CDR > Rooster.

I don't care how good this kid turns out....I will forever hate him for extorting us of a good PG.

I guarantee Bayless and DJ are going to rip up the league for years to come and Danilo is going to struggle for 4/5 years before he becomes a decentbackup...... I guarantee......A good PG has a larger influence on a team winning than a good forward. Y'all are delusional thinking this dude is a piece toa championship team.

If Im wrong i'll eat my words....but with all of the hype about Euro players....THERE ARE 4....YES 4 EURO BALLERS IN THE ENTIRE NBA THAT ARE LEGITSTARTERS (Peja, Dirk, Calderon and Z).
There are so many ways to acquire a good point guard. This past draft was not the end all be all. This is a long rebuilding process.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT


My dude has a point. Also T. Parker.

Top tier D1 talent > Euro hoopers

Yeah I knew I forgot someone. T. Parker is the best of the bunch.....but the odds are definitely not in our favor with this kid.
Alright. So Danilo was a horrible pick. He sucks and will never be part of a championship team.

Now what? Do we continue to whine and moan until he disappears?
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

There are so many ways to acquire a good point guard. This past draft was not the end all be all. This is a long rebuilding process.

There really aren't that many good true PGs in the L to be honest and not many teams are willing to let go off those good guards once they get em.

Andre Miller
& Chauncey

(Calderon and Nelson are on the cusp...B-Roy is a great combo)

Unless you have a 2 certified All-Stars on your go nowhere with out one of those PGs. Which one of those guards do y'all think we are going toend up with....I don't think any of them.

We are talking about Felton and Telfair like thats the rebuilding plan
Thats the drop off in talent when it comes to NBA either have it or you don' something you're born with and few have it.

A great big man or a true PG is the key to a chip....not no damn 6'9" shooter with the potential to grow to 9 feet, who will magically gain lateralquickness and a defensive mindset.
Originally Posted by Woodside718

exactly there is nothing we can do about it, might as well root from him and support him

thats exactly what i said. I still hate the pick and i would rather have Bayless/DJ/Gordon but i will root for him because after all he is still a Knickand i shouldnt be puttiong the blame on him but more D'Antoni being a stupid move to get as a coach. I still see all those players being better pros thanDanillo and i sont see danilo beoing great at all fdor anybody who says he will be a piece to a championship team.

and for my dude who says we dont know what we are talking bout if we dont likke Danilo you are wrong. Sure i obviously cant get a 100% idea of Danilos gamefrom scouts and highklights but i still have an idea of what kind of player he is. I dont know how goood/bad he will turn out but i know that at his best hewill be aplayer like Peja an all-star kind of player who is skilled offensively but is not good at D at all. I dont know if \he will become that good cause inever saw him playt but from scouting @*@# i know that is the game that he plays, and it is not the kind of player i want on my team. I want tough players whoplay D. Defense wins championships that has always been the Knicks rep from their glory days in the 70s all the way to their glory days in the 90s and it hasalways been the NYC way of getting @*@# done. You are right i dont know how good Danilo will bed or whether he will be a bust or not but i KNOW that he is notthe kind of player that i want. Just like when Curry was dropping 20 a game alst season i still didt like him at all cause he was a **!+* and he doesnt play D,hustle or rebound. no matter how good Curry plays i knowq he is not the kind of player i want on this team cause of his playing style.

And as another thing the D1 level has been better thanEurope.That is why i feel Gordon will be very good cause he was perhaps the best player in college bballbefore he hurt himself and the coach @*@#, etc yes his lack of size will hurt him but he will no doubt be a great player in the NBA., as goes for DJ i think DJis very skilled and a gree\at ;leader and although he is small i sewe him being a great starting pg and a leader for years if hes given the oppurtunity to be.And i thiknk Bayless was too skilled and bad to pass up on once our bois Mayo and Westbrook were gone. Since we couldnt trade up and dint trade down heprobably was the most skilled and would have been the best pick even as trade bait as some teams did in the draft like what Indiana did. But anyway i wouldntbe suprised to see him in the ROY rrunnings because he is a great fit to be running the point in Portland with B roy with him in the backcourt who posses alotof the PG skills that Bayless lacks.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Alright. So Danilo was a horrible pick. He sucks and will never be part of a championship team.

