OFFICIAL March Madness Thread

Ducks - 9/37 from 3
Originally Posted by Officer Andre

Mike Slive needs to seriously consider removing Vandy from the SEC. They dont go to bowl games in football and now theyre losing to D2 schools in basketball

take them out, put memphis in...good idea
UTA is about to upset the hell outta Memphis after this Mississippi State/Oregon game ends...

Of course I'm joking, but it would be great to see the hometown school pull that one off
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Yeah - the pac 10 is really just dominant this year guys. great showing pac... and you wonder why nobody respects your conference on the east coast
j/k... but seriously.
out of all the teams that lost the only one people should of picked to win was USC. i dont no why ANYONE picked zona or oregon to win

Not really the point.
doesnt allen go to Siena??
nah, but I do go to school in Albany

Wasn't a homer choice, I just get the opportunity to follow the program, know some kids from HS, and see their games.

I wasn't hypin them since November for no reason

siena will def be back in the tourney next yr too, seeing as their big 3 (hasbrouck, ubiles, moore) all return
this is what's scary...ONLY Fisher is gone next year. All 5 starters will be back.

Vandy wasn't good, but....Siena played a hell of a game, one of the most impressive performances thus far. Eddie checked Foster and nobody out there wasstoppin Hasbrouck, and well Tay....lights out

Clemson and Nova gona have their hands full too.


Only time I'll say this on here, and it's warranted

Told you so

D2 schools in basketball

this team beat Stanford, went out to Boise State and smacked them and now beats Vandy.....on top of winning the MAAC in its most competitive year.

If you watched the game you saw that at least 3 or 4 of those kids belong in BCS conferences.
I just can't overlook how horrible the refs in college basketball are.. it is taking away from the tournament..
Yo, Allen... where are you in albany?

I live in Guilderland
my girlfriend goes to U Albany
Oh, and Ubilisis smashing a girl that i knew very well in HS
She already got a kid withanother dude, shes like 21 with a 2 year old... she thinks she gonna be an NBA players wife
U of L handlin business.
(57% from the field

Padget''s ridin the bench with 2 fouls and no points, and we're still dominating. I'm telling you, with our consistent lockdown D, whenwe're hitting buckets, we're THE best team on the country.

Looks like we're gonna have a lot of momentum going in to OU game. Hello Sweet 16

@ the commentator continually pronouncing Juans name Pala-shush

i got nova as my sleeper team in the 16. these fools better win


Dudes is jay'ing the Cats up. And sending everything on the other end the opposite direction. They might need to regroup at intermission of your bracket is swiss cheese. DF!!!
These NCAA logos on the court are a problem. I've seen waaaaayyy too many slip-ups the past 2 days and during the ACC tourney. Them things are justwaiting to destroy somebody's knees.
Well i am pretty $$@%@!. I am going to be probably 21-32.

I have lost some teams, i am really hoping for the my final four teams to get in. Also, Washington State NEEDS to beat ND.
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