Official: Max Payne 3 Thread: Out Now On PS3 & XBOX 360: PC Release Date 06-01-12

I grabbed the game from red box and got some playtime in tonight. So far so good, but the beginning of the game was killing me. Long cut scenes with tutorial game play. Once I got past that though the game got better. The graphics are great. Some seriously good looking locales in the first couple of missions. The checkpoints were frustrating. They can send you way back. I'll probably play through the Campaign and then buy when it drops for PC.

If you're reluctant to spend 60 bucks on this let me reccomend Kayne & Lynch 2. Can be had for super cheap and has a similar feel. Real gritty crime game. Shoot outs galore. Bad @#* main characters.
Originally Posted by swendro88

I grabbed the game from red box and got some playtime in tonight. So far so good, but the beginning of the game was killing me. Long cut scenes with tutorial game play. Once I got past that though the game got better. The graphics are great. Some seriously good looking locales in the first couple of missions. The checkpoints were frustrating. They can send you way back. I'll probably play through the Campaign and then buy when it drops for PC.

If you're reluctant to spend 60 bucks on this let me reccomend Kayne & Lynch 2. Can be had for super cheap and has a similar feel. Real gritty crime game. Shoot outs galore. Bad @#* main characters.
I heard K&L2 was basura tho
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Or, why don't you just answer his question?  Jesus Christ. 

Fanboy FTMFL
Calling me a fan boy....
 Yeah ok. Whatever like I really care. You and Rusty always are in the NT PS3 thread...hmm.
The point I'm making is that this dude and a bunch of other NT'ers all the time they spend monitoring this thread and asking how the game is. If they should buy or not they could have at that point been playing the game without having to pay full retail for it by renting it for hella cheap and decide for themselves if they want to cop or not.
God forbid anyone ask how the Max Payne 3 game is in the Max Payne 3 game thread. 

Would have been much easier for you NOT to respond instead of coming off like an @%%. 
Originally Posted by MR J 858

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Or, why don't you just answer his question?  Jesus Christ. 

Fanboy FTMFL
Calling me a fan boy....
 Yeah ok. Whatever like I really care. You and Rusty always are in the NT PS3 thread...hmm.
The point I'm making is that this dude and a bunch of other NT'ers all the time they spend monitoring this thread and asking how the game is. If they should buy or not they could have at that point been playing the game without having to pay full retail for it by renting it for hella cheap and decide for themselves if they want to cop or not.

You ARE a fanboy. And of course im the PS3 thread.. I have a PS3 and Vita 
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by MR J 858

Instead of asking us why don't just redbox it for a night or 2 it's so cheap like what $1.99 per day.
Just hope you got a PS3 and not a XBOX 360 because redbox will not include the 2 required game discs which you will need to complete the main story.

XBOX 360 & Microsoft's REFUSAL to support blu-ray FTL and XBOX 360 owners getting SHAFTED again 
not would jump at the chance to support blu-ray...however they drew a line in the sand when they chose HD-DVD
eyes.gif was smart, making money off their drives, their games and their console/technology in general, while MS is paying 3rd party companies to make does suck, but xb360 is a far superior gaming console, and i dont mind paying an extra 30 bucks to buy a blu ray....

with that said, it DOES suck if youre renting by the disc that all content wasnt able to be put on a single disc for xb
Couple days later...still hooked onto this game...and still only have played MP...Gang Wars is fun as hell
dudes hacking already... saw a guy with 0 kills have 60K XP. Then froze the game.
Passed the game last night

..promptly started playing online in multiplayer. Soft aim is
need to get my free aim goin

..sneaking up on dudes and they still turn around to kill you.. df!
went to gamestop yesterday and copped gta4 x liberty city stories and rainbow six vegas (it was 3 dollars
) dont feel like dropping 60 on %*%% now but ill prolly cop mp3 pending long term reviews. for now i got some fresh stuff to play.
its 2012 who the *#+@ rents games i can't believe this is really an issue of concern.

i hope i catch this game before the hype dies down. too busy with bf3 skyrim and marvel so theres no room for it just yet
@ the checkpoints in this game! Chapter IV or V at the docks. %%%$. NOT COOL
I always liked Max Payne. It was fresh and cool at the time, but the story line is a bit trouble some. I hate the 'dream' parts of the game play. I enjoy just blowing things up and this game does just that. Bullet time is cool because it allows you to be accurrate. HAHA

I'll DL this game later for PC. I don't even know if my PC can handle it.
Originally Posted by swendro88

@ the checkpoints in this game! Chapter IV or V at the docks. !+@%. NOT COOL

There were some painkillers that I kept missing, but once I found them this part was no problem.

I love this game now. The campaign keeps getting better and better. Rockstar is so damn good at nailing the atmosphere in their games, and this may be their best effort in that regard. The graphics are great too. Some of the best this generation.

I'll take this over uncharted or gears any day. The gunplay is so satisfying. They really nailed it.
I'm actually looking forward to buying this game, but it sucks to say that this would be my first of the trilogy though. But I need something to play until GTA V comes out.
How is this? (Story anything like the OG) I got RDR last someone on here made a thread about it, didn't disappoint.
Loving this game!! Currently on Chapter 12.
Played about an hour of multiplayer, really fun. I'll join the NT crew and we can get some gang wars going.
just finished single player. story and gameplay was
i never died so much in a game (on regular difficulty too) in my life
but i loved the challenge, definitely not a run and gun shooter like the first 2. multiplayer is fun, still cant find the right sensitivity though, and i refuse to play soft lock on multiplayer, its way to easy to get kills.
Well I ended up copping this. Great choice. The graphics are way better than all these trailers and youtube videos show and the gameplay is solid. I'm playing on hard right now and its around the level of difficulty that I would expect, wish the other levels were available from the get go I always try to play my games on the hardest difficulty. 
The multiplayer was WAY better than I expected. The people pulling off their bullet time while in my line of sight is still throwing me off but that will pass. One thing I don't like are the spawns. The Spawns are horrendous. I only got to play Depot though cause in every lobby I went too people wouldn't stop voting for it but the spawns are terrible on that map. Hoping the rest of them are better. I joined the NT gang too. 
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