Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

[h2]One Step Closer To Obsoleting Root: Android 2.2 Introduces Tethering[/h2][table][tr][td]byQuentyn Kennemeron May 13th, 2010[/td][td]
There was a time that you’d need to slip on your hardhat (which – for a geek – translates to a pair of ugly bifocals) and get down and dirty with your phone to unlock compelling features such as installing apps onto the SD card, and tethering your phone with other devices to use as a hotspot.

Google’s appeased our desire to install applications to our SD cards already with the now-famous Issue 1151 being dubbed as a “Future Release
^ you're from LA
say it isn't so.

Anyways I'll check it out . Why does re htc hd2 get no love? Right now I can get it for buy one get one free (basicly $100)
^ you're from LA
say it isn't so.

Anyways I'll check it out . Why does re htc hd2 get no love? Right now I can get it for buy one get one free (basicly $100)
Originally Posted by MECKS

^ you're from LA
say it isn't so.

Anyways I'll check it out . Why does re htc hd2 get no love? Right now I can get it for buy one get one free (basicly $100)

everyone hates windows mobile 6.5 most say it's extremely buggy and not really user friendly
WM works for some people and it doesn't for some.
I wouldn't say it's buggy and not finger friendly though
Sprint is DEFINITELY gonna disable that tethering thing or put a limit on usage... thats cutting into their $29/month revenue, their not about to have that.
Can the WiFi hotspot be added later on without extending the phones contract?

I have no real use for the WiFi until about January 2011.
its just slow... i have windows mobile and i like it because of the features but android is quickly adding those same features and their %%+# runs so much smoother...
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Sprint is DEFINITELY gonna disable that tethering thing or put a limit on usage... thats cutting into their $29/month revenue, their not about to have that.
then im definitly rooting
Well I'm looking forward to trying out WP7. Hopefully they can gain some marketshare.

Most companies don't allow you to tether, I know Verizon and AT&T don't. I know you can get away with it, I'm using my phone as a modem right now and I'm on AT&T. But VZW and AT&T both have caps on the unlimited data, 5GBs.
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

its just slow... i have windows mobile and i like it because of the features but android is quickly adding those same features and their %%+# runs so much smoother..
Basically. As soon as Android gets a good office app like MS Office Mobile and make it free, I'm makin the jump. I'm tired of WinMo not keepin up w/ the curve as far as OSes go and now they're about to take a giant step back w/ WinMo7
as a Helio user I hope this phone is worth wait. been waiting since december for this phone to atleast have a release date
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

As funny as it sounds, this $199 phone just turned into $439 phone with this up-charge. You cool paying for $199 + $1679.80 (the minimum plan) + $240 for this phone? I'm not. If someone is in an non-4G area they still have to pay for it. I'm not entirely sold that this phone is worth that, especially considering I have a SERO plan. How much is the basic iPhone plan?

Here's the current breakdown for plans with the least amount of minutes (450-500) and unlimited everything else:


I've seen the HD2 offered from $50-150 through 3rd party vendors so you can deduct whatever you'd save there from the total.

I don't know yet if it's the principle or my income, but I can't bring myself to leave my plan.

Thanks for posting. Yeah, I'm going to stick with my SERO for right now. Fortunately, I'm out of contract and just removed my second line, so the ball is in my court. I have a TP right now, but do want to see about getting a TP2 for cheap out of contract.

BTW, someone told me that Dan Hesse said that 4G wouldn't have an extra cost. I'm going to look it up, but if so, Sprint's dirty ...
Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

once they said no multitasking in wm7 i said #!+* em...
I'm stickin w/ 6.5 until I get an Android phone. I guess I'll bite the bullet and purchase the Documents to Go app *shrug*

And I don't think that multitasking would be a problem for the folks over at XDA to fix.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

It's an addon. So if its not available in your area yet or you don't want it. You don't have to pay for it. atleast from what i understand.
It's mandatory, but my hope is that they won't charge you for it if you don't live in a 4G market.

oh wow june 4 is almost here, man im so tempted to ditch my TP2 and my $30 sero plan for the EVO.
Yup, I feel that way about the next gen' iPhone, BUT then I remember that device convergence isn't worth spending an extra $1,320 over two years.  By keeping this plan and my Touch Pro 2, I could afford to buy an iPod Touch and connect it to the internet (for free) and come out ahead $1,000.

Yea you're right thats alot of cash saved, but the EVO specs look  so Glorious. I might scoop ipod touch too i love to play with apps and games at work.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by MusicalExcellence

once they said no multitasking in wm7 i said #!+* em...
I'm stickin w/ 6.5 until I get an Android phone. I guess I'll bite the bullet and purchase the Documents to Go app *shrug*

And I don't think that multitasking would be a problem for the folks over at XDA to fix.
dude... i wont even say it... PM
Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

about to get a HD2 and call it a night

you know alot of red tape you going thru can just be averted by just paying full price for w/e phone you tryin to get and keeping your plan...
nah im on tmobile and i want that sprint simply everything plan. $200 termination fee plus paying for the evo is pissing me off i will not get a HD 2 i was just typing out of frustration if anything ima just have to wait until a evo specced android phone drops for tmobile.

