***Official Iron Man 2 Movie Thread*** Go Watch It!!!!

Originally Posted by AiRodney23


Originally Posted by Ryda421

obviously you don't read rod.

mr. team marvel - wolverine
you sound mad sir. A million people are gonna not watch the movie because you don't like it? f outta here
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by Ryda421

obviously you don't read rod.

mr. team marvel - wolverine
you sound mad sir. A million people are gonna not watch the movie because you don't like it? f outta here
yup. would that not be a beautiful sight ? then marvel would have go back to the drawing board and actually come out with something accurate. BUTunfortunately with people like you it will never happen, so we have to settle for less with this junk.


Son, Ryda421 just stop.

Just to rub it in more, Marvel asked Mr. Jackson for permission to use his face to interpret a new Nick Fury in the Ultimate world. I'm not even a Marvel fan by far but comic heads in general should already know this.

son, I don't care if nelson mandela approves of it. I dislike the adaption. thanks for showing us how much a of a tool you are by accepting amovie just because "mr.X" says it's ok.

and rod. yeah. I'm still mad. at least i have a passion of debating for what is true and accurate, instead of taking whatever a studio throws out andaccepting it for what is. IF ONLY YOU could see the potential which we have as a society to stand up and fight for what is right , instead you accept a half+*@ attempt which is fabricated on ducktales.
^Dude, it's not a civil rights movement. It's a comic book movie. "Stand up and fight for what's right"? The hell are you talking about?

If you prefer the way comics are or used to be, read them. The movies are meant for a broader audience so everyone can enjoy comics.

You're taking it way serious, slim.
Originally Posted by Infyrno23

Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by Infyrno23

Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by Infyrno23

Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by Infyrno23

just stop responding to him........
dude is the only negative poster in this thread..... for no actual reason.
let his replies fall on deaf ears... he has nothing to argue aboubt if nobody responds

actually i do have a good reason, you guys are too washed up into this "new skool" version of marvel that you guys eat up everything which is brought to you by these "marvel" hollywood studios.

after reading you "reason" does it actually makes sense?
for me it does. but for you, i doubt it. i doubt that you actually enjoyed marvel before x-men cartoons. or before the spiderman movie. it's all good continue to post your updates on the NEW suit and coooooool and sleek it looks. but don't get upset when the cheesy acting gets to your head.

Ok mr holy'er thou....

you have no idea about me homie... i was reading comics before they made cartoons, so dont bring your "I know everything about comics" swagg this way.
"what you thought they stopped making comics when they made yours?"
(Btw, i hate every marvel movie made thus far except Iron man, all the rest of them were done badly...i dont care about the general concensous of SM2 and X2, i think they all sucked... but the movies Marvel have done theirselves have been top notch)

this is the bottom line... you are debating and fustrated with people on an internet message board because they "Like" a movie.
if you dont see the lameness in that, then you continue on sir.... but just stop and take a second and think of how pathetic you look.

Ok they going off of different things from the comics.... so what, go call them and tell them to change it, but im willing to but top dollar that you will be commenting on the movie post release date, which means you went to go see it.... if you dont like it, dont go... "True Believer"
before they made cartoon ? so you were reading comics in the 70's ?
please. and I'm not talking about archie, dennis the menace comics or beavis and butthead comics, or better yet, BATMAN, superman. I'm talking about MARVEL. NOTHING ELSE. and yes you're right. every marvel movie which has came out is WACK. all of them. the ones from the 90's were better. why ? because the actors were nobodies. thus giving us an imagination which we can believe. and you actually think because "MARVEL" studios has done it, they do there best to make it close to the comic ? come on man, have you seen origins ? that movie was a complete duck.

i'm frustrated at the fact that people actually buy into this and accept it as "gold." instead of speaking out and boycotting this junk. sure i can call but who will listen to one voice ? obviously i need people to follow my lead. but NO, you want to accept this for what it is, and sell yourself short. imagine if all of got on the phone and harassed marvel. do you think they would actualyl listen ? in comparison to ONE person calling ? i'm pretty sure you know where I'm going so there is no point.

