Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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"it was my brother" is going to become the new go-to excuse.

Edit: denni5themenace beat me to it by 3 seconds 
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Everybody in the COD thread knows my lil brother has access to my NT account and COD account including DSK. Son hits me with invites, I don't respond because I'm not playing, its my lil brother. If I don't have my mic on its my lil brother playing, not me. I always have my mic on and ive told these dudes my lil bro post on my NT account, dsk knows this. I did not post that hornet thing, my lil brother did. I've never ever in my life liked hornet or Celtics. Im not even bother by the grave digging, have a lol on my behalf I'm not even mad.
I believe him

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Everybody in the COD thread knows my lil brother has access to my NT account and COD account including DSK. Son hits me with invites, I don't respond because I'm not playing, its my lil brother. If I don't have my mic on its my lil brother playing, not me. I always have my mic on and ive told these dudes my lil bro post on my NT account, dsk knows this. I did not post that hornet thing, my lil brother did. I've never ever in my life liked hornet or Celtics. Im not even bother by the grave digging, have a lol on my behalf I'm not even mad.

Everybody in the COD thread knows my lil brother has access to my NT account and COD account including DSK. Son hits me with invites, I don't respond because I'm not playing, its my lil brother. If I don't have my mic on its my lil brother playing, not me. I always have my mic on and ive told these dudes my lil bro post on my NT account, dsk knows this. I did not post that hornet thing, my lil brother did. I've never ever in my life liked hornet or Celtics. Im not even bother by the grave digging, have a lol on my behalf I'm not even mad.


Everybody in the COD thread knows my lil brother has access to my NT account and COD account including DSK. Son hits me with invites, I don't respond because I'm not playing, its my lil brother. If I don't have my mic on its my lil brother playing, not me. I always have my mic on and ive told these dudes my lil bro post on my NT account, dsk knows this. I did not post that hornet thing, my lil brother did. I've never ever in my life liked hornet or Celtics. Im not even bother by the grave digging, have a lol on my behalf I'm not even mad.

I would like to hear your take on that, it's almost identical IMO. I heard a commentator say the Wolves are the best rebounding team in the league this year? and that's without Love so why not move him for complimentary pieces that you can get in free agency especially when you have guys like Rubio, Pekovic, and Budinger that are going to have to get paid at some point. the Grizzlies are shopping Gay, OKC had to move Harden, Bulls coudn't match Asik... this kinda stuff is not going to stop happening. people forget Pau was traded for CP3 once it was obvious he wasn't going to stay so they went ahead and blew it up early. why can't the same thing happen with the Wolves and Love?

I meant that Kwame was an expiring contract, so the Grizz were getting financial relief IMMEDIATELY. Pau provides financial relief in more than 1.5 years. There's a difference.

There's a difference between Gay, Harden, Asik, CP3, D12 and Kevin Love.

Harden was traded because OKC already has KD, RW, and Ibaka. It doesn't make sense to pay someone max money when you have 2 superstars and 1 all star and they're all young and getting paid. You start getting diminishing returns no matter how good the player is and that's why OKC hasn't missed a beat.

Asik is not a superstar, he was Noah's backup and the Bulls are notoriously cheap if they aren't in championship mode. Completely uncomparable to Love.

Now, CP3/D12 are definitely similar but the difference is Love may opt out after 2014-2015. That's still too far away. If the Wolves are going to give up on him, they might as well wait until they HAVE to. At this point, their main 5 hasn't even played a game together. Rubio, Budinger, AK47, Love and Pekovic are a legit contender type lineup. Really balanced. I'm gonna say it again - Love is the best PF in the league when healthy, a guy who can get you 30 and 15 on any given night. You don't give those guys away until you absolutely have to. Right now, he's hurt and in the middle of the worst season of his career - there's no point in giving up.

He's also not disgruntled like Dwight - he's just honest when he says he's not 100% thrilled with the Wolves but why should he be? He's been a loser his whole career. That doesn't mean he'll leave if they're actually good.
Everybody in the COD thread knows my lil brother has access to my NT account and COD account including DSK. Son hits me with invites, I don't respond because I'm not playing, its my lil brother. If I don't have my mic on its my lil brother playing, not me. I always have my mic on and ive told these dudes my lil bro post on my NT account, dsk knows this. I did not post that hornet thing, my lil brother did. I've never ever in my life liked hornet or Celtics. Im not even bother by the grave digging, have a lol on my behalf I'm not even mad.
Honestly, I ain't 'eem know all that about the brother thing but I believe you. You know you're good with me anyway. I do this to everybody.

Tell that lil' ***** to get his own accounts tho'.
I meant that Kwame was an expiring contract, so the Grizz were getting financial relief IMMEDIATELY. Pau provides financial relief in more than 1.5 years. There's a difference.