Now what? Do we continue to whine and moan until he disappears?

I thought thats what Knicks fans do?
Yeah, I hear you, but this I'd only the beginning. Who knows how the roster looks over the next few years. This is a long road. I'm willing ro bet that90% of this roster will be gone when we're winning. Who knows what we pick up through trades, fre agency and future picks. And who knows how they develop?

They said you couldn't rebuild in NY, and now I'm starting to see why. The first offseason of this long rebuilding process has just started, and Knicksfans are already diving off the GW.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Yeah, I hear you, but this I'd only the beginning. Who knows how the roster looks over the next few years. This is a long road. I'm willing ro bet that 90% of this roster will be gone when we're winning. Who knows what we pick up through trades, fre agency and future picks. And who knows how they develop?

They said you couldn't rebuild in NY, and now I'm starting to see why. The first offseason of this long rebuilding process has just started, and Knicks fans are already diving off the GW.

That is true but in reality...we have been rebuilding for 7 years have got the give the fans what they want or you are asking for adisaster....a 5 year building plan and we will be the NY Clippers...then even after those 5 years of rebuilding ain't a damn thing guaranteed in the NBAjust because you have a decent team and you play in NY (see the 1990's)

Myself and a lot of fans are just tired .... and literally EVERY OTHER TEAM THAT NEEDED TO IMPROVE...improved since the middle of last season until now....youdon't see anything wrong with that?

Now I hear y'all talking about forget LeBron? LeBron is going to dominate the league in the future, like him or not....When you have a chance to get aplayer of his caliber and he is letting you know that he wants to play for your organization...You get yourself a damn PG and put your best footforward....I'm not sure what kind of rebuilding plan y'all are envisioning...but the Nets are on the right track IMO. God Bless the Rooster and forgetLeBron? I can't rock with that.

We needed the most help of any team in the L...have the highest salary and made the most questionable move in the last 6 months....Im going to quit complainingabout the pick now...but i'm just really unhappy with the direction that the franchise is going in. Walsh hasn't done 1 thing to warrant my optimism.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Yeah, I hear you, but this I'd only the beginning. Who knows how the roster looks over the next few years. This is a long road. I'm willing ro bet that 90% of this roster will be gone when we're winning. Who knows what we pick up through trades, fre agency and future picks. And who knows how they develop?

They said you couldn't rebuild in NY, and now I'm starting to see why. The first offseason of this long rebuilding process has just started, and Knicks fans are already diving off the GW.

That is true but in reality...we have been rebuilding for 7 years have got the give the fans what they want or you are asking for a disaster....a 5 year building plan and we will be the NY Clippers...then even after those 5 years of rebuilding ain't a damn thing guaranteed in the NBA just because you have a decent team and you play in NY (see the 1990's)

Myself and a lot of fans are just tired .... and literally EVERY OTHER TEAM THAT NEEDED TO IMPROVE...improved since the middle of last season until don't see anything wrong with that?

Now I hear y'all talking about forget LeBron? LeBron is going to dominate the league in the future, like him or not....When you have a chance to get a player of his caliber and he is letting you know that he wants to play for your organization...You get yourself a damn PG and put your best foot forward....I'm not sure what kind of rebuilding plan y'all are envisioning...but the Nets are on the right track IMO. God Bless the Rooster and forget LeBron? I can't rock with that.

We needed the most help of any team in the L...have the highest salary and made the most questionable move in the last 6 months....Im going to quit complaining about the pick now...but i'm just really unhappy with the direction that the franchise is going in. Walsh hasn't done 1 thing to warrant my optimism.

