Official Jersey Shore Season 2 Thread - VOL. No Grenades in Miami

Originally Posted by lostsoulswander

Despite initial announcements that Angelina will not be part of Season 3, on
August 9, 2010, Angelina stated via Twitter that she will indeed be part of Season 3,
despite the fact that it has already started filming. [sup][56][/sup]
However, on August 27, 2010 Angelina retracted her previous claims and stated
that she would not be part of season 3.[sup][57][/sup] Pauly D and Snooki
confirmed that Angelina won't be on season three on Chelsea Lately, saying that filming for the
season is complete

how you gonna lie about being on season 3 when you know 7 other people will say that you aren't part of it anymore. I really really can stand this dumb @#+#%

she's not on season 3, I was at the shore this summer for a few weeks and saw them filming a lot, she wasn't there, snookies friend is replacing her, shes like the same height as snookie hahaha
mike is a scumbag, if i was vinny i would have knocked him out for what he did

that actually got me mad

plus vinnies chick is bad as hell
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

MTV exec: "Crap, Angelina left. *ring ring* Mike, we need you to act unlike your usual self. Act like a creep. We need ratings."

Mike: Fosho dawg. *listens* Snookie?! Aite.Show me da money tho.


Hmmmm. Could see this happening.
Come on...that Situation being an A-hole in the club stuff is so scripted...trying to "steal" Vinny's girl and then fighting with Snookie. MTV running out of story lines quick.

We all know Snookie is a disgusting gnome but her "It's like when $$+% gets stuck in your a.sshole" line just tells you this chick was born in a sewer
i know im not the only that thinks vinnys girl looks mad suspect especially at the beach,,
Re: Sunday’s episode of Jersey Shore and proof Vinny’s chick is a ****** « Blah blah blah blah blah…
this show is weak. why do people watch it and making these low lifes rich. this show will be dead season 3 and MTV will cancel it after. Its a pointless show. Just watching the life of 8 guidos with no real job doing nothing.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Just exactly how do these guys make money? Advertising revenue off the shows?

Appearances in clubs, on shows, etc.
Pauly gets paid gwap to DJ at different clubs. I forgot where I read but Mike is suppose to make around $5 mil this upcoming year (or he made $5 this past year, either one).
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Mike still had the best looking girl all season, though

The canadian chick >
Pauly's main chick and that girl that played Vinny are much better than the Canadian broad.
Man, Vinny is a simp for still pursuing that chick after she played him...regardless if she finally came around or not.
I am a big Jersey Shore fan but I can honestly say that this is the first episode that I did not enjoy.

Besides Vinny finally being able to hook up with his dream chick everything else was straight trash.

-Sammi & Jenni ongoing beef
-Snooki's friend visiting
-Situation acting salty

I'm glad that there are only 2 episodes left because their stay in Miami has lost its steam.

I just hope they end the season with a bang!
as much as everyone hated angelina .. she was basically the show, all the drama and the fights was good for the show, now that shes gone, they have no one to blame..
the part about situation seemed so fake, like they needed someone to be the bad guy in the episode.
Snooks friend Ryder is kinda

Ramona looked better the first time in the club, but id def still pipe.

Canadian > Ryder > Ramona
when mike's fifteen minutes is up, i can see him getting busted for possession of date rape drug or some %@$* like that. but dude is too funny lol. so he is gonna get into a fight with some guys in the club next week?
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