OFFICIAL NFL Discussion Thread: 2015-16 Season - Congrats to the Denver Broncos and their fans! SB 5

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"needs to be humbled" I don't know what it is but something about the way that sounds really rubs me the wrong way...
Agree. What exactly does humble mean? All players white, black etc dance in the NFL. Why is Cam not humble and others are?
Exactly I agree Its crazy to me dawg. Celebrations on the field do not speak to how humble someone is their actions off the field do and his actions have shown him to be a very humble person.
most of the team looked undisciplined and not prepared ..special teams,oline,dropped balls,bad throws, turnovers, dumb penalties..bad play rollouts screens tight end L coaching L..I'm a fan of neither team but wow..
THEY been waiting for this moment all year man.
 at "boy"

all I can do is laugh at this point man. All I can do is laugh. 

Dude really called a grown *** man, boy. 
I'm obviously not thrilled with the result, but congrats to ALL of Bronco Nation. You guys got an incredible defense, and they owned the night. Nothing but respect.

To my Panther fam on here, heads held high, boys. It hurts, no doubt...I feel like I physically lost the game myself as I type this, but we ain't got a damn thing to be ashamed about. Great season, and we'll be back before we know it. :pimp:
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bill romanowski has taken way too many hits in the head throughout the years
the stuff he says after raiders gms :lol:
He just called Cam "boy"? Really?

I had a gut feeling they would pounce on Cam if Panthers lost. We'll hear more of this thinly veiled racist BS in the coming weeks.
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The word "boy" implies something more. If you don't get it you don't understand
Romanowski deletes the tweet and retweets something from steven a smith immediately

can the white people on this board please explain his thought process to us?
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now that it's officially the offseason....

who wants Sheldon Richardson for an established QB or 1st rounder? :nerd:
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In general, I was a bit surprised how bad cam looked tonight. I'm also surprised since their offense didn't seem to be doing too well that they didn't try to run cam more. And let's not forget that they punted the ball with 2 minutes left down two scores :rofl:
Romanowski deletes the tweet and retweets something from steven a smith immediately

can the white people on this board please explain his thought process to us?

Just said it in my last post roids concussions and just a general idiot ex roid eager junkie
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