Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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My son Serge needs to give Dwight some tonight...

Dwight Howard Says Orlando Magic Teammates Were ‘People Nobody Wanted’

You’re not going to believe this, but Dwight Howard has once again put his foot in his mouth. Shocking, we know … In a wide-ranging interview with a CBS TV affiliate, Howard threw his former teammates under the bus by saying they were players that “nobody wanted”, but that he still deigned to lead them. Howard and the Los Angeles Lakers will visit the Orlando Magic next week, which should be a fun little circus. Per the Orlando Sentinel: “Howard began: ‘And I understand coming here to L.A., Kobe’s here and for 17 years Laker fans have seen Kobe be, they just see Kobe as somebody who’s serious. It seems like he doesn’t fool around, joke around, whatever it may be. But that’s his personality, and just because I don’t necessary make a [growling sound] or do all that during games or on the bench, that doesn’t mean I don’t care about succeeding or wanting to win. And I always tell people, ‘Hey, my team in Orlando was a team full of people who nobody wanted, and I was the leader and I led that team with a smile on my face.’ Howard’s comment will add some intrigue to the March 12 matchup between Howard’s Lakers and the Magic at Amway Center. That game will be Howard’s first game in Orlando since April 5, 2012. [...] That sentiment, as well as his previously stated desire to play alongside point guards Chris Paul and Deron Williams, created friction with his teammates, including his Magic co-captain, Jameer Nelson.”
This flagrant 1 flagrant 2 foul **** is a complete joke. NBA officiating has become even more so a complete joke. Never has favoritism and star treatment ever been so prevalent in the NBA.

You mean to tell me JJ Barea gets kicked out of a game for a hip check on Ray Allen, when i've seen that play happen a million other times with the result of a measly personal foul? What makes it different then every other foul that has happened the same way? Was it the exaggerated flop by Ray Allen? If so then the NBA needs to recognize that it can't assess severity due to the reaction of the other player, that just encourages flopping something they swear they are trying to stop.

Or the other reason is it was the Miami Heat and they get preferential treatment, something that we know happens but not so damn blatant.

As for Serge Ibaka I can't even comprehend how he did not get suspended. Just an absolute joke nobody in the world can even come close to justifying how he would not be suspended, absolute joke. Except that there is a major game today on TV with the Lakers and OKC so yea...I see what you did there Stu...

It was brought up on Around the Horn, get rid of the idea of a Flagrant 1 and Flagrant 2 and just make it a flagrant foul. Obviously these refs have no idea what the differences is as witnessed by the last few days. Have a flagrant foul and if it is extremely obvious the foul was intended to hurt someone tack on another technical and the guy gets ejected, then after the game have a panel assess the severity of the suspension, if any.

This is just an idea, at this point anything would work better than what's going on now, it seems they are making up the rules as they go along.
Didn't Ibaka bite someone or try to rip someones arm off before too?
Bron Bron complaining that Wade got suspended for kicking Ramon Sessions in the nuts a while back.
TNT posted Wade's tweet, he was crying about it too. The funny **** is, IIRC, Sessions got called for a foul and Wade didn't get hit w/ anything after the foul, no T, nothing. NBA corrected the refs mistake next day.

Blake knows what the deal is
Blake Griffin believes Serge Ibaka should have been suspended at least one game for hitting him in the groin area.

But Griffin also thinks the Oklahoma City Thunder's nationally televised game with the Los Angeles Lakers on Tuesday night may have had something to do with Ibaka getting off with just a fine.

"From what I heard, I guess he's saying he was just trying to get his hand away from mine," Griffin said. "I actually didn't have his hand. He had my arm, so I don't know how it's going to be interpreted. It is surprising [he won't be suspended], but it is a big game tonight and I don't think they want one of their .. I really don't know. It's a big game."

Griffin stopped short of saying the Thunder's game against the Lakers had something to do with Ibaka only getting a $25,000 fine instead of a suspension, and just smiled when he was asked again.

"I don't know," Griffin said. "I don't know. It's a big game though. It's kind of a mess. It's kind of a tough situation. Whatever the NBA wants to do and however they want to handle it, we'll let them handle it that way."
Is $tern going to fine Griffin for insinuating something? 
What the **** is that even supposed to mean? Besides you still displaying your weird obsession with making negative replies to me since I am from Oklahoma like you guys aren't this close to getting a team now. It's over, guess it worked. You can unhinge from my proverbial nuts now please. Thank you.

When was the last time I said anything negative about OKC (or you, for that matter)? I'll wait.

How bout just randomly bringing me up in a thread about vacationing in Seattle?

I posted under Scientific Method when this screen name was banned, and it's been pointed out before you always finding a way to follow me around post Bennett. If the search feature were more efficient I could pull up more examples
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"When I was hurt, I always tried to come back early." - Shaq right now, with a straight face.

"I got hurt on company time, so I'll rehab on company time." - Shaq, 2002.
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