Official New Yawk Knicks vs the Cleveland Cavaliers thread - Nov. 6th 2009 Vol. LBJ 2010

I said that's what it seems like. LeBron or bust.

You Knicks fans are so defensive.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by tommykairaa

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

NY starting to cheer opponent players...what part of the game is that!?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That's what happens at Knicks games.. home team gets the boos, opposing team gets the cheers[/color]

Logically, why in the WORLD would LeBron want to play for this team?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The Knicks = business organization (obviously no one knows a thing about basketball), they'll probably pay him something serious[/color]
you blatantly dont know what youre talking about lulz a business organization?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]As if they're not? Look at the scrub team we have.. All MSG cares about is $ and spending it.. can't even get a decent player

my fault i edited. but im mean like were tryna our best to get a player next season. just as true said.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Damn CC just cosigned to move to NY.

Not good Cleveland
You actually think THAT'S gonna make a difference?

CC was born & raised in Cali BTW...
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

CC providing ETHER for the city of Cleveland..



This is where CC is posting from:


Live from ORAGON. (Did i spell that right? I dont think i ever even wrote the word Oragon)

JK. Oregon foooooooooooool
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I said that's what it seems like. LeBron or bust.

You Knicks fans are so defensive.

No %+!!+, yall always come at Knick fans sideways and assume stupid *+!%. Defensive? No.... Annoyed? You cot damn right.
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by Al3xis

oc, we've been through that a million times.
It's just every time I see the Cavs play these dudes, it just reaffirms my confusion as to why people are so confident he'd move.

A.) This core is extremely pathetic
B.) D'Antoni doesn't care about D, whereas LeBron does and it reflects in his postgame comments about the need to get stops, win by defense, etc...
C.) If they do strip this core, rebuilding is in effect. 2 max players is not going to happen with a shrinking cap.


A) Cav's core is really good. power moves man.
B) Mike does care about the defense. these guys just loose effort in the game. they CHOOSE when to play D. whose fault is that?
C) this core is fine the way it is. they just need a leader to step up and take control.

and i wish the yankees didnt win in 6. i could be watching them right now instead of this
talkin bout oregon like its nothing. like ohio is any damn better.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I said that's what it seems like. LeBron or bust.

You Knicks fans are so defensive.
I see that, and I was just giving you a reply from a Knicks fan, no aggression from me, just answering.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I cant wait til ya'll got nothing to look forward too when Bron re-signs for that MAX.
so answer this question: why hasn't he done so from this past season?
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