#+$!% out there and picking fights. the fact that giroux squarted off is sign that fighting isn't the issue and that there is a level of "structure" (not the right word) to fighting. it's not like simmonds beat down crosby's +!%.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by True Blues

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Suspension, sure.�
Kicked out of the NHL???� C'mon�now.�
Why not? What does Torres contribute to the game? Literally every one of his hits is either a charge or a head shot. Let's revisit some of his greatest hits in the last two years:

And his most recent:

I feel the same about Torres as I did Cooke last year. Throw the book at him.
couldn't have said it better myself; it is also one year since the incident last year...he NEVER learns and is a journeyman first round bust; the NHL would be okay if he never suited up for another game

Your very own captain is arguably one of the dirtiest/most hated players in NHL history.  Where's your argument against him? 
is the daily news supposed to be better than the post there? it definitely reminded me of the NY post haha
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Many people seem to be entertained by this goonery, I have long since grown out of it and I think it's blight on game. I watch to see great plays made by great players, not watch them roll around on the ice clutching each others jerseys like grioux and crosby.

But the NHL seems not care at all and I hope they g et sued into bolivia for it.

Sued for what? 

And as a matter of fact, I LOVED the fact that you had two of the best players in the league in Giroux and Crosby squaring up (somewhat
Negligence? You don't think there will be lawsuits from, older players experiencing residual effects from head trauma? The NFL saw the lawsuits were coming and took drastic measures, the NHL has done little more than token efforts.

The 2500 fine for Shea Webber is a great example of this.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Many people seem to be entertained by this goonery, I have long since grown out of it and I think it's blight on game. I watch to see great plays made by great players, not watch them roll around on the ice clutching each others jerseys like grioux and crosby.

But the NHL seems not care at all and I hope they g et sued into bolivia for it.

Sued for what? 

And as a matter of fact, I LOVED the fact that you had two of the best players in the league in Giroux and Crosby squaring up (somewhat
Negligence? You don't think there will be lawsuits from, older players experiencing residual effects from head trauma? The NFL saw the lawsuits were coming and took drastic measures, the NHL has done little more than token efforts.

The 2500 fine for Shea Webber is a great example of this.

So, where are the lawsuits?  

C'mon're reaching.  NFL has their problems partially because of bad pension, health care, etc....this was coupled due to the violent nature of the game itself.  Players with their brains scrambled and couldn't get the proper care once their playing days were over. 

Don't even try to point to Boogaard, Probert, Belak, etc. because they had other demons they were trying to deal with outside of hockey. 

The ONE lawsuit I can think of is from the Bertuzzi/Steve Moore incident.  Other than that, nothing is going to happen.  NHL has been proactive in player safety.  Yes, there have been some inconsistencies...but there isn't going to be a perfect solution no matter what sport is being played. 

And as a sidebar, look at the latest player poll on fighting.  There were 220 players questioned, and 219 were in favor of keeping it in the game.  That speaks volumes.  Players are fine with things.  It's certain fans/media who are getting riled up over nothing. 

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

TB...not all the hits you posted of Torres were dirty (Brunette, Skrastins, Prosser). As a matter of fact, some were even quesitonable (Hejda/Murray).

He plays the game with an edge. He also straddles the line between clean and dirty. I'll admit that. However, to even suggest kicking him out of the league is ridiculous. A suspension for what he did last night, I have no problem with. Torres has a history but we can't always say that just because a hit is violent, it's dirty.

He's caught a lot of guys with their heads down. As a matter of fact, I saw from the vids posted, MANY instances where those hits would make Scott Stevens proud.
The bottom line is Torres does not know how to check in 2012. His play over the last two seasons has established a pattern of dangerous behaviour-- that is legislated against (Rule 48) by the NHL, no less-- in a manner similar to Matt Cooke had in years previous (see last year's thread for the numerous head hits delivered by Cooke prior to his 17 game [maximum] suspension last season). But sure, I'll reassess the hits you mentioned:
  • Prosser: He leaves his feet. By rule, that is a charge. He was given a 2 game suspension.
  • Skrastins: Skrastins is on his feet. I'll give that one a pass.
  • Brunette: Clean.
  • Murray: Pinches from blue line with clear intent to hit, leaves feet, and time has expired.
  • Hejda: Puck has long left Hejda's stick before Torres sends his shoulder into his head. By rule, that is interference. He was fined $2,500.
DoubleJs07 wrote:
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Many people seem to be entertained by this goonery, I have long since grown out of it and I think it's blight on game. I watch to see great plays made by great players, not watch them roll around on the ice clutching each others jerseys like grioux and crosby.

But the NHL seems not care at all and I hope they g et sued into bolivia for it.

Sued for what? 


