Mannn I have no idea what Kwesi and KOC's approach is to the line. Anyone's guess is as good as mine. I know they signed 2 T's but they need C and G help.
Upside huh? Once again I reiterate, this is while always being one of the most hit/hurried QBs in the league and lack of mobility.


I rate Cousins, and I have to say you can make a stronger argument for him than comparing him to this fraud in Buffalo.
Having a solid O-line with a none mobile QB is key. I'm saying Kirk lacks that good line and still was able to put up comparable stats to other QBs. Give him Dak or Allen's line and his numbers would be even better. That's my main point lol

I got you. Which is why I stand by my original comment of the Vikings aren’t going to win a ring with cousins. I don’t think he’s bad, I think he’s good but not great. Hypothetical, do you think you guys would be better with Josh Allen back there?

I know folks love to say he’s a fraud because of his post season losses which have been to good teams (but will go to hell and back to defend Lamar who ain’t done a damn thing in the post season) but I think the dudes been great from his second year on.

*I’ll put my flame suit on before I get quoted 17 times about Lamar not having help and blah blah blah, he’s the Dame Lillard of the NFL: bulletproof from slander that other stars get because of “no help”*
I got you. Which is why I stand by my original comment of the Vikings aren’t going to win a ring with cousins. I don’t think he’s bad, I think he’s good but not great. Hypothetical, do you think you guys would be better with Josh Allen back there?

I know folks love to say he’s a fraud because of his post season losses which have been to good teams (but will go to hell and back to defend Lamar who ain’t done a damn thing in the post season) but I think the dudes been great from his second year on.

*I’ll put my flame suit on before I get quoted 17 times about Lamar not having help and blah blah blah, he’s the Dame Lillard of the NFL: bulletproof from slander that other stars get because of “no help”*
Josh tends to turn the ball over more than Kirk so I think that would get even worse with that line.

OAN, I'm curious to see how JA would do with a better running game. I think Minny has better talent offensively so it would definitely be interesting to see.
Having a solid O-line with a none mobile QB is key. I'm saying Kirk lacks that good line and still was able to put up comparable stats to other QBs. Give him Dak or Allen's line and his numbers would be even better. That's my main point lol

Don’t know if you’ve been paying attention… but Josh Allen’s line was not good. He avoids ALOT of sacks with footwork and stiff arms
I just love to live vicariously through all of y’all that have a functional starting QB and even backups that are serviceable :lol:
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