I shoulda been more specific. when I said Pau's expiring contract had value I meant in the year it expires. I've been talking about this offseason/next year this whole time.

Harden, Asik etc switched teams because of the luxury tax, point blank. has nothing to do with being a star or diminishing returns and I think most would agree with that. the point is that if everyone on the Wolves continues to develop like they have they aren't going to be able to max out Love and they won't need to since they can be competitive with the guys that are playing now + spare parts. just like OKC didn't need to max out Harden to stay competitive. and they got rid of him before they absolutely had to and got criticized for it but it turned out to be the smart move. they didn't want to give Harden his money and pay the tax so they traded him for an expiring contract and spare parts. that is simply the status quo for small market/cheap teams. it happened to OKC and it will happen to plenty of other teams including Minny
I shoulda been more specific. when I said Pau's expiring contract had value I meant in the year it expires. I've been talking about this offseason/next year this whole time.

Harden, Asik etc switched teams because of the luxury tax, point blank. has nothing to do with being a star or diminishing returns and I think most would agree with that. the point is that if everyone on the Wolves continues to develop like they have they aren't going to be able to max out Love and they won't need to since they can be competitive with the guys that are playing now + spare parts. just like OKC didn't need to max out Harden to stay competitive. and they got rid of him before they absolutely had to and got criticized for it but it turned out to be the smart move. they didn't want to give Harden his money and pay the tax so they traded him for an expiring contract and spare parts. that is simply the status quo for small market/cheap teams. it happened to OKC and it will happen to plenty of other teams including Minny

You can split hairs but going over the luxury tax to sign a backup center or going over the luxury tax to sign a 4th young star is different than going over the tax to sign the best player on your team. Every team worries about the luxury tax but I don't why you assume Love is the one that'll be effected. AK47 has 10+ million coming off the books when Love is up for an opt--out. The TWolves can choose to build around Rubio/Love and fill the rest of the roster with scraps. They might let Pek go this off-season if the price tag is too steep. A lot can happen from now til next year.

You're right about Pau, next year he'll have more value but right now, the pickings are going to be slim for contending teams looking for an overpaid center.

EDIT: Let me clarify though - I don't think the Wolves should trade Love but with so many people pulling the strings, it could easily happen. Rubio is the ticket seller on the squad and they can easily sell the fans on the idea of trading their superstar early like the Jazz did. I don't think they'll get scraps like Gasol's expiring though - Love should command a lot more than that especially for a rival.
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Everybody in the COD thread knows my lil brother has access to my NT account and COD account including DSK. Son hits me with invites, I don't respond because I'm not playing, its my lil brother. If I don't have my mic on its my lil brother playing, not me. I always have my mic on and ive told these dudes my lil bro post on my NT account, dsk knows this. I did not post that hornet thing, my lil brother did. I've never ever in my life liked hornet or Celtics. Im not even bother by the grave digging, have a lol on my behalf I'm not even mad.
I believe him

Y u Guyana talking about this laker traitor. We all know the heat are bout to win again anyway.


Heat all day. We got this. We got the next 7. :smokin
Reggie miller was a gigantic trash talker and he said you don't talk about wife's and kids. I'm sure there are many different opinions. I wish it was the 90's so Oakley could crack his head open. See if he has anything else to say.

I think there is a line and it isn't hard to know where it is. And if Marion was really talking about Gloria, I'm use Haslem would have cracked HIS head. Which I shy I don't buy that they were talking about gloria

Lionel Hollins: "There's a lot to be said about stats but there's a lot to be said about heart, toughness, courage and bravery."

Lionel on analytics: "I'm trying to still figure out when the Oakland Athletics have won a world championship."

Hollinger thrown under the bus lol
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Everyone in here should check out the Honey Nut Cheerios thread in General. Somehow it turned into a thread about Ron Artest's "thugness"/fighting ability :lol:
I love when people get caught in a lie and try to cover it up by including some truth in their excuse.

"Well my brother has my PSN account so I can convince folks he has my NT one too" :lol:
Everybody in the COD thread knows my lil brother has access to my NT account and COD account including DSK. Son hits me with invites, I don't respond because I'm not playing, its my lil brother. If I don't have my mic on its my lil brother playing, not me. I always have my mic on and ive told these dudes my lil bro post on my NT account, dsk knows this. I did not post that hornet thing, my lil brother did. I've never ever in my life liked hornet or Celtics. Im not even bother by the grave digging, have a lol on my behalf I'm not even mad.


Rockets must've got the memo that their regular jerseys are buttcheeks, cause they've been wearing the red & yellow ones an awful lot lately :lol:.........YES :pimp:
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