and actually, I have not seen a marvel movie in the theaters since spiderman 3 and before that was x-men 2. so i have been off this marvel bandwagon for a while now. and FYI this is the only message board which i post on. so you won't be seeing me @ no review thread. but I'm pretty sure you will be there either over excited or truly disappointed.

get back to me when the movie comes out or better yet when it is leaked

#1. Marvel has only produced 3 films (guess which 3, genius)
#2. I totally understand your point... i am upset at hollywood for raping my childhood memories.... but in reality, you cant do anything about it..... your protest will fall on deaf ears, the only thing you can do is not go... low box office means no sequel.....
#3. i stand corrected, im 26 so since i was able to put words together i was reading comics, i read all my dad and my uncle's old comics, which a few i still have in perfect plastic.... im not a DC fan (i can tolerate Batman) i am brand loyal and its Marvel all day.

I think you are coming from a good point of view, but your approach comes off kinda like "Im the old head, and you teens are stupid for liking this crap... cuz in my day" type of guy
Your arguement is never gonna win, because they have ALWAYS changed things in comics.... i remember my dad tellin me stories of Captain America, and especially Hulk ( I grew up on the Lou Ferrigno Hulk) and comics have evolved man.... these characters have evolved... there are storylines within the comics timeline that contradict each other.... different writers over the years.... characters are portrayed differently through out time.

what MARVEL studios is doing is what should have been done before, take control of their own properties.... they have no say so in Spiderman, X-Men(Origins was not produced by Marvel btw), Fantastic Four, Dare Devil, etc.... thats why all these movies are done terrible. (Blade was done respectfully, i enjoyed those movies except 3)

trust this, Marvel wont be making those mistakes with THIER movies.... (you gonna have to get over the fact that some things will be changed for the movie adaptations) i've gotten over that a long time ago, but i do want a good movie.... see Iron Man would be a good movie, even if it wasnt called Iron Man. it could be called......Titanium Homeboy, and i would like the actual movie.... the other movies sucked as a movie... take out the fact it ruined a comic character... it was a bad movie period. I thought Ed Norton's Hulk was a really good movie....

same here bro. I always disliked DC. and never did I think DC would out do MARVEL in the cinema category, however it is happening now. why ? because DC takesthe dark angle of comics, instead of the marvel bright and shinning day view. with cheery lines and actors. until marvel takes the dark point of view, thingswill always be the same. and i also grew up with adults admiring comics, that is why I'm outraged on this new generation. because they are sellingthemselves short. because these movie would be sooooo much better. it's not even a joke.

yeah things change, but that does not mean you are going to compromise. at least I know i'm not. ed norton's bruce banner was good but IMO bana'swas better. like i said before, they need to take out these known actors and replace them with unknown actors, that way, the image can be believed. instead ofhaving to see mace windu as nick fury

why do you think star wars and DC have been good so far (except for batman and robin) because these actors are not really known by the main stream.


^Dude, it's not a civil rights movement. It's a comic book movie. "Stand up and fight for what's right"? The hell are you talking about?

If you prefer the way comics are or used to be, read them. The movies are meant for a broader audience so everyone can enjoy comics.

You're taking it way serious, slim.
that's the difference between me and you. for you it's just something you pick up on because everyone else likes it. you have no passionbecause everything you like, has been due to a trend. therefore you are not passionate about most things. because you did not love it before it blew up.

yup. way too serious, thin. that is why I'm pretty sure you are PROUD of being MARVEL TEAM - WOLVERINE on NT. and you probably tell your friends that inreal life too.not to mention the fact that you probably clicked on that thread with the quickness thinking "oh man, i need to be wolverine, if someoneelse gets him, I don't know who to be it"... but yet if someone is outraged about the butchery which has been done to the wolverine character, you sayI'm taking it way too serious. shows how much you like marvel.
^^^^Because you've been following my life since '88? I like comics, but they aren't something I live and breathe like you apparently do.

Here's how you sound, dude.