If u spendin all that money u should seriously just consider

Gettin da nexus one and keep your loyalty plan... payin full

Price up front for da phone is gonna save u a ton of cake in da back end.
yo ninja im payin $110 a month for a G1 with 1,000 minutes free nights and weekends and unlimited data plan. it's ROBBERY compared to sprints simply everything plan. Why would i drop 5 bills on a nexus one and stay with tmobile when i could drop $300 with sprint for the Evo and pay like $90 a month?

you can get da cheapest plan on T-mobile, add data for 34.99 and pay for da phone outright, in my opinion it comes out cheaper like that....

only phone with EVO specs with a android OS is da nexus one.
ninjahood wrote:

you can get da cheapest plan on T-mobile, add data for 34.99 and pay for da phone outright, in my opinion it comes out cheaper like that....

only phone with EVO specs with a android OS is da nexus one.


finna cop the HD2...  unlock...

and use web2go... i still would get 3g speeds...

29.99 for 500 min... 10 for web2go...

free text thru Google Voice...

winner winner chicken dinner...
^pretty sure. But you can use the employee discounts for your job. I think citi has the highest at 27% - u can get them to add that on echat or whatever its called.
Also everyone's tripping about sprint charging extra for 4g, whatd you think verizon is going to do with LTE? And its probably going to be more than $10 too.

The $50 preorder deposit at best buy goes toward the phone when it drops right??
[h1]T-Mobile HD2 ROM Update Now Available![/h1]
File under: News

By: Adam Z Lein | Date: 13-May-10 | 3 Comments


A new ROM upgrade has just become available for the T-Mobile HD2. Download it here now! The download upgrades the device ROM version from 2.10.531.1 to 2.13.531.1. We're not entirely sure about what exactly the fixes or changes are just yet however.

(via Deemota)

[h1]Video: HTC EVO 4G vs. HTC HD2[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 13-May-10 | 17 Comments


Adam Lein and I went to the Sprint EVO 4G event in New York City. We got some hands-on time with America's first 4G handset, the EVO 4G. In this video, we compare the EVO 4G with the HD2 in terms of hardware, and with the Nexus One in terms of software. In our tests, we found the download speeds for the EVO 4G to be around 2mbps on average, which isn't an accurate assesment of its capability (Adam's HD2 on T-Mobile 3G was getting faster speeds) because NYC doesn't have a 4G network, and Sprint had to "fake" on with a special truck outside of the event.


The first part of the event was an introduction by Dan Hesse, CEO of Sprint, who talked about the enthusiasm surrounding the EVO 4G. Then, we saw some demonstrations of the Qik video calling feature, plus the HDMI output which requires an extra cable.


As a reminder, the Sprint EVO 4G is going on sale on June 4th for $199. You'll have to pay an extra $10 over the standard data plan to access 4G speeds, and if you want the 4G tethering option, it's another $30.


Also, you're probably wondering Adam and I think overall about the EVO 4G. Where take a look:

Adam: Overall I was only mildly impressed with the EVO 4G. At least in NYC at the launch event, the 4G speeds were nothing to write home about. Sure they're certainly faster than Sprint or Verizon's 3G, but our T-Mobile HD2 was getting just as fast if not faster speed test results on HSPA 7.2Mbps in the same location. The EVO is slightly thicker than the HD2 with the same width/height dimensions. The EVO offers an 8Mp camera vs. the HD2's 5Mp camera, but the photos didn't look terribly different, save for a slight difference in color balance, and we couldn't get the EVO 4G's flash to work. It was also disappointing that the video chat didn't work during the announcement demos. It's cool that the video chat uses Qik, but that probably means you can only chat with people who have Qik accounts and happen to be online with Qik loaded at the same time. Most other features and speed tests were very much the same as the HD2 and Nexus One. Perhaps if you live in an area where Sprint's WIMAX speeds are actually faster than 3G speeds it may be worth it to be an early adopter on this one.

Me: I wasn't as concerned about the aparent slow 4G speeds at the event, because I use Sprint 4G on my laptop in Phiadelphia, and I get speeds of 6mbps-10mbps down, so there's no reason that the EVO 4G can't pull that off in optimum conditions.

The device itself is impressive. It's an HD2 with Android, and that's a very good thing. The Android Sense interface from HTC is extremely visual - live wallpapers, smooth animations, beautiful widgets - and the huge 4.3" display brings all of this to life.

Compared to the Nexus One, the speed of the device in launching programs, etc, is a bout the same. It's fast...there's little or no hesitation from screen-to-screen, and multitasking is handled well.

The only thing that could make the EVO 4G even better is an AMOLED display (which would be WAY too expensive to manufacturer at this point) and availability on another carrier. I wouldn't mind having a non-4G version of this phone to use on AT&T or T-Mobile. Overall, I'm impressed.
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