Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 3

Well, tried going to my local footlocker to get them to order the pure platinums mentioned above. He said he couldn't do it. I'm like wtf. Any other ideas?
Well, tried going to my local footlocker to get them to order the pure platinums mentioned above. He said he couldn't do it. I'm like wtf. Any other ideas?
Yes speak to the manager of that store or another local one. In the past I have successfully facilitated a store to store transfer by speaking to both managers of each store (originating location and destination) typically the managers can do a store to store transfer if they both speak to one another and agree to it. This can only be done at the managerial level as an FYI. It's a flawed system that requires a little leg work on the customers part but it can be worth it, best of luck.
Okay so im the real Teanca Haddock. I just googled myself for a college assignment and found my name in this thread. Whoever wrote u guys was not me! That is a scam!!!!!

i called and spoke to "josh"
was going to place an order for 3 pairs of shoes (all lebrons) and asked about the copper foams as well. supposedly they have a few pairs on consignment and he is asking $280. he asks how im gonna pay, i ask if they take AMEX.. no... he then asks if i have paypal and asked hi to send me an invoice. i received an email and text but being logged into my paypal, there was no request. i then called paypal to verify it was a genuine request and they told me there has been no activity on my account in last 24 hours. i then forward the email to and this is what i received back..

Hello xxxxxxxxxxx,
Thanks for forwarding that suspicious-looking email. You're right - it
was a phishing attempt, and we're working on stopping the fraud. By
reporting the problem, you've made a difference!
Identity thieves try to trick you into revealing your password or other
personal information through phishing emails and fake websites. To learn
more about online safety, click "Security Center" on any PayPal webpage.
Every email counts. When you forward suspicious-looking emails to, you help keep yourself and others safe from identity
Your account security is very important to us, so we appreciate your
extra effort.

Take it or leave it, i call BS. I even tried calling him back to clarify and have them send a real paypal invoice and i ended up in a voicemail box of some guys name, not josh or "Teaonca Haddock" who "requested" the paypal money from me.
i knew it seemed too good to be true.
if anyone else gets thru and has a legit transaction, good for you. but until i hear more then no go for me.
Sorry for the long response but i feel it was all necessary. do your homework folks!
luck for you this thread has been dead for about 2 weeks and that post was about 2 months old... old news bud, dont worry about it
Size 11.5 of the Xmas and 14 of the Pure Platinums at the Footlocker in Little Havana (Miami).

Just wanted to say thanks again. Went to a different footlocker this morning and was able to grab the size 14 pure platinums you mentioned. I had been looking for these for a few weeks now. Couldn't even find resell in a size 14. And now I got it for retail. Already got my shipping confirmation. The weird thing is is the tracking says the platinums will be here Friday, but the raspberries that I ordered on sat (release day)won't be here til tues?? Whats up with that?? I know one is coming from footlocker in miami and the other is coming from eastbay in wisconsin(I believe?), but 2 days versus 10 days? I have zero patience, so 10 days is an eternity. I guess it is what it is. Anyways, I got one of the two shoes I was looking for. On the hunt for cav4's in a 14. Wish me luck. Haha.
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