Those last 7 years SHOULD HAVE BEEN rebuilding. Instead we traded away any expiring contracts, took on bad players with worse contracts, and have been thelaughing stock of the league. That was not rebuilding. That was Isaiah Thomas being desperate and trying to save his own job, but in reality digging the entireorganization a deeper and deeper whole to climb out of.

Walsh has been in charge since the season ended, not long, and has committed to rebuilding, and getting under the salary cap in order to make a run at thefree-agent class of 2010. Basically judge him only if we aren't under the cap by 2010. Because IMO he is doing the right thing by not panicking like somany Knicks fans, and making a desperate move like moving Marbury, drafting "pg's" who cannot play the point, etc...
You're unhappy withsomething you have no clue what the product will be. You're just jumping to the conclusion that you don't like the direction this is going, but thenpointing to problems that were in place for Walsh to inherit. Give the team a chance to get on the court, the rookie to play, and hopefully the management isnot as shortsighted as a lot of you fans and can commit to rebuilding the right way.

Damn it's a good thing none of you are in charge of this franchise. It would be like Isaiah all over again, hitting the panic button, running around like achicken with your head cut off, and folding under the pressure of the NY media and fans. What the dude said before is true, maybe it's not possible torebuild in NY.
remember when we traded for marbury in 2004?

we should have tanked that season lol....instead of making the playoffs, we could've had a chance at Lebron, if not there was Bosh and Wade
Yao, Scola, Gasol, Okur, Dalembert, Deng(he is from Africa), Kobe learned the game in Italy, Ducan is from St. Croix, Ginobli too.

You guys are giving up on him way to fast. You guys think Bayless would've played defense and DJ is to small to really be effective on D.
Originally Posted by Not a sneak

Yao, Scola, Gasol, Okur, Dalembert, Deng(he is from Africa), Kobe learned the game in Italy, Ducan is from St. Croix, Ginobli too.

You guys are giving up on him way to fast. You guys think Bayless would've played defense and DJ is to small to really be effective on D.

No one said anything about International players...we are talking about European league basketball players....stop reaching.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by Not a sneak

Yao, Scola, Gasol, Okur, Dalembert, Deng(he is from Africa), Kobe learned the game in Italy, Ducan is from St. Croix, Ginobli too.

You guys are giving up on him way to fast. You guys think Bayless would've played defense and DJ is to small to really be effective on D.

No one said anything about International players...we are talking about European league basketball players....stop reaching.

I'm not reaching, Kobe is a reach but the rest are all from over seas who cares if its Italy or Argentina they still didn't go play D1 ball, wellDeng did but you get the picture. What if he becomes a great player? Will you still say it was a horrible pick? Bayless is the same type of players as Marburyand who knows if DJ develops into the little point guard everyone thinks he will. You guys are writing him off like dude should've been in the secondround. Bayless and DJ aren't much better if any then the Rooster.

I get to see Danilo play in person so thats when i'll have my OFFICIAL statement on his game. I'll try to record the games at summer league and postthem on here.
i dont know why some of yall are saying me and some of the others against nthe Danilo pick are against rebuilding.

Its not like im going out and saying to trade for long term contracts are sign a bunch of free agents. No. Rebuilding is exactly what i want to do and i thinkit could have been done better than how Walsh did it. I want to rebuild a team around a core of guys that are tough and defend that is the way you winchampionships. Walsh is trying to get us into that run and gun that never wins championships and taking guys like Danilo who dont play D. i just want torebuild in a different way than Walsh does. I still want Lebron more than anything and i still want to clear cap room.

I feel that our 2 primary targets were out in mayo and Westbrook and instead of than going into taking Danilo we should have picked someone better becausethere was definitkley talent out there or tried to package this pick with some big contracts. I dont know. I jusat dont agree with thje pick. REebuilding isstill my #1 priority but i dont want to rebuild into a soft **! team that doesnt defend. We wont win. If anything my idea of rebuiilding is better because itsets us up to win a championship.
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