I think OKB is referring to this article by Elliotte Friedman (CBC):
[h1]Hockey violence, viewers on rise + 30 Thoughts[/h1] [h5] By Elliotte Friedman Posted: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 | 10:27 AM
[/h5]He played nine NFL seasons at linebacker for the Washington ******** and New York Giants, winning one Super Bowl and going to the 2006 Pro Bowl. Not a bad career as an undrafted free agent for Antonio Pierce.
On Monday night, Pierce attended Game 3 of the Boston Bruins-Washington Capitals series and tweeted: "Had a blast at the NHL game last nite.. Hurts to say but more physical then the NFL...#sad."

These are strange days.

The NFL just negotiated a series of record-breaking TV deals. Yet frightened by a series of concussion lawsuits, it's trying to balance safety with pro football's inherent competitive brutality. Meanwhile, the NHL is seeing record television ratings and intense buzz as its playoff games swing between incredibly entertaining and completely out of control.

On Tuesday night, there was the potential for a worst-case scenario: Marian Hossa taken off the ice on a stretcher. Hours later, the Blackhawks announced they "anticipate a full recovery" -- thankfully.

Here we are at Hockey Night in Canada, very happy with more than two million viewers for Monday's Game 3 in Ottawa. Game 3 between the Pittsburgh Penguins and Philadelphia drew NBC the best U.S. television rating for any playoff game in a decade, excluding the Stanley Cup final. TSN opened that series with its best-ever number for a first-round game featuring two American teams.

Viewers weren't turning into the Penguin-Flyer games for intermission features about "The Pennsylvania Amish of Lancaster County." And yet, there was no NHL release trumpeting these numbers (Checked with Steve Lepore, who covers this stuff on his Puck The Media blog.).

The league is rarely shy about this kind of thing, proud to point out when its various platforms are breaking new ground. Last week, it announced another season of record revenues, even though a labour stoppage looms on the horizon.

If you're a fan paying $200 for a ticket, $150 for a jersey, $20 to park and about $3 billion to eat at a game, you have to love that the players care as much as you do. These guys desperately want to win. There were times I wanted to get away from hockey last weekend, but the games were too good.

However, at this time of year, you move the line of what's acceptable one inch (Shea Weber) and they'll take a mile. Last weekend proved it. Unfortunately, Raffi Torres cemented it. I'm no puritan. I like a tough game and a good fight between those who can play. But the NHL has to be looking at its NFL brethren and worrying.

Hockey was actually first to start recording and analyzing concussion data, but football's taken the lead on radically changing the mindset of its players.

If you watch NFL telecasts, you'll hear plenty of people who share Antonio Pierce's opinion -- that the game's gone soft.

As Deep Throat told Woodward and Bernstein: "Follow the money."

There is a website ( that tracks the status of retired player litigation against the NFL. It counts 59 different lawsuits filed against the league right now, involving more than 1,000 plaintiffs. (Estimates are at least three years before any go to trial).

Charles Robinson, a tremendous investigative reporter for Yahoo Sports, tweeted Monday that a "High ranking legal source w/strong ties 2 NFL owners says concussion litigation has grown into biggest financial threat in league history."
Could that happen to the NHL? If you think it can, ask yourself this question: If this is the kind of hockey your consumers want, can the league afford to be comfortable with it?
Originally Posted by True Blues

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

TB...not all the hits you posted of Torres were dirty (Brunette, Skrastins, Prosser). As a matter of fact, some were even quesitonable (Hejda/Murray).

He plays the game with an edge. He also straddles the line between clean and dirty. I'll admit that. However, to even suggest kicking him out of the league is ridiculous. A suspension for what he did last night, I have no problem with. Torres has a history but we can't always say that just because a hit is violent, it's dirty.

He's caught a lot of guys with their heads down. As a matter of fact, I saw from the vids posted, MANY instances where those hits would make Scott Stevens proud.
The bottom line is Torres does not know how to check in 2012. His play over the last two seasons has established a pattern of dangerous behaviour-- that is legislated against (Rule 48) by the NHL, no less-- in a manner similar to Matt Cooke had in years previous (see last year's thread for the numerous head hits delivered by Cooke prior to his 17 game [maximum] suspension last season). But sure, I'll reassess the hits you mentioned:
  • Prosser: He leaves his feet. By rule, that is a charge. He was given a 2 game suspension.
  • Skrastins: Skrastins is on his feet. I'll give that one a pass.
  • Brunette: Clean.
  • Murray: Pinches from blue line with clear intent to hit, leaves feet, and time has expired.
  • Hejda: Puck has long left Hejda's stick before Torres sends his shoulder into his head. By rule, that is interference. He was fined $2,500.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Many people seem to be entertained by this goonery, I have long since grown out of it and I think it's blight on game. I watch to see great plays made by great players, not watch them roll around on the ice clutching each others jerseys like grioux and crosby.

