Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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Dude I size swapped with today had 4 pairs :x had been wearing one pair of Corks since Friday which it snowed that day... he had them on today and I checked his pair, it was damn near flawless and had no creases for a shoe he had worn all weekend..... I was quite impressed I'm thinking these might hold up a little better then expected.
people posting links 
 lurkers are gunna have at it.... let people figure out how to get it on their own, i know you're trynna help but your're blowin up the spot
Lol at dudes saying this is not the right link Anyone can check past jj links for every lebron there all the same with a different size code but for the dumbasses that want to get technical u could also try I've been doing this for avwhile now trust me
Wrong link, you gon' be mad when you're refreshing like a mofo. 
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