OFFICIAL Minnesota Vikings Season Thread: Bummer dudes.

i dont think Favre body can take it any more

Viks i wish you would have won to silence those saints band wagon fans.

I just dont see why brett aint run for his life and step out and go for the field goal.

then the refs calling some of them most out outrageous calls in OT dont help either .
Great run. At this moment I'm not even mad at Favre. After his int I kinda just dropped my head and fell silent. Not much you can say after a run like that, both the season and the game. What I am mad, or I should say disappointed about, is Adrian Peterson.

He shouldn't have been in games weeks ago due to this problem and I really feel that if Childress would've benched him back then, then AP wouldn't be fumbling this late into the season.

Overall it was a fun year with an excruciating end. It's hard to get excited for next year because I'm spent after last night. I hope Favre returns because it truly is a joy to see him play with his youthful exuberance. I'm sick of the flack he gets, but understand that it's just the way it will be with this man. I'll try not to worry about it.
Yo... from a Chicago dude... Helluva Run fellas. HELLUVA RUN.

Thee only other time I've ever seen Bret as distraught as he appeared during that after the game interview, was when his pops passed
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