But the NHL seems not care at all and I hope they g et sued into bolivia for it.

Sued for what? 

I think OKB is referring to this article by Elliotte Friedman (CBC):
[h1]Hockey violence, viewers on rise + 30 Thoughts[/h1][h5]By Elliotte Friedman Posted: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 | 10:27 AM
[/h5]He played nine NFL seasons at linebacker for the Washington ******** and New York Giants, winning one Super Bowl and going to the 2006 Pro Bowl. Not a bad career as an undrafted free agent for Antonio Pierce.
On Monday night, Pierce attended Game 3 of the Boston Bruins-Washington Capitals series and tweeted: "Had a blast at the NHL game last nite.. Hurts to say but more physical then the NFL...#sad."

These are strange days.

The NFL just negotiated a series of record-breaking TV deals. Yet frightened by a series of concussion lawsuits, it's trying to balance safety with pro football's inherent competitive brutality. Meanwhile, the NHL is seeing record television ratings and intense buzz as its playoff games swing between incredibly entertaining and completely out of control.

On Tuesday night, there was the potential for a worst-case scenario: Marian Hossa taken off the ice on a stretcher. Hours later, the Blackhawks announced they "anticipate a full recovery" -- thankfully.

Here we are at Hockey Night in Canada, very happy with more than two million viewers for Monday's Game 3 in Ottawa. Game 3 between the Pittsburgh Penguins and Philadelphia drew NBC the best U.S. television rating for any playoff game in a decade, excluding the Stanley Cup final. TSN opened that series with its best-ever number for a first-round game featuring two American teams.

Viewers weren't turning into the Penguin-Flyer games for intermission features about "The Pennsylvania Amish of Lancaster County." And yet, there was no NHL release trumpeting these numbers (Checked with Steve Lepore, who covers this stuff on his Puck The Media blog.).

The league is rarely shy about this kind of thing, proud to point out when its various platforms are breaking new ground. Last week, it announced another season of record revenues, even though a labour stoppage looms on the horizon.

If you're a fan paying $200 for a ticket, $150 for a jersey, $20 to park and about $3 billion to eat at a game, you have to love that the players care as much as you do. These guys desperately want to win. There were times I wanted to get away from hockey last weekend, but the games were too good.

However, at this time of year, you move the line of what's acceptable one inch (Shea Weber) and they'll take a mile. Last weekend proved it. Unfortunately, Raffi Torres cemented it. I'm no puritan. I like a tough game and a good fight between those who can play. But the NHL has to be looking at its NFL brethren and worrying.

Hockey was actually first to start recording and analyzing concussion data, but football's taken the lead on radically changing the mindset of its players.

If you watch NFL telecasts, you'll hear plenty of people who share Antonio Pierce's opinion -- that the game's gone soft.

As Deep Throat told Woodward and Bernstein: "Follow the money."

There is a website ( that tracks the status of retired player litigation against the NFL. It counts 59 different lawsuits filed against the league right now, involving more than 1,000 plaintiffs. (Estimates are at least three years before any go to trial).

Charles Robinson, a tremendous investigative reporter for Yahoo Sports, tweeted Monday that a "High ranking legal source w/strong ties 2 NFL owners says concussion litigation has grown into biggest financial threat in league history."
Could that happen to the NHL? If you think it can, ask yourself this question: If this is the kind of hockey your consumers want, can the league afford to be comfortable with it?

Ahh...ok.  Didn't know that about Prosser.  Or the fact that time had expired on the clock when he hit Murray.  As far as Hejda, he looked like he put himself in a compromising position by crouching over at the last moment.  I don't put that one on Torres at all.  He has a rep.  No denying that, and he deserves whatever he gets from the league as far as punishment for his hit on Hossa.  However, banning him from the game forever is idiotic.  I'm all for a 5+ game suspension for what he did last night, and if he keeps it up, tack on 15 games...20 games...OR at the very worst, a full year suspension.  He'll learn. 

Also, for as brutal as the playoffs have been this's gotten people to actually talk about the league who wouldn't normally talk about or watch the sport (like the article said).  The game is evolving and players are becoming bigger/stronger/faster.  It's like that in basketball, baseball, and football.  There is no comparison of the nHL to the NFL because they have been much more proactive in player safety.  THere are boneheaded plays like we saw out of Asham and Torres, but for the most part...the physicality of the NHL playoffs this year has been a plus.  May sound insensitive, but I'm sure the NHL is loving every minute of this.  For every fan that's turned off by what they're seeing, there are 5 more who will tune in.  I'm a diehard Caps fan, but the Pens/Flyers series has been my #1 sporting even to watch out of the NHL playoffs, NBA, or MLB.  I'm tuned in because of how great it's been to watch.    
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