OFFICIAL NFL Discussion Thread: 2015-16 Season - Congrats to the Denver Broncos and their fans! SB 5

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who does this?!?
I've met a solid five people who do this. - Virginia man...

Redzone been extra sloppy today, constantly showing plays late and choosing the wrong games to focus on
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How do you not call Breeland for holding ODB well beyond five yards???

Happy DRC is back, must have just slipped due to the field. Schwartz done for the year is massive. He's always hurt.
side question: did NT get rid of that notification that pops up at the bottom right saying new posts have happened within a thread? :nerd:
[COLOR=#red]Dolphins look awful...
First three drives should have been minimum 9 points, max 21 off of field position alone... Currently at 0.
Team has NO identity or backbone.
They want to be this Oakland Raiders pop pass Yac team but call awful plays... And don't run the ball.
Defense is terrible... Corners blow, anything opposite Jones is trash. Backers react late so RBs get 10 yards a pop.
Mitchell is a revolving damn door, everyone runs right though where he is playing.

Coaching staff is lost.
Front office blows.
I've said it multiple times... fire everyone.
And they won't...
And I'll be saying the same exact things next year.[/COLOR]
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