Now you get no more back and forth from me.
Originally Posted by Infyrno23

and to just give a glimpse into how EPIC this movie is going to be,

Ed Norton is rumored to be in it.....
means Hulk going to be smashing SOMETHING in the movie, im not sure if its true but.... he is listed on the credits for the movie, as Bruce Banner/Hulk... also when asked about his envolvment he said "I dont have any comment, you have to talk to Marvel about that"
if he was still all pissy at Marvel he would have shot the rumor down.... (also the rumor came from the same source that said Stan Lee would be Larry King in the movie, which is true)

Im not sure how they are going to fit him in there.... i mean a cameo wont hurt,

and then i got to thinking.... its very possible the end scene would have some CGI Hulk in it..... i remember seeing this picture awhile back

(this Green Screen is about 10 stories high)

what in the $+%% do you need a green screen that large for? I mean either they are going to battle on the actual S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier or this is the set of a rediculous scene of action, and Hulk could be a part of it, it only makes sense

I read that about Ed Norton as well and I am hopeful that he will be apart of Iron Man 2 and Avengers since he/Hulk need to be a part of the team and it islooking like he is now
. I am thinking a cameo as well towards the end ofthe movie and I think he may be on the run being chased by General Ross/government. Maybe he is Bruce running and then when is about to be captured turns to heHulk and Iron Man is shocked at what he sees. I don't know if he will be seen fighting anyone or just smashing things apart or just running away or if IronMan will even make contact with him but I hope it is epic as well.

Also I thought I read in a couple other online sites that Daredevil rights are back with Marvel (thought Avi Arad had said the rights will soon be returned toMarvel) and they are deciding if they should do a sequel or a reboot to the 2003 daredevil movie.

Y'know, I sincerely dislike dillettantes.

Its one thing to turn your nose up at a person who enjoys something, all the while touting yourself as an "old head" or being of age to trulyappreciate something when you clearly aren't.


"Gotta Love the new generation"? Seriously?

This was taken from the R.I.P Stacey Krause thread:


Stacey Krause, rest her soul, was born 12.04.87.

Dude was born 11.27.87.

...Just because you read some wikipedia posts, it does NOT make you an old head.

Took the liberty of lookin' up the date of the X-Men cartoon start yeart, it was 1992.

You were 5.

You know good and well you were like the rest of us, enjoyin' the hell out of it.

Look, its great to be a discerning consumer and demand quality from creators of things in which you take an interest, but don't this whole "i gotfirst pressings of 80s and 90s classics as they were being printed" air, can stop.

Julius F. Wrek
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Y'know, I sincerely dislike dillettantes.

Its one thing to turn your nose up at a person who enjoys something, all the while touting yourself as an "old head" or being of age to truly appreciate something when you clearly aren't.


"Gotta Love the new generation"? Seriously?

This was taken from the R.I.P Stacey Krause thread:


Stacey Krause, rest her soul, was born 12.04.87.

Dude was born 11.27.87.

...Just because you read some wikipedia posts, it does NOT make you an old head.

Took the liberty of lookin' up the date of the X-Men cartoon start yeart, it was 1992.

You were 5.

You know good and well you were like the rest of us, enjoyin' the hell out of it.

Look, its great to be a discerning consumer and demand quality from creators of things in which you take an interest, but don't this whole "i got first pressings of 80s and 90s classics as they were being printed" air, can stop.

Julius F. Wrek
Ryda421::: Are you seriously still trying to argue in here? You mad doggie? What are gonna do, shut don't Marvel movie productions? This little guy is somad look at him, he's in here getting his Method Man on writing essays and ishh. He's just mad that there's no hype over the next upcoming DC film.Now this poor little doggie has sit back with his arms crossed and his lip poking out while iron man 2 will make MILLIONS and MILLIONS and there's nothinghe can do about it. But of coarse RYDA if you are a real man you'll stop this from happening right?
Iron Man 2 is def going to be off the chain.

and Really? dudes out there comparing comic knowledg? That's like comparing pocket protectors and calculators.
Originally Posted by AiRodney23

, those NT detectives play no games.

word. Dudes really puttin' in work like they got access to all of S.H.I.E.L.